Ludovico Magnocavallo 6941313c7d
Factories refactor (#1843)
* factories refactor doc

* Adds file schema and filesystem organization

* Update

* move factories out of blueprints and create new factories  README

* align factory in billing-account module

* align factory in dataplex-datascan module

* align factory in billing-account module

* align factory in net-firewall-policy module

* align factory in dns-response-policy module

* align factory in net-vpc-firewall module

* align factory in net-vpc module

* align factory variable names in FAST

* remove decentralized firewall blueprint

* bump terraform version

* bump module versions

* update top-level READMEs

* move project factory to modules

* fix variable names and tests

* tfdoc

* remove changelog link

* add project factory to top-level README

* fix cludrun eventarc diff

* fix README

* fix cludrun eventarc diff


Co-authored-by: Simone Ruffilli <>
2024-02-26 10:16:52 +00:00
.. Fix modules to support new Apigee X environment types (#1841) 2023-11-06 09:56:03 +01:00 Added iam_bindings and iam_bindings_additive to apigee module 2023-10-27 18:22:07 +02:00 Fix modules to support new Apigee X environment types (#1841) 2023-11-06 09:56:03 +01:00 Removed unnecessary try statements 2023-10-22 17:50:57 +02:00 Fix modules to support new Apigee X environment types (#1841) 2023-11-06 09:56:03 +01:00 Factories refactor (#1843) 2024-02-26 10:16:52 +00:00


This module simplifies the creation of a Apigee resources (organization, environment groups, environment group attachments, environments, instances and instance attachments).


Minimal example (CLOUD)

This example shows how to create to create an Apigee organization and deploy instance in it.

module "apigee" {
  source     = "./fabric/modules/apigee"
  project_id = var.project_id
  organization = {
    display_name       = "Apigee"
    billing_type       = "PAYG"
    analytics_region   = "europe-west1"
    authorized_network =
    runtime_type       = "CLOUD"
  envgroups = {
    prod = [""]
  environments = {
    apis-prod = {
      display_name = "APIs prod"
      description  = "APIs Prod"
      envgroups    = ["prod"]
  instances = {
    europe-west1 = {
      environments                  = ["apis-prod"]
      runtime_ip_cidr_range         = ""
      troubleshooting_ip_cidr_range = ""
# tftest modules=1 resources=6 inventory=minimal-cloud.yaml

Minimal example with existing organization (CLOUD)

This example shows how to create to work with an existing organization in the project. Note that in this case we don't specify the IP ranges for the instance, so it requests and allocates an available /22 and /28 CIDR block from Service Networking to deploy the instance.

module "apigee" {
  source     = "./fabric/modules/apigee"
  project_id = var.project_id
  envgroups = {
    prod = [""]
  environments = {
    apis-prod = {
      display_name = "APIs prod"
      envgroups    = ["prod"]
  instances = {
    europe-west1 = {
      environments = ["apis-prod"]
# tftest modules=1 resources=5 inventory=minimal-cloud-no-org.yaml

Disable VPC Peering (CLOUD)

When a new Apigee organization is created, it is automatically peered to the authorized network. You can prevent this from happening by using the disable_vpc_peering key in the organization variable, as shown below:

module "apigee" {
  source     = "./fabric/modules/apigee"
  project_id = var.project_id
  organization = {
    display_name        = "Apigee"
    billing_type        = "PAYG"
    analytics_region    = "europe-west1"
    runtime_type        = "CLOUD"
    disable_vpc_peering = true
  envgroups = {
    prod = [""]
  environments = {
    apis-prod = {
      display_name = "APIs prod"
      envgroups    = ["prod"]
  instances = {
    europe-west1 = {
      environments = ["apis-prod"]
# tftest modules=1 resources=6 inventory=no-peering.yaml

All resources (CLOUD)

module "apigee" {
  source     = "./fabric/modules/apigee"
  project_id = "my-project"
  organization = {
    display_name            = "My Organization"
    description             = "My Organization"
    authorized_network      = "my-vpc"
    runtime_type            = "CLOUD"
    billing_type            = "PAYG"
    database_encryption_key = "123456789"
    analytics_region        = "europe-west1"
  envgroups = {
    test = [""]
    prod = [""]
  environments = {
    apis-test = {
      display_name = "APIs test"
      description  = "APIs Test"
      envgroups    = ["test"]
    apis-prod = {
      display_name = "APIs prod"
      description  = "APIs prod"
      envgroups    = ["prod"]
  instances = {
    europe-west1 = {
      runtime_ip_cidr_range         = ""
      troubleshooting_ip_cidr_range = ""
      environments                  = ["apis-test"]
    europe-west3 = {
      runtime_ip_cidr_range         = ""
      troubleshooting_ip_cidr_range = ""
      environments                  = ["apis-prod"]
      enable_nat                    = true
  endpoint_attachments = {
    endpoint-backend-1 = {
      region             = "europe-west1"
      service_attachment = "projects/my-project-1/serviceAttachments/gkebackend1"
    endpoint-backend-2 = {
      region             = "europe-west1"
      service_attachment = "projects/my-project-2/serviceAttachments/gkebackend2"
# tftest modules=1 resources=14

