Julio Castillo cb7c65135e
Update CI processes (#296)
- Upgrade to latest terraform version (1.0.4)
- Remove tflint from linting pipeline (was not doing anything)
- Add terraform fmt check to linting pipeline
- Pass all code through terraform fmt
2021-08-12 17:30:53 +02:00
.. Make examples in READMEs runnable and testable 2020-11-07 10:28:33 +01:00 Update copyright to 2021 2021-02-15 09:38:10 +01:00 Update CI processes (#296) 2021-08-12 17:30:53 +02:00 Update copyright to 2021 2021-02-15 09:38:10 +01:00 Update copyright to 2021 2021-02-15 09:38:10 +01:00

Google Cloud Data Fusion Module

This module allows simple management of 'Google Data Fusion' instances. It supports creating Basic or Enterprise, public or private instances.


Auto-managed IP allocation

module "datafusion" {
  source     = "./modules/datafusion"
  name       = "my-datafusion"
  region     = "europe-west1"
  project_id = "my-project"
  network    = "my-network-name"
# tftest:modules=1:resources=4

Externally managed IP allocation

module "datafusion" {
  source               = "./modules/datafusion"
  name                 = "my-datafusion"
  region               = "europe-west1"
  project_id           = "my-project"
  network              = "my-network-name"
  ip_allocation_create = false
  ip_allocation        = ""
# tftest:modules=1:resources=3


name description type required default
name Name of the DataFusion instance. string
network Name of the network in the project with which the tenant project will be peered for executing pipelines in the form of projects/{project-id}/global/networks/{network} string
project_id Project ID. string
region DataFusion region. string
description DataFuzion instance description. string Terraform managed.
enable_stackdriver_logging Option to enable Stackdriver Logging. bool false
enable_stackdriver_monitoring Option to enable Stackdriver Monitorig. bool false
firewall_create Create Network firewall rules to enable SSH. bool true
ip_allocation Ip allocated for datafusion instance when not using the auto created one and created outside of the module. string null
ip_allocation_create Create Ip range for datafusion instance. bool true
labels The resource labels for instance to use to annotate any related underlying resources, such as Compute Engine VMs. map(string) {}
network_peering Create Network peering between project and DataFusion tenant project. bool true
private_instance Create private instance. bool true
type Datafusion Instance type. It can be BASIC or ENTERPRISE (default value). string ENTERPRISE


name description sensitive
id DataFusion instance ID.
ip_allocation IP range reserved for Data Fusion instance in case of a private instance.
resource DataFusion resource.
service_account DataFusion Service Account.
service_endpoint DataFusion Service Endpoint.
version DataFusion version.