
175 lines
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* Copyright 2023 Google LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
variable "budget_notification_channels" {
description = "Notification channels used by budget alerts."
type = map(object({
project_id = string
type = string
description = optional(string)
display_name = optional(string)
enabled = optional(bool, true)
force_delete = optional(bool)
labels = optional(map(string))
sensitive_labels = optional(list(object({
auth_token = optional(string)
password = optional(string)
service_key = optional(string)
user_labels = optional(map(string))
nullable = false
default = {}
validation {
condition = alltrue([
for k, v in var.budget_notification_channels : contains([
"campfire", "email", "google_chat", "hipchat", "pagerduty",
"pubsub", "slack", "sms", "webhook_basicauth", "webhook_tokenauth"
], v.type)
error_message = "Invalid notification channel type."
variable "budgets" {
description = "Billing budgets. Notification channels are either keys in corresponding variable, or external ids."
type = map(object({
amount = object({
currency_code = optional(string)
nanos = optional(number)
units = optional(number)
use_last_period = optional(bool)
display_name = optional(string)
filter = optional(object({
credit_types_treatment = optional(object({
exclude_all = optional(bool)
include_specified = optional(list(string))
label = optional(object({
key = string
value = string
period = optional(object({
calendar = optional(string)
custom = optional(object({
start_date = object({
day = number
month = number
year = number
end_date = optional(object({
day = number
month = number
year = number
projects = optional(list(string))
resource_ancestors = optional(list(string))
services = optional(list(string))
subaccounts = optional(list(string))
threshold_rules = optional(list(object({
percent = number
forecasted_spend = optional(bool)
})), [])
update_rules = optional(map(object({
disable_default_iam_recipients = optional(bool)
monitoring_notification_channels = optional(list(string))
pubsub_topic = optional(string)
})), {})
nullable = false
default = {}
validation {
condition = alltrue([
for k, v in var.budgets : v.amount != null && (
try(v.amount.use_last_period, null) == true ||
try(v.amount.units, null) != null
error_message = "Each budget needs to have amount units specified, or use last period."
validation {
condition = alltrue(flatten([
for k, v in var.budgets : [
for kk, vv in v.update_rules : [
vv.monitoring_notification_channels != null
vv.pubsub_topic != null
error_message = "Budget notification rules need either a pubsub topic or monitoring channels defined."
variable "factory_config" {
# TODO: align all other factory variable names
description = "Path to folder containing budget alerts data files."
type = object({
budgets_data_path = optional(string, "data/billing-budgets")
nullable = false
default = {}
variable "id" {
description = "Billing account id."
type = string
variable "logging_sinks" {
description = "Logging sinks to create for the organization."
type = map(object({
destination = string
type = string
bq_partitioned_table = optional(bool, false)
description = optional(string)
disabled = optional(bool, false)
exclusions = optional(map(object({
filter = string
description = optional(string)
disabled = optional(bool)
})), {})
filter = optional(string)
default = {}
nullable = false
validation {
condition = alltrue([
for k, v in var.logging_sinks :
contains(["bigquery", "logging", "pubsub", "storage"], v.type)
error_message = "Type must be one of 'bigquery', 'logging', 'pubsub', 'storage'."
validation {
condition = alltrue([
for k, v in var.logging_sinks :
v.bq_partitioned_table != true || v.type == "bigquery"
error_message = "Can only set bq_partitioned_table when type is `bigquery`."
variable "projects" {
description = "Projects associated with this billing account."
type = list(string)
nullable = false
default = []