All resources (HYBRID control plane)

module "apigee" {
  source     = "./fabric/modules/apigee"
  project_id = "my-project"
  organization = {
    display_name     = "My Organization"
    description      = "My Organization"
    runtime_type     = "HYBRID"
    analytics_region = "europe-west1"
  envgroups = {
    test = [""]
    prod = [""]
  environments = {
    apis-test = {
      display_name = "APIs test"
      description  = "APIs Test"
      envgroups    = ["test"]
    apis-prod = {
      display_name = "APIs prod"
      description  = "APIs prod"
      envgroups    = ["prod"]
# tftest modules=1 resources=7

New environment group

module "apigee" {
  source     = "./fabric/modules/apigee"
  project_id = "my-project"
  envgroups = {
    test = [""]
# tftest modules=1 resources=1

New environment

module "apigee" {
  source     = "./fabric/modules/apigee"
  project_id = "my-project"
  environments = {
    apis-test = {
      display_name = "APIs test"
      description  = "APIs Test"
# tftest modules=1 resources=1

New instance (VPC Peering Provisioning Mode)

module "apigee" {
  source     = "./fabric/modules/apigee"
  project_id = "my-project"
  instances = {
    europe-west1 = {
      runtime_ip_cidr_range         = ""
      troubleshooting_ip_cidr_range = ""
# tftest modules=1 resources=1

New instance (Non VPC Peering Provisioning Mode)

module "apigee" {
  source     = "./fabric/modules/apigee"
  project_id = "my-project"
  organization = {
    display_name            = "My Organization"
    description             = "My Organization"
    runtime_type            = "CLOUD"
    billing_type            = "Pay-as-you-go"
    database_encryption_key = "123456789"
    analytics_region        = "europe-west1"
    disable_vpc_peering     = true
  instances = {
    europe-west1 = {}
# tftest modules=1 resources=2

New endpoint attachment

Endpoint attachments allow to implement Apigee southbound network patterns.

module "apigee" {
  source     = "./fabric/modules/apigee"
  project_id = "my-project"
  endpoint_attachments = {
    endpoint-backend-1 = {
      region             = "europe-west1"
      service_attachment = "projects/my-project-1/serviceAttachments/gkebackend1"
# tftest modules=1 resources=1

Apigee add-ons

module "apigee" {
  source     = "./fabric/modules/apigee"
  project_id = "my-project"
  addons_config = {
    monetization = true
# tftest modules=1 resources=1


module "apigee" {
  source     = "./fabric/modules/apigee"
  project_id = "my-project"
  organization = {
    display_name            = "My Organization"
    description             = "My Organization"
    authorized_network      = "my-vpc"
    runtime_type            = "CLOUD"
    billing_type            = "PAYG"
    database_encryption_key = "123456789"
    analytics_region        = "europe-west1"
  envgroups = {
    test = [""]
    prod = [""]
  environments = {
    apis-test = {
      display_name = "APIs test"
      description  = "APIs Test"
      envgroups    = ["test"]
      iam = {
        "roles/apigee.environmentAdmin" = [""]
      iam_bindings_additive = {
        viewer = {
          role   = "roles/viewer"
          member = ""
    apis-prod = {
      display_name = "APIs prod"
      description  = "APIs prod"
      envgroups    = ["prod"]
      iam_bindings = {
        apigee-env-admin = {
          role    = "roles/apigee.environmentAdmin"
          members = [""]
# tftest modules=1 resources=10


name description type required default
project_id Project ID. string
addons_config Addons configuration. object({…}) null
endpoint_attachments Endpoint attachments. map(object({…})) {}
envgroups Environment groups (NAME => [HOSTNAMES]). map(list(string)) {}
environments Environments. map(object({…})) {}
instances Instances ([REGION] => [INSTANCE]). map(object({…})) {}
organization Apigee organization. If set to null the organization must already exist. object({…}) null


name description sensitive
endpoint_attachment_hosts Endpoint hosts.
envgroups Environment groups.
environments Environment.
instances Instances.
nat_ips NAT IP addresses used in instances.
org_id Organization ID.
org_name Organization name.
organization Organization.
service_attachments Service attachments.