/** * Copyright 2023 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ # tfdoc:file:description Audit log project and sink. locals { gcs_storage_class = ( length(split("-", var.log_locations.storage)) < 2 ? "MULTI_REGIONAL" : "REGIONAL" ) log_types = toset([for k, v in var.log_sinks : v.type]) _log_keys = var.enable_features.encryption ? { bq = var.enable_features.log_sink ? ["projects/${module.sec-project.0.project_id}/locations/${var.log_locations.bq}/keyRings/${var.log_locations.bq}/cryptoKeys/bq"] : null pubsub = var.enable_features.log_sink ? ["projects/${module.sec-project.0.project_id}/locations/${var.log_locations.pubsub}/keyRings/${var.log_locations.pubsub}/cryptoKeys/pubsub"] : null storage = var.enable_features.log_sink ? ["projects/${module.sec-project.0.project_id}/locations/${var.log_locations.storage}/keyRings/${var.log_locations.storage}/cryptoKeys/storage"] : null } : {} log_keys = { for service, key in local._log_keys : service => key if key != null } } module "log-export-project" { count = var.enable_features.log_sink ? 1 : 0 source = "../../../modules/project" name = var.project_config.project_ids["audit-logs"] parent = module.folder.id billing_account = var.project_config.billing_account_id project_create = var.project_config.billing_account_id != null prefix = var.project_config.billing_account_id == null ? null : var.prefix group_iam = { (local.groups.workload-security) = [ "roles/editor" ] } iam = { # "roles/owner" = [module.automation-tf-bootstrap-sa.iam_email] } services = [ "bigquery.googleapis.com", "pubsub.googleapis.com", "storage.googleapis.com", "stackdriver.googleapis.com" ] service_encryption_key_ids = var.enable_features.encryption ? local.log_keys : {} depends_on = [ module.log-kms ] } # one log export per type, with conditionals to skip those not needed module "log-export-dataset" { source = "../../../modules/bigquery-dataset" count = var.enable_features.log_sink && contains(local.log_types, "bigquery") ? 1 : 0 project_id = module.log-export-project[0].project_id id = "${var.prefix}_audit_export" friendly_name = "Audit logs export." location = replace(var.log_locations.bq, "europe", "EU") encryption_key = var.enable_features.encryption ? module.log-kms[var.log_locations.bq].keys["bq"].id : false } module "log-export-gcs" { source = "../../../modules/gcs" count = var.enable_features.log_sink && contains(local.log_types, "storage") ? 1 : 0 project_id = module.log-export-project[0].project_id name = "audit-logs" prefix = var.prefix location = replace(var.log_locations.storage, "europe", "EU") storage_class = local.gcs_storage_class encryption_key = var.enable_features.encryption ? module.log-kms[var.log_locations.storage].keys["storage"].id : null } module "log-export-logbucket" { source = "../../../modules/logging-bucket" for_each = var.enable_features.log_sink ? toset([for k, v in var.log_sinks : k if v.type == "logging"]) : [] parent_type = "project" parent = module.log-export-project[0].project_id id = "audit-logs-${each.key}" location = var.log_locations.logging #TODO check if logging bucket support encryption. } module "log-export-pubsub" { source = "../../../modules/pubsub" for_each = toset([for k, v in var.log_sinks : k if v.type == "pubsub" && var.enable_features.log_sink]) project_id = module.log-export-project[0].project_id name = "audit-logs-${each.key}" regions = [var.log_locations.pubsub] kms_key = var.enable_features.encryption ? module.log-kms[var.log_locations.pubsub].keys["pubsub"].id : null }