# Google Cloud DNS Module This module allows simple management of Google Cloud DNS zones and records. It supports creating public, private, forwarding, peering and service directory based zones. For DNSSEC configuration, refer to the [`dns_managed_zone` documentation](https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/google/r/dns_managed_zone.html#dnssec_config). ## Example ```hcl module "private-dns" { source = "./modules/dns" project_id = "myproject" type = "private" name = "test-example" domain = "test.example." client_networks = [var.vpc_self_link] recordsets = [ { name = "localhost", type = "A", ttl = 300, records = [""] } ] } ``` ## Variables | name | description | type | required | default | |---|---|:---: |:---:|:---:| | domain | Zone domain, must end with a period. | string | ✓ | | | name | Zone name, must be unique within the project. | string | ✓ | | | project_id | Project id for the zone. | string | ✓ | | | *client_networks* | List of VPC self links that can see this zone. | list(string) | | [] | | *default_key_specs_key* | DNSSEC default key signing specifications: algorithm, key_length, key_type, kind. | any | | {} | | *default_key_specs_zone* | DNSSEC default zone signing specifications: algorithm, key_length, key_type, kind. | any | | {} | | *description* | Domain description. | string | | Terraform managed. | | *dnssec_config* | DNSSEC configuration: kind, non_existence, state. | any | | {} | | *forwarders* | List of target name servers, only valid for 'forwarding' zone types. | list(string) | | [] | | *peer_network* | Peering network self link, only valid for 'peering' zone types. | string | | null | | *recordsets* | List of DNS record objects to manage. | list(object({...})) | | [] | | *service_directory_namespace* | Service directory namespace id (URL), only valid for 'service-directory' zone types. | string | | null | | *type* | Type of zone to create, valid values are 'public', 'private', 'forwarding', 'peering', 'service-directory'. | string | | private | ## Outputs | name | description | sensitive | |---|---|:---:| | dns_keys | DNSKEY and DS records of DNSSEC-signed managed zones. | | | domain | The DNS zone domain. | | | name | The DNS zone name. | | | name_servers | The DNS zone name servers. | | | type | The DNS zone type. | | | zone | DNS zone resource. | |