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* Copyright 2022 Google LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
# zone variables #
variable "description" {
description = "Domain description."
type = string
default = "Terraform managed."
variable "iam" {
description = "IAM bindings in {ROLE => [MEMBERS]} format."
type = map(list(string))
default = null
variable "name" {
description = "Zone name, must be unique within the project."
type = string
variable "project_id" {
description = "Project id for the zone."
type = string
variable "recordsets" {
description = "Map of DNS recordsets in \"type name\" => {ttl, [records]} format."
type = map(object({
ttl = optional(number, 300)
records = optional(list(string))
geo_routing = optional(list(object({
location = string
records = list(string)
wrr_routing = optional(list(object({
weight = number
records = list(string)
default = {}
nullable = false
validation {
condition = alltrue([
for k, v in coalesce(var.recordsets, {}) :
length(split(" ", k)) == 2
error_message = "Recordsets must have keys in the format \"type name\"."
validation {
condition = alltrue([
for k, v in coalesce(var.recordsets, {}) : (
(v.records != null && v.wrr_routing == null && v.geo_routing == null) ||
(v.records == null && v.wrr_routing != null && v.geo_routing == null) ||
(v.records == null && v.wrr_routing == null && v.geo_routing != null)
error_message = "Only one of records, wrr_routing or geo_routing can be defined for each recordset."
variable "zone_config" {
description = "DNS zone configuration."
type = object({
domain = string
enable_logging = optional(bool, false)
forwarding = optional(object({
forwarders = optional(map(string))
client_networks = list(string)
peering = optional(object({
client_networks = list(string)
peer_network = string
public = optional(object({
dnssec_config = optional(object({
non_existence = optional(string, "nsec3")
state = string
key_signing_key = optional(object(
{ algorithm = string, key_length = number }),
{ algorithm = "rsasha256", key_length = 2048 }
zone_signing_key = optional(object(
{ algorithm = string, key_length = number }),
{ algorithm = "rsasha256", key_length = 1024 }
private = optional(object({
client_networks = list(string)
service_directory_namespace = optional(string)
validation {
condition = (
(try(var.zone_config.forwarding, null) == null ? 0 : 1) +
(try(var.zone_config.peering, null) == null ? 0 : 1) +
(try(var.zone_config.public, null) == null ? 0 : 1) +
(try(var.zone_config.private, null) == null ? 0 : 1) <= 1
error_message = "Only one type of zone can be configured at a time."
default = null