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* Copyright 2023 Google LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
locals {
_nva_zones = ["b", "c"]
# The configurations used to create the NVA VMs.
# Rendered as following:
# nva_configs = {
# primary-b = {...}
# primary-c = {...}
# secondary-b = {...}
# secondary-c = {...}
# }
nva_configs = {
for v in setproduct(keys(var.regions), local._nva_zones) :
join("-", v) => {
# Each NVA announces its trusted regional subnets
announce-to-nva = upper(v.0)
# NVAs in each region have their own ASN
# and peer with cross-regional NVAs.
asn_nva = (
v.0 == "primary"
? var.ncc_asn.nva_primary
: var.ncc_asn.nva_secondary
asn_nva_cross_region = (
v.0 == "primary"
? var.ncc_asn.nva_secondary
: var.ncc_asn.nva_primary
asn_trusted = var.ncc_asn.trusted
asn_untrusted = var.ncc_asn.untrusted
# To guarantee traffic to remain symmetric,
# NVAs need to advertise cross-region routes with a higher cost (10100)
cost_primary = v.0 == "primary" ? "100" : "10100"
cost_secondary = v.0 == "primary" ? "10100" : "100"
gcp_dev_primary = var.gcp_ranges.gcp_dev_primary
gcp_dev_secondary = var.gcp_ranges.gcp_dev_secondary
gcp_landing_trusted_primary = var.gcp_ranges.gcp_landing_trusted_primary
gcp_landing_trusted_secondary = var.gcp_ranges.gcp_landing_trusted_secondary
gcp_landing_untrusted_primary = var.gcp_ranges.gcp_landing_untrusted_primary
gcp_landing_untrusted_secondary = var.gcp_ranges.gcp_landing_untrusted_secondary
gcp_prod_primary = var.gcp_ranges.gcp_prod_primary
gcp_prod_secondary = var.gcp_ranges.gcp_prod_secondary
# The IPs of cross-region NVA VMs in the untrusted VPC (x.y.w.z)
ip_neighbor_cross_region_nva_0 = cidrhost(module.landing-untrusted-vpc.subnet_ips["${local._regions_cross[v.0]}/landing-untrusted-default-${local.region_shortnames[local._regions_cross[v.0]]}"], 101)
ip_neighbor_cross_region_nva_1 = cidrhost(module.landing-untrusted-vpc.subnet_ips["${local._regions_cross[v.0]}/landing-untrusted-default-${local.region_shortnames[local._regions_cross[v.0]]}"], 102)
# The Cloud router IPs (x.y.w.z) in the untrusted
# and in the trusted VPCs, where the NVA connects to
ip_neighbor_trusted_0 = cidrhost(module.landing-trusted-vpc.subnet_ips["${var.regions[v.0]}/landing-trusted-default-${local.region_shortnames[var.regions[v.0]]}"], 201)
ip_neighbor_trusted_1 = cidrhost(module.landing-trusted-vpc.subnet_ips["${var.regions[v.0]}/landing-trusted-default-${local.region_shortnames[var.regions[v.0]]}"], 202)
ip_neighbor_untrusted_0 = cidrhost(module.landing-untrusted-vpc.subnet_ips["${var.regions[v.0]}/landing-untrusted-default-${local.region_shortnames[var.regions[v.0]]}"], 201)
ip_neighbor_untrusted_1 = cidrhost(module.landing-untrusted-vpc.subnet_ips["${var.regions[v.0]}/landing-untrusted-default-${local.region_shortnames[var.regions[v.0]]}"], 202)
# The IPs to assign to the NVA NICs
# in the trusted and in the untrusted VPCs.
ip_trusted = cidrhost(module.landing-trusted-vpc.subnet_ips["${var.regions[v.0]}/landing-trusted-default-${local.region_shortnames[var.regions[v.0]]}"], 101 + index(var.zones, v.1))
ip_untrusted = cidrhost(module.landing-untrusted-vpc.subnet_ips["${var.regions[v.0]}/landing-untrusted-default-${local.region_shortnames[var.regions[v.0]]}"], 101 + index(var.zones, v.1))
# Either primary or secondary
name = v.0
# The name of the region where the NVA lives.
# For example, europe-west1 or europe-west4
region = var.regions[v.0]
# the short name for the region. For example, ew1 or ew4
shortname = local.region_shortnames[var.regions[v.0]]
# The zone where the NVA lives. For example, b or c
zone = v.1
# The routing_config should be aligned to the NVA NICs.
# For example:
# local.routing_config[0] configures eth0;
# local.routing_config[0] configures eth1.
routing_config = [
enable_masquerading = true
name = "untrusted"
routes = [
name = "trusted"
routes = [
module "nva-bgp-cloud-config" {
for_each = local.nva_configs
source = "../../../modules/cloud-config-container/simple-nva"
enable_health_checks = true
network_interfaces = local.routing_config
frr_config = {
config_file = templatefile("data/bgp-config.tftpl", each.value)
daemons_enabled = ["bgpd"]
resource "google_compute_address" "nva_static_ip_trusted" {
for_each = local.nva_configs
name = "nva-ip-trusted-${each.value.shortname}-${}"
project = module.landing-project.project_id
subnetwork = module.landing-trusted-vpc.subnet_self_links["${each.value.region}/landing-trusted-default-${each.value.shortname}"]
address_type = "INTERNAL"
address = each.value.ip_trusted
region = each.value.region
resource "google_compute_address" "nva_static_ip_untrusted" {
for_each = local.nva_configs
name = "nva-ip-untrusted-${each.value.shortname}-${}"
project = module.landing-project.project_id
subnetwork = module.landing-untrusted-vpc.subnet_self_links["${each.value.region}/landing-untrusted-default-${each.value.shortname}"]
address_type = "INTERNAL"
address = each.value.ip_untrusted
region = each.value.region
module "nva" {
for_each = local.nva_configs
source = "../../../modules/compute-vm"
project_id = module.landing-project.project_id
name = "nva-${each.value.shortname}-${}"
instance_type = "e2-standard-2"
can_ip_forward = true
zone = "${each.value.region}-${}"
tags = ["nva"]
network_interfaces = [
network = module.landing-untrusted-vpc.self_link
subnetwork = module.landing-untrusted-vpc.subnet_self_links["${each.value.region}/landing-untrusted-default-${each.value.shortname}"]
nat = false
addresses = {
external = null
internal = google_compute_address.nva_static_ip_untrusted[each.key].address
network = module.landing-trusted-vpc.self_link
subnetwork = module.landing-trusted-vpc.subnet_self_links["${each.value.region}/landing-trusted-default-${each.value.shortname}"]
nat = false
addresses = {
external = null
internal = google_compute_address.nva_static_ip_trusted[each.key].address
boot_disk = {
initialize_params = {
image = "projects/cos-cloud/global/images/family/cos-stable"
size = 10
type = "pd-balanced"
options = {
allow_stopping_for_update = true
deletion_protection = false
termination_action = "STOP"
metadata = {
user-data = module.nva-bgp-cloud-config[each.key].cloud_config