
379 lines
11 KiB

* Copyright 2024 Google LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
variable "auto_create_subnetworks" {
description = "Set to true to create an auto mode subnet, defaults to custom mode."
type = bool
default = false
variable "create_googleapis_routes" {
description = "Toggle creation of googleapis private/restricted routes. Disabled when vpc creation is turned off, or when set to null."
type = object({
private = optional(bool, true)
private-6 = optional(bool, false)
restricted = optional(bool, true)
restricted-6 = optional(bool, false)
default = {}
variable "delete_default_routes_on_create" {
description = "Set to true to delete the default routes at creation time."
type = bool
default = false
variable "description" {
description = "An optional description of this resource (triggers recreation on change)."
type = string
default = "Terraform-managed."
variable "dns_policy" {
description = "DNS policy setup for the VPC."
type = object({
inbound = optional(bool)
logging = optional(bool)
outbound = optional(object({
private_ns = list(string)
public_ns = list(string)
default = null
variable "factories_config" {
description = "Paths to data files and folders that enable factory functionality."
type = object({
subnets_folder = string
default = null
variable "firewall_policy_enforcement_order" {
description = "Order that Firewall Rules and Firewall Policies are evaluated. Can be either 'BEFORE_CLASSIC_FIREWALL' or 'AFTER_CLASSIC_FIREWALL'."
type = string
nullable = false
validation {
condition = var.firewall_policy_enforcement_order == "BEFORE_CLASSIC_FIREWALL" || var.firewall_policy_enforcement_order == "AFTER_CLASSIC_FIREWALL"
error_message = "Enforcement order must be BEFORE_CLASSIC_FIREWALL or AFTER_CLASSIC_FIREWALL."
variable "ipv6_config" {
description = "Optional IPv6 configuration for this network."
type = object({
enable_ula_internal = optional(bool)
internal_range = optional(string)
nullable = false
default = {}
variable "mtu" {
description = "Maximum Transmission Unit in bytes. The minimum value for this field is 1460 (the default) and the maximum value is 1500 bytes."
type = number
default = null
variable "name" {
description = "The name of the network being created."
type = string
variable "network_attachments" {
description = "PSC network attachments, names as keys."
type = map(object({
subnet = string
automatic_connection = optional(bool, false)
description = optional(string, "Terraform-managed.")
producer_accept_lists = optional(list(string))
producer_reject_lists = optional(list(string))
nullable = false
default = {}
variable "peering_config" {
description = "VPC peering configuration."
type = object({
peer_vpc_self_link = string
create_remote_peer = optional(bool, true)
export_routes = optional(bool)
import_routes = optional(bool)
default = null
variable "policy_based_routes" {
description = "Policy based routes, keyed by name."
type = map(object({
description = optional(string, "Terraform-managed.")
labels = optional(map(string))
priority = optional(number)
next_hop_ilb_ip = optional(string)
use_default_routing = optional(bool, false)
filter = optional(object({
ip_protocol = optional(string)
dest_range = optional(string)
src_range = optional(string)
}), {})
target = optional(object({
interconnect_attachment = optional(string)
tags = optional(list(string))
}), {})
default = {}
nullable = false
validation {
condition = alltrue([
for r in var.policy_based_routes :
contains(["TCP", "UDP", "ALL", null], r.filter.ip_protocol)
if r.filter.ip_protocol != null
error_message = "Unsupported protocol for route."
validation {
condition = alltrue([
for r in var.policy_based_routes :
(r.use_default_routing == true ? 1 : 0)
(r.next_hop_ilb_ip != null ? 1 : 0)
) == 1
error_message = "Either set `use_default_routing = true` or specify an internal passthrough LB IP."
validation {
condition = alltrue([
for r in var.policy_based_routes : == null || == null
error_message = "Either use virtual machine tags or a vlan attachment region as a target."
variable "project_id" {
description = "The ID of the project where this VPC will be created."
type = string
variable "psa_configs" {
description = "The Private Service Access configuration."
