/** * Copyright 2023 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ locals { connector = ( var.vpc_connector_create != null ? google_vpc_access_connector.connector.0.id : try(var.revision.vpc_access.connector, null) ) prefix = var.prefix == null ? "" : "${var.prefix}-" revision_name = ( var.revision.name == null ? null : "${var.name}-${var.revision.name}" ) service_account_email = ( var.service_account_create ? ( length(google_service_account.service_account) > 0 ? google_service_account.service_account[0].email : null ) : var.service_account ) trigger_sa_create = try( var.eventarc_triggers.service_account_create, false ) trigger_sa_email = try( google_service_account.trigger_service_account[0].email, null ) } resource "google_cloud_run_v2_service" "service" { provider = google-beta project = var.project_id location = var.region name = "${local.prefix}${var.name}" ingress = var.ingress labels = var.labels launch_stage = var.launch_stage template { revision = local.revision_name execution_environment = ( var.revision.gen2_execution_environment == true ? "EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT_GEN2" : "EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT_GEN1" ) max_instance_request_concurrency = var.revision.max_concurrency scaling { max_instance_count = var.revision.max_instance_count min_instance_count = var.revision.min_instance_count } dynamic "vpc_access" { for_each = local.connector == null ? [] : [""] content { connector = local.connector egress = try(var.revision.vpc_access.egress, null) } } dynamic "vpc_access" { for_each = try(var.revision.vpc_access.subnet, null) == null ? [] : [""] content { egress = var.revision.vpc_access.egress network_interfaces { subnetwork = var.revision.vpc_access.subnet tags = var.revision.vpc_access.tags } } } timeout = var.revision.timeout service_account = local.service_account_email dynamic "containers" { for_each = var.containers content { name = containers.key image = containers.value.image command = containers.value.command args = containers.value.args dynamic "env" { for_each = coalesce(containers.value.env, tomap({})) content { name = env.key value = env.value } } dynamic "env" { for_each = coalesce(containers.value.env_from_key, tomap({})) content { name = env.key value_source { secret_key_ref { secret = env.value.secret version = env.value.version } } } } dynamic "resources" { for_each = containers.value.resources == null ? [] : [""] content { limits = containers.value.resources.limits cpu_idle = containers.value.resources.cpu_idle startup_cpu_boost = containers.value.resources.startup_cpu_boost } } dynamic "ports" { for_each = coalesce(containers.value.ports, tomap({})) content { container_port = ports.value.container_port name = ports.value.name } } dynamic "volume_mounts" { for_each = coalesce(containers.value.volume_mounts, tomap({})) content { name = volume_mounts.key mount_path = volume_mounts.value } } dynamic "liveness_probe" { for_each = containers.value.liveness_probe == null ? [] : [""] content { initial_delay_seconds = containers.value.liveness_probe.initial_delay_seconds timeout_seconds = containers.value.liveness_probe.timeout_seconds period_seconds = containers.value.liveness_probe.period_seconds failure_threshold = containers.value.liveness_probe.failure_threshold dynamic "http_get" { for_each = containers.value.liveness_probe.http_get == null ? [] : [""] content { path = containers.value.liveness_probe.http_get.path dynamic "http_headers" { for_each = coalesce(containers.value.liveness_probe.http_get.http_headers, tomap({})) content { name = http_headers.key value = http_headers.value } } } } dynamic "grpc" { for_each = containers.value.liveness_probe.grpc == null ? [] : [""] content { port = containers.value.liveness_probe.grpc.port service = containers.value.liveness_probe.grpc.service } } } } dynamic "startup_probe" { for_each = containers.value.startup_probe == null ? [] : [""] content { initial_delay_seconds = containers.value.startup_probe.initial_delay_seconds timeout_seconds = containers.value.startup_probe.timeout_seconds period_seconds = containers.value.startup_probe.period_seconds failure_threshold = containers.value.startup_probe.failure_threshold