Israel Herraiz 54e9738c39 Add schemas to Pubsub topic module.
Pubsub topics can now have
schemas ( This PR adds an
option to set the schema settings and create a new optional resource of type
`google_pubsub_schema` attached to the `google_pubsub_topic`.
2022-11-20 13:26:33 +01:00
.. Add schemas to Pubsub topic module. 2022-11-20 13:26:33 +01:00 Add schemas to Pubsub topic module. 2022-11-20 13:26:33 +01:00 Add schemas to Pubsub topic module. 2022-11-20 13:26:33 +01:00 Add schemas to Pubsub topic module. 2022-11-20 13:26:33 +01:00 Update provider version (needed for dns logging support). 2022-10-25 12:15:02 +02:00

Google Cloud Pub/Sub Module

This module allows managing a single Pub/Sub topic, including multiple subscriptions and IAM bindings at the topic and subscriptions levels, as well as schemas.


Simple topic with IAM

module "pubsub" {
  source     = "./fabric/modules/pubsub"
  project_id = "my-project"
  name       = "my-topic"
  iam = {
    "roles/pubsub.viewer"     = [""]
    "roles/pubsub.subscriber" = [""]
# tftest modules=1 resources=3

Topic with schema

module "topic_with_schema" {
  source     = "./fabric/modules/pubsub"
  project_id = "my-project"
  name       = "my-topic"
  schema = {
    msg_encoding = "JSON"
    schema_type = "AVRO"
    definition = jsonencode({
      "type" = "record",
      "name" = "Avro",
      "fields" : [{
        "name" = "StringField",
        "type" = "string"
          "name" = "FloatField",
          "type" = "float"
          "name" = "BooleanField",
          "type" = "boolean"
# tftest modules=1 resources=3


Subscriptions are defined with the subscriptions variable, allowing optional configuration of per-subscription defaults. Push subscriptions need extra configuration, shown in the following example.

module "pubsub" {
  source     = "./fabric/modules/pubsub"
  project_id = "my-project"
  name       = "my-topic"
  subscriptions = {
    test-pull = null
    test-pull-override = {
      labels = { test = "override" }
      options = {
        ack_deadline_seconds       = null
        message_retention_duration = null
        retain_acked_messages      = true
        expiration_policy_ttl      = null
        filter                     = null
# tftest modules=1 resources=3

Push subscriptions

Push subscriptions need extra configuration in the push_configs variable.

module "pubsub" {
  source     = "./fabric/modules/pubsub"
  project_id = "my-project"
  name       = "my-topic"
  subscriptions = {
    test-push = null
  push_configs = {
    test-push = {
      endpoint   = ""
      attributes = null
      oidc_token = null
# tftest modules=1 resources=2

Subscriptions with IAM

module "pubsub" {
  source     = "./fabric/modules/pubsub"
  project_id = "my-project"
  name       = "my-topic"
  subscriptions = {
    test-1 = null
    test-1 = null
  subscription_iam = {
    test-1 = {
      "roles/pubsub.subscriber" = [""]
# tftest modules=1 resources=3


name description type required default
name PubSub topic name. string
project_id Project used for resources. string
dead_letter_configs Per-subscription dead letter policy configuration. map(object({…})) {}
defaults Subscription defaults for options. object({…}) {…}
iam IAM bindings for topic in {ROLE => [MEMBERS]} format. map(list(string)) {}
kms_key KMS customer managed encryption key. string null
labels Labels. map(string) {}
message_retention_duration Minimum duration to retain a message after it is published to the topic. string null
push_configs Push subscription configurations. map(object({…})) {}
regions List of regions used to set persistence policy. list(string) []
schema Topic schema. If set, all messages in this topic should follow this schema. object({…}) null
subscription_iam IAM bindings for subscriptions in {SUBSCRIPTION => {ROLE => [MEMBERS]}} format. map(map(list(string))) {}
subscriptions Topic subscriptions. Also define push configs for push subscriptions. If options is set to null subscription defaults will be used. Labels default to topic labels if set to null. map(object({…})) {}


name description sensitive
id Topic id.
schema Schema resource.
schema_id Schema resource id.
subscription_id Subscription ids.
subscriptions Subscription resources.
topic Topic resource.