/** * Copyright 2023 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ variable "iam" { description = "IAM bindings for topic in {ROLE => [MEMBERS]} format." type = map(list(string)) default = {} nullable = false } variable "iam_bindings" { description = "Authoritative IAM bindings in {KEY => {role = ROLE, members = [], condition = {}}}. Keys are arbitrary." type = map(object({ members = list(string) role = string condition = optional(object({ expression = string title = string description = optional(string) })) })) nullable = false default = {} } variable "iam_bindings_additive" { description = "Keyring individual additive IAM bindings. Keys are arbitrary." type = map(object({ member = string role = string condition = optional(object({ expression = string title = string description = optional(string) })) })) nullable = false default = {} } variable "kms_key" { description = "KMS customer managed encryption key." type = string default = null } variable "labels" { description = "Labels." type = map(string) default = {} nullable = false } variable "message_retention_duration" { description = "Minimum duration to retain a message after it is published to the topic." type = string default = null } variable "name" { description = "PubSub topic name." type = string } variable "project_id" { description = "Project used for resources." type = string } variable "regions" { description = "List of regions used to set persistence policy." type = list(string) default = [] nullable = false } variable "schema" { description = "Topic schema. If set, all messages in this topic should follow this schema." type = object({ definition = string msg_encoding = optional(string, "ENCODING_UNSPECIFIED") schema_type = string }) default = null } variable "subscriptions" { description = "Topic subscriptions. Also define push configs for push subscriptions. If options is set to null subscription defaults will be used. Labels default to topic labels if set to null." type = map(object({ labels = optional(map(string)) ack_deadline_seconds = optional(number) message_retention_duration = optional(string) retain_acked_messages = optional(bool, false) expiration_policy_ttl = optional(string) filter = optional(string) enable_message_ordering = optional(bool, false) enable_exactly_once_delivery = optional(bool, false) dead_letter_policy = optional(object({ topic = string max_delivery_attempts = optional(number) })) retry_policy = optional(object({ minimum_backoff = optional(number) maximum_backoff = optional(number) })) bigquery = optional(object({ table = string use_topic_schema = optional(bool, false) write_metadata = optional(bool, false) drop_unknown_fields = optional(bool, false) })) cloud_storage = optional(object({ bucket = string filename_prefix = optional(string) filename_suffix = optional(string) max_duration = optional(string) max_bytes = optional(number) avro_config = optional(object({ write_metadata = optional(bool, false) })) })) push = optional(object({ endpoint = string attributes = optional(map(string)) no_wrapper = optional(bool, false) oidc_token = optional(object({ audience = optional(string) service_account_email = string })) })) iam = optional(map(list(string)), {}) iam_bindings = optional(map(object({ members = list(string) role = string condition = optional(object({ expression = string title = string description = optional(string) })) })), {}) iam_bindings_additive = optional(map(object({ member = string role = string condition = optional(object({ expression = string title = string description = optional(string) })) })), {}) })) default = {} nullable = false }