/** * Copyright 2022 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ module "project" { source = "../../../modules/project" billing_account = (var.project_create != null ? var.project_create.billing_account_id : null ) parent = (var.project_create != null ? var.project_create.parent : null ) name = var.project_id project_create = var.project_create != null services = [ "apigee.googleapis.com", "bigquery.googleapis.com", "cloudbuild.googleapis.com", "cloudfunctions.googleapis.com", "cloudscheduler.googleapis.com", "logging.googleapis.com", "compute.googleapis.com", "pubsub.googleapis.com", "servicenetworking.googleapis.com", "storage.googleapis.com" ] iam = { "roles/bigquery.jobUser" = [ module.function_gcs2bq.service_account_iam_email ] "roles/logging.logWriter" = [ module.function_export.service_account_iam_email, module.function_gcs2bq.service_account_iam_email ] "roles/apigee.admin" = [ module.function_export.service_account_iam_email ] "roles/storage.admin" = [ "serviceAccount:${module.project.service_accounts.robots.apigee}" ] } } module "vpc" { source = "../../../modules/net-vpc" project_id = module.project.project_id name = var.organization.authorized_network vpc_create = var.vpc_create subnets_psc = [for k, v in var.psc_config : { ip_cidr_range = v name = "subnet-psc-${k}" region = k }] psa_config = { ranges = merge({ for k, v in var.instances : "apigee-runtime-${k}" => v.runtime_ip_cidr_range }, { for k, v in var.instances : "apigee-troubleshooting-${k}" => v.troubleshooting_ip_cidr_range } ) } } module "apigee" { source = "../../../modules/apigee" project_id = module.project.project_id organization = var.organization envgroups = var.envgroups environments = var.environments instances = var.instances depends_on = [ module.vpc ] } module "glb" { source = "../../../modules/net-lb-app-ext" name = "glb" project_id = module.project.project_id protocol = "HTTPS" use_classic_version = false backend_service_configs = { default = { backends = [for k, v in var.instances : { backend = k }] protocol = "HTTPS" health_checks = [] } } health_check_configs = { default = { https = { port_specification = "USE_SERVING_PORT" } } } neg_configs = { for k, v in var.instances : k => { psc = { region = k target_service = module.apigee.instances[k].service_attachment network = module.vpc.network.self_link subnetwork = ( module.vpc.subnets_psc["${k}/subnet-psc-${k}"].self_link ) } } } ssl_certificates = { managed_configs = { default = { domains = flatten([for k, v in var.envgroups : v]) } } } } module "pubsub_export" { source = "../../../modules/pubsub" project_id = module.project.project_id name = "topic-export" } module "bucket_export" { source = "../../../modules/gcs" project_id = module.project.project_id name = "${module.project.project_id}-export" iam = { "roles/storage.objectViewer" = [ module.function_gcs2bq.service_account_iam_email ] } notification_config = { enabled = true payload_format = "JSON_API_V1" sa_email = module.project.service_accounts.robots.storage topic_name = "topic-gcs2bq" event_types = ["OBJECT_FINALIZE"] custom_attributes = {} } } module "function_export" { source = "../../../modules/cloud-function-v1" project_id = module.project.project_id name = "export" bucket_name = "${module.project.project_id}-code-export" region = var.organization.analytics_region ingress_settings = "ALLOW_INTERNAL_ONLY" bucket_config = { location = null lifecycle_delete_age = 1 } bundle_config = { source_dir = "${path.module}/functions/export" output_path = "${path.module}/bundle-export.zip" excludes = null } function_config = { entry_point = "export" instances = null memory = null runtime = "nodejs16" timeout = 180 } environment_variables = { ORGANIZATION = module.apigee.org_name, ENVIRONMENTS = join(",", [for k, v in module.apigee.environments : k]) DATASTORE = var.datastore_name } trigger_config = { event = "google.pubsub.topic.publish" resource = module.pubsub_export.id retry = null } service_account_create = true } module "function_gcs2bq" { source = "../../../modules/cloud-function-v1" project_id = module.project.project_id name = "gcs2bq" bucket_name = "${module.project.project_id}-code-gcs2bq" region = var.organization.analytics_region ingress_settings = "ALLOW_INTERNAL_ONLY" bucket_config = { location = null lifecycle_delete_age = 1 } bundle_config = { source_dir = "${path.module}/functions/gcs2bq" output_path = "${path.module}/bundle-gcs2bq.zip" excludes = null } function_config = { entry_point = "gcs2bq" instances = null memory = null runtime = "nodejs16" timeout = 180 } environment_variables = { DATASET = module.bigquery_dataset.dataset_id TABLE = module.bigquery_dataset.tables["analytics"].table_id LOCATION = var.organization.analytics_region } trigger_config = { event = "google.pubsub.topic.publish" resource = module.bucket_export.topic retry = null } service_account_create = true } module "bigquery_dataset" { source = "../../../modules/bigquery-dataset" project_id = module.project.project_id id = "apigee" location = var.organization.analytics_region tables = { analytics = { friendly_name = "analytics" labels = {} options = null partitioning = { field = "client_received_end_timestamp" range = null time = { type = "DAY", expiration_ms = null } } schema = file("${path.module}/functions/gcs2bq/schema.json") deletion_protection = false } } iam = { "roles/bigquery.dataEditor" = [ module.function_gcs2bq.service_account_iam_email ] } } resource "google_app_engine_application" "app" { project = module.project.project_id location_id = ( ( var.organization.analytics_region == "europe-west1" || var.organization.analytics_region == "us-central1" ) ? substr( var.organization.analytics_region, 0, length(var.organization.analytics_region) - 1 ) : var.organization.analytics_region ) } resource "google_cloud_scheduler_job" "job" { name = "export" schedule = "0 4 * * *" time_zone = "Etc/UTC" attempt_deadline = "320s" project = module.project.project_id region = var.organization.analytics_region pubsub_target { topic_name = module.pubsub_export.id data = base64encode("test") } } resource "local_file" "create_datastore_file" { content = templatefile("${path.module}/templates/create-datastore.sh.tpl", { org_name = module.apigee.org_name project_id = module.project.project_id datastore_name = var.datastore_name bucket_name = module.bucket_export.name path = var.path }) filename = "${path.module}/create-datastore.sh" file_permission = "0755" } resource "local_file" "deploy_apiproxy_file" { content = templatefile("${path.module}/templates/deploy-apiproxy.sh.tpl", { org_name = module.apigee.org_name }) filename = "${path.module}/deploy-apiproxy.sh" file_permission = "0755" }