dynamic "http_get" { for_each = containers.value.startup_probe.http_get == null ? [] : [""] content { path = containers.value.startup_probe.http_get.path dynamic "http_headers" { for_each = coalesce(containers.value.startup_probe.http_get.http_headers, tomap({})) content { name = http_headers.key value = http_headers.value } } } } dynamic "tcp_socket" { for_each = containers.value.startup_probe.tcp_socket == null ? [] : [""] content { port = ontainers.value.startup_probe.tcp_socket.port } } dynamic "grpc" { for_each = containers.value.startup_probe.grpc == null ? [] : [""] content { port = containers.value.startup_probe.grpc.port service = containers.value.startup_probe.grpc.service } } } } } } dynamic "volumes" { for_each = var.volumes content { name = volumes.key dynamic "secret" { for_each = volumes.value.secret == null ? [] : [""] content { secret = volumes.value.secret.name default_mode = volumes.value.secret.default_mode dynamic "items" { for_each = volumes.value.secret.path == null ? [] : [""] content { path = volumes.value.secret.path version = volumes.value.secret.version mode = volumes.value.secret.mode } } } } cloud_sql_instance { instances = volumes.value.cloud_sql_instances } dynamic "empty_dir" { for_each = volumes.value.empty_dir_size == null ? [] : [""] content { medium = "MEMORY" size_limit = volumes.value.empty_dir_size } } } } } lifecycle { ignore_changes = [ template.0.annotations["run.googleapis.com/operation-id"], ] } } resource "google_cloud_run_service_iam_binding" "binding" { for_each = var.iam project = google_cloud_run_v2_service.service.project location = google_cloud_run_v2_service.service.location service = google_cloud_run_v2_service.service.name role = each.key members = ( each.key != "roles/run.invoker" || !local.trigger_sa_create ? each.value # if invoker role is present and we create trigger sa, add it as member : concat( each.value, ["serviceAccount:${local.trigger_sa_email}"] ) ) } resource "google_cloud_run_service_iam_member" "default" { # if authoritative invoker role is not present and we create trigger sa # use additive binding to grant it the role count = ( lookup(var.iam, "roles/run.invoker", null) == null && local.trigger_sa_create ) ? 1 : 0 project = google_cloud_run_v2_service.service.project location = google_cloud_run_v2_service.service.location service = google_cloud_run_v2_service.service.name role = "roles/run.invoker" member = "serviceAccount:${local.trigger_sa_email}" } resource "google_service_account" "service_account" { count = var.service_account_create ? 1 : 0 project = var.project_id account_id = "tf-cr-${var.name}" display_name = "Terraform Cloud Run ${var.name}." } resource "google_eventarc_trigger" "audit_log_triggers" { for_each = coalesce(var.eventarc_triggers.audit_log, tomap({})) name = "${local.prefix}audit-log-${each.key}" location = google_cloud_run_v2_service.service.location project = google_cloud_run_v2_service.service.project matching_criteria { attribute = "type" value = "google.cloud.audit.log.v1.written" } matching_criteria { attribute = "serviceName" value = each.value.service } matching_criteria { attribute = "methodName" value = each.value.method } destination { cloud_run_service { service = google_cloud_run_v2_service.service.name region = google_cloud_run_v2_service.service.location } } service_account = local.trigger_sa_email } resource "google_eventarc_trigger" "pubsub_triggers" { for_each = coalesce(var.eventarc_triggers.pubsub, tomap({})) name = "${local.prefix}pubsub-${each.key}" location = google_cloud_run_v2_service.service.location project = google_cloud_run_v2_service.service.project matching_criteria { attribute = "type" value = "google.cloud.pubsub.topic.v1.messagePublished" } transport { pubsub { topic = each.value } } destination { cloud_run_service { service = google_cloud_run_v2_service.service.name region = google_cloud_run_v2_service.service.location } } service_account = local.trigger_sa_email } resource "google_service_account" "trigger_service_account" { count = local.trigger_sa_create ? 1 : 0 project = var.project_id account_id = "tf-cr-trigger-${var.name}" display_name = "Terraform trigger for Cloud Run ${var.name}." }