/** * Copyright 2023 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ variable "attached_disk_defaults" { description = "Defaults for attached disks options." type = object({ auto_delete = optional(bool, false) mode = string replica_zone = string type = string }) default = { auto_delete = true mode = "READ_WRITE" replica_zone = null type = "pd-balanced" } validation { condition = var.attached_disk_defaults.mode == "READ_WRITE" || !var.attached_disk_defaults.auto_delete error_message = "auto_delete can only be specified on READ_WRITE disks." } } variable "attached_disks" { description = "Additional disks, if options is null defaults will be used in its place. Source type is one of 'image' (zonal disks in vms and template), 'snapshot' (vm), 'existing', and null." type = list(object({ name = string device_name = optional(string) # TODO: size can be null when source_type is attach size = string snapshot_schedule = optional(string) source = optional(string) source_type = optional(string) options = optional( object({ auto_delete = optional(bool, false) mode = optional(string, "READ_WRITE") replica_zone = optional(string) type = optional(string, "pd-balanced") }), { auto_delete = true mode = "READ_WRITE" replica_zone = null type = "pd-balanced" } ) })) default = [] validation { condition = length([ for d in var.attached_disks : d if( d.source_type == null || contains(["image", "snapshot", "attach"], coalesce(d.source_type, "1")) ) ]) == length(var.attached_disks) error_message = "Source type must be one of 'image', 'snapshot', 'attach', null." } validation { condition = length([ for d in var.attached_disks : d if d.options == null || d.options.mode == "READ_WRITE" || !d.options.auto_delete ]) == length(var.attached_disks) error_message = "auto_delete can only be specified on READ_WRITE disks." } } variable "boot_disk" { description = "Boot disk properties." type = object({ auto_delete = optional(bool, true) snapshot_schedule = optional(string) source = optional(string) initialize_params = optional(object({ image = optional(string, "projects/debian-cloud/global/images/family/debian-11") size = optional(number, 10) type = optional(string, "pd-balanced") })) use_independent_disk = optional(bool, false) }) default = { initialize_params = {} } nullable = false validation { condition = ( (var.boot_disk.source == null ? 0 : 1) + (var.boot_disk.initialize_params == null ? 0 : 1) < 2 ) error_message = "You can only have one of boot disk source or initialize params." } validation { condition = ( var.boot_disk.use_independent_disk != true || var.boot_disk.initialize_params != null ) error_message = "Using an independent disk for boot requires initialize params." } } variable "can_ip_forward" { description = "Enable IP forwarding." type = bool default = false } variable "confidential_compute" { description = "Enable Confidential Compute for these instances." type = bool default = false } variable "create_template" { description = "Create instance template instead of instances." type = bool default = false } variable "description" { description = "Description of a Compute Instance." type = string default = "Managed by the compute-vm Terraform module." } variable "enable_display" { description = "Enable virtual display on the instances." type = bool default = false } variable "encryption" { description = "Encryption options. Only one of kms_key_self_link and disk_encryption_key_raw may be set. If needed, you can specify to encrypt or not the boot disk." type = object({ encrypt_boot = optional(bool, false) disk_encryption_key_raw = optional(string) kms_key_self_link = optional(string) }) default = null } variable "group" { description = "Define this variable to create an instance group for instances. Disabled for template use." type = object({ named_ports = map(number) }) default = null } variable "hostname" { description = "Instance FQDN name." type = string default = null } variable "iam" { description = "IAM bindings in {ROLE => [MEMBERS]} format." type = map(list(string)) default = {} } variable "instance_schedule" { description = "Assign or create and assign an instance schedule policy. Either resource policy id or create_config must be specified if not null. Set active to null to dtach a policy from vm before destroying." type = object({ resource_policy_id = optional(string) create_config = optional(object({ active = optional(bool, true) description = optional(string) expiration_time = optional(string) start_time = optional(string) timezone = optional(string, "UTC") vm_start = optional(string) vm_stop = optional(string) })) }) default = null validation { condition = ( var.instance_schedule == null || try(var.instance_schedule.resource_policy_id, null) != null || try(var.instance_schedule.create_config, null) != null ) error_message = "A resource policy name or configuration must be specified when not null." } validation { condition = ( try(var.instance_schedule.create_config, null) == null || length(compact([ try(var.instance_schedule.create_config.vm_start, null), try(var.instance_schedule.create_config.vm_stop, null) ])) > 0 ) error_message = "A resource policy configuration must contain at least one schedule." } } variable "instance_type" { description = "Instance type." type = string default = "f1-micro" } variable "labels" { description = "Instance labels." type = map(string) default = {} } variable "metadata" { description = "Instance metadata." type = map(string) default = {} } variable "min_cpu_platform" { description = "Minimum CPU platform." type = string default = null } variable "name" { description = "Instance name." type = string } variable "network_interfaces" { description = "Network interfaces configuration. Use self links for Shared VPC, set addresses to null if not needed." type = list(object({ network = string subnetwork = string alias_ips = optional(map(string), {}) nat = optional(bool, false) nic_type = optional(string) stack_type = optional(string) addresses = optional(object({ internal = optional(string) external = optional(string) }), null) })) } variable "options" { description = "Instance options." type = object({ allow_stopping_for_update = optional(bool, true) deletion_protection = optional(bool, false) spot = optional(bool, false) termination_action = optional(string) }) default = { allow_stopping_for_update = true deletion_protection = false spot = false termination_action = null } validation { condition = (var.options.termination_action == null || contains(["STOP", "DELETE"], coalesce(var.options.termination_action, "1"))) error_message = "Allowed values for options.termination_action are 'STOP', 'DELETE' and null." } } variable "project_id" { description = "Project id." type = string } variable "scratch_disks" { description = "Scratch disks configuration." type = object({ count = number interface = string }) default = { count = 0 interface = "NVME" } } variable "service_account" { description = "Service account email and scopes. If email is null, the default Compute service account will be used unless auto_create is true, in which case a service account will be created. Set the variable to null to avoid attaching a service account." type = object({ auto_create = optional(bool, false) email = optional(string) scopes = optional(list(string)) }) default = {} } variable "shielded_config" { description = "Shielded VM configuration of the instances." type = object({ enable_secure_boot = bool enable_vtpm = bool enable_integrity_monitoring = bool }) default = null } variable "snapshot_schedules" { description = "Snapshot schedule resource policies that can be attached to disks." type = map(object({ schedule = object({ daily = optional(object({ days_in_cycle = number start_time = string })) hourly = optional(object({ hours_in_cycle = number start_time = string })) weekly = optional(list(object({ day = string start_time = string }))) }) description = optional(string) retention_policy = optional(object({ max_retention_days = number on_source_disk_delete_keep = optional(bool) })) snapshot_properties = optional(object({ chain_name = optional(string) guest_flush = optional(bool) labels = optional(map(string)) storage_locations = optional(list(string)) })) })) nullable = false default = {} validation { condition = alltrue([ for k, v in var.snapshot_schedules : ( (v.schedule.daily != null ? 1 : 0) + (v.schedule.hourly != null ? 1 : 0) + (v.schedule.weekly != null ? 1 : 0) ) == 1 ]) error_message = "Schedule must contain exactly one of daily, hourly, or weekly schedule." } } variable "tag_bindings" { description = "Tag bindings for this instance, in tag key => tag value format." type = map(string) default = null } variable "tags" { description = "Instance network tags for firewall rule targets." type = list(string) default = [] } variable "zone" { description = "Compute zone." type = string }