type = list(object({
deletion_policy = optional(string, null)
ranges = map(string)
export_routes = optional(bool, false)
import_routes = optional(bool, false)
peered_domains = optional(list(string), [])
service_producer = optional(string, "")
nullable = false
default = []
validation {
condition = (
length(var.psa_configs) == length(toset([
for v in var.psa_configs : v.service_producer
error_message = "At most one configuration is possible for each service producer."
validation {
condition = alltrue([
for v in var.psa_configs : (
v.deletion_policy == null || v.deletion_policy == "ABANDON"
error_message = "Deletion policy supports only ABANDON."
variable "routes" {
description = "Network routes, keyed by name."
type = map(object({
description = optional(string, "Terraform-managed.")
dest_range = string
next_hop_type = string # gateway, instance, ip, vpn_tunnel, ilb
next_hop = string
priority = optional(number)
tags = optional(list(string))
default = {}
nullable = false
validation {
condition = alltrue([
for r in var.routes :
contains(["gateway", "instance", "ip", "vpn_tunnel", "ilb"], r.next_hop_type)
error_message = "Unsupported next hop type for route."
variable "routing_mode" {
description = "The network routing mode (default 'GLOBAL')."
type = string
default = "GLOBAL"
validation {
condition = var.routing_mode == "GLOBAL" || var.routing_mode == "REGIONAL"
error_message = "Routing type must be GLOBAL or REGIONAL."
variable "shared_vpc_host" {
description = "Enable shared VPC for this project."
type = bool
default = false
variable "shared_vpc_service_projects" {
description = "Shared VPC service projects to register with this host."
type = list(string)
default = []
variable "subnets" {
description = "Subnet configuration."
type = list(object({
name = string
ip_cidr_range = string
region = string
description = optional(string)
enable_private_access = optional(bool, true)
flow_logs_config = optional(object({
aggregation_interval = optional(string)
filter_expression = optional(string)
flow_sampling = optional(number)
metadata = optional(string)
# only if metadata == "CUSTOM_METADATA"
metadata_fields = optional(list(string))
ipv6 = optional(object({
access_type = optional(string, "INTERNAL")
# this field is marked for internal use in the API documentation
# enable_private_access = optional(string)
secondary_ip_ranges = optional(map(string))
iam = optional(map(list(string)), {})
iam_bindings = optional(map(object({
role = string
members = list(string)
condition = optional(object({
expression = string
title = string
description = optional(string)
})), {})
iam_bindings_additive = optional(map(object({
member = string
role = string
condition = optional(object({
expression = string
title = string
description = optional(string)
})), {})
default = []
nullable = false
variable "subnets_private_nat" {
description = "List of private NAT subnets."
type = list(object({
name = string
ip_cidr_range = string
region = string
description = optional(string)
default = []
nullable = false
variable "subnets_proxy_only" {
description = "List of proxy-only subnets for Regional HTTPS or Internal HTTPS load balancers. Note: Only one proxy-only subnet for each VPC network in each region can be active."
type = list(object({
name = string
ip_cidr_range = string
region = string
description = optional(string)
active = optional(bool, true)
global = optional(bool, false)
iam = optional(map(list(string)), {})
iam_bindings = optional(map(object({
role = string
members = list(string)
condition = optional(object({
expression = string
title = string
description = optional(string)
})), {})
iam_bindings_additive = optional(map(object({
member = string
role = string
condition = optional(object({
expression = string
title = string
description = optional(string)
})), {})
default = []
nullable = false
variable "subnets_psc" {
description = "List of subnets for Private Service Connect service producers."
type = list(object({
name = string
ip_cidr_range = string
region = string
description = optional(string)
iam = optional(map(list(string)), {})
iam_bindings = optional(map(object({
role = string
members = list(string)
condition = optional(object({
expression = string
title = string
description = optional(string)
})), {})
iam_bindings_additive = optional(map(object({
member = string
role = string
condition = optional(object({
expression = string
title = string
description = optional(string)
})), {})
default = []
nullable = false
variable "vpc_create" {
description = "Create VPC. When set to false, uses a data source to reference existing VPC."
type = bool
default = true