
221 lines
7.3 KiB

* Copyright 2023 Google LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
variable "dataproc_config" {
description = "Dataproc cluster config."
type = object({
graceful_decommission_timeout = optional(string)
cluster_config = optional(object({
staging_bucket = optional(string)
temp_bucket = optional(string)
gce_cluster_config = optional(object({
zone = optional(string)
network = optional(string)
subnetwork = optional(string)
service_account = optional(string)
service_account_scopes = optional(list(string))
tags = optional(list(string), [])
internal_ip_only = optional(bool)
metadata = optional(map(string), {})
reservation_affinity = optional(object({
consume_reservation_type = string
key = string
values = string
node_group_affinity = optional(object({
node_group_uri = string
shielded_instance_config = optional(object({
enable_secure_boot = bool
enable_vtpm = bool
enable_integrity_monitoring = bool
master_config = optional(object({
num_instances = number
machine_type = string
min_cpu_platform = string
image_uri = string
disk_config = optional(object({
boot_disk_type = string
boot_disk_size_gb = number
num_local_ssds = number
accelerators = optional(object({
accelerator_type = string
accelerator_count = number
worker_config = optional(object({
num_instances = number
machine_type = string
min_cpu_platform = string
disk_config = optional(object({
boot_disk_type = string
boot_disk_size_gb = number
num_local_ssds = number
image_uri = string
accelerators = optional(object({
accelerator_type = string
accelerator_count = number
preemptible_worker_config = optional(object({
num_instances = number
preemptibility = string
disk_config = optional(object({
boot_disk_type = string
boot_disk_size_gb = number
num_local_ssds = number
software_config = optional(object({
image_version = optional(string)
override_properties = map(string)
optional_components = optional(list(string))
security_config = optional(object({
kerberos_config = object({
cross_realm_trust_admin_server = optional(string)
cross_realm_trust_kdc = optional(string)
cross_realm_trust_realm = optional(string)
cross_realm_trust_shared_password_uri = optional(string)
enable_kerberos = optional(string)
kdc_db_key_uri = optional(string)
key_password_uri = optional(string)
keystore_uri = optional(string)
keystore_password_uri = optional(string)
kms_key_uri = string
realm = optional(string)
root_principal_password_uri = string
tgt_lifetime_hours = optional(string)
truststore_password_uri = optional(string)
truststore_uri = optional(string)
autoscaling_config = optional(object({
policy_uri = string
initialization_action = optional(object({
script = string
timeout_sec = optional(string)
encryption_config = optional(object({
kms_key_name = string
lifecycle_config = optional(object({
idle_delete_ttl = optional(string)
auto_delete_time = optional(string)
endpoint_config = optional(object({
enable_http_port_access = string
dataproc_metric_config = optional(object({
metrics = list(object({
metric_source = string
metric_overrides = optional(list(string))
metastore_config = optional(object({
dataproc_metastore_service = string
virtual_cluster_config = optional(object({
staging_bucket = optional(string)
auxiliary_services_config = optional(object({
metastore_config = optional(object({
dataproc_metastore_service = string
spark_history_server_config = optional(object({
dataproc_cluster = string
kubernetes_cluster_config = object({
kubernetes_namespace = optional(string)
kubernetes_software_config = object({
component_version = list(map(string))
properties = optional(list(map(string)))
gke_cluster_config = object({
gke_cluster_target = optional(string)
node_pool_target = optional(object({
node_pool = string
roles = list(string)
node_pool_config = optional(object({
autoscaling = optional(object({
min_node_count = optional(number)
max_node_count = optional(number)
config = object({
machine_type = optional(string)
preemptible = optional(bool)
local_ssd_count = optional(number)
min_cpu_platform = optional(string)
spot = optional(bool)
locations = optional(list(string))
default = {}
variable "labels" {
description = "The resource labels for instance to use to annotate any related underlying resources, such as Compute Engine VMs."
type = map(string)
default = {}
variable "name" {
description = "Cluster name."
type = string
variable "prefix" {
description = "Optional prefix used to generate project id and name."
type = string
default = null
validation {
condition = var.prefix != ""
error_message = "Prefix cannot be empty, please use null instead."
variable "project_id" {
description = "Project ID."
type = string
variable "region" {
description = "Dataproc region."
type = string
variable "service_account" {
description = "Service account to set on the Dataproc cluster."
type = string
default = null