/** * Copyright 2022 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ locals { _modules_repository = [ for k, v in var.repositories : local.repositories[k] if v.has_modules ] _repository_files = flatten([ for k, v in var.repositories : [ for f in concat( [for f in fileset(path.module, "${v.populate_from}/*.md") : f], [for f in fileset(path.module, "${v.populate_from}/*.tf") : f] ) : { repository = k file = f name = replace(f, "${v.populate_from}/", "") } ] if v.populate_from != null ]) modules_ref = var.modules_ref == null ? "" : "?ref=${var.modules_ref}" modules_repository = ( length(local._modules_repository) > 0 ? local._modules_repository.0 : null ) repositories = { for k, v in var.repositories : k => v.create_options == null ? k : github_repository.default[k].name } repository_files = merge( { for k in local._repository_files : "${k.repository}/${k.name}" => k if !endswith(k.name, ".tf") || ( !startswith(k.name, "0") && k.name != "globals.tf" ) }, { for k, v in var.repositories : "${k}/templates/providers.tf.tpl" => { repository = k file = "../../assets/templates/providers.tf.tpl" name = "templates/providers.tf.tpl" } if v.populate_from != null } ) } resource "github_repository" "default" { for_each = { for k, v in var.repositories : k => v if v.create_options != null } name = each.key description = ( each.value.create_options.description != null ? each.value.create_options.description : "FAST stage ${each.key}." ) visibility = each.value.create_options.visibility auto_init = each.value.create_options.auto_init allow_auto_merge = try(each.value.create_options.allow.auto_merge, null) allow_merge_commit = try(each.value.create_options.allow.merge_commit, null) allow_rebase_merge = try(each.value.create_options.allow.rebase_merge, null) allow_squash_merge = try(each.value.create_options.allow.squash_merge, null) has_issues = try(each.value.create_options.features.issues, null) has_projects = try(each.value.create_options.features.projects, null) has_wiki = try(each.value.create_options.features.wiki, null) gitignore_template = try(each.value.create_options.templates.gitignore, null) license_template = try(each.value.create_options.templates.license, null) dynamic "template" { for_each = ( try(each.value.create_options.templates.repository, null) != null ? [""] : [] ) content { owner = each.value.create_options.templates.repository.owner repository = each.value.create_options.templates.repository.name } } } resource "tls_private_key" "default" { count = local.modules_repository != null ? 1 : 0 algorithm = "ED25519" } resource "github_repository_deploy_key" "default" { count = local.modules_repository == null ? 0 : 1 title = "Modules repository access" repository = local.modules_repository key = tls_private_key.default.0.public_key_openssh read_only = true } resource "github_actions_secret" "default" { for_each = local.modules_repository == null ? {} : { for k, v in local.repositories : k => v if k != local.modules_repository } repository = each.key secret_name = "CICD_MODULES_KEY" plaintext_value = tls_private_key.default.0.private_key_openssh } resource "github_repository_file" "default" { for_each = ( local.modules_repository == null ? {} : local.repository_files ) repository = local.repositories[each.value.repository] branch = "main" file = each.value.name content = ( endswith(each.value.name, ".tf") && local.modules_repository != null ? replace( file(each.value.file), "/source\\s*=\\s*\"../../../modules/([^/\"]+)\"/", "source = \"git@github.com:${var.organization}/${local.modules_repository}.git//$1${local.modules_ref}\"" # " ) : file(each.value.file) ) commit_message = "${var.commmit_config.message} (${each.value.name})" commit_author = var.commmit_config.author commit_email = var.commmit_config.email overwrite_on_create = true }