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# Copyright 2019 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Host and service projects #
# the container.hostServiceAgentUser role is needed for GKE on shared VPC
module "project-host" {
source = "../../modules/project"
parent = var.root_node
billing_account = var.billing_account_id
prefix = var.prefix
name = "net"
services = concat(var.project_services, [""])
iam_roles = [
"roles/container.hostServiceAgentUser", "roles/owner"
iam_members = {
"roles/container.hostServiceAgentUser" = [
"roles/owner" = var.owners_host
module "project-svc-gce" {
source = "../../modules/project"
parent = var.root_node
billing_account = var.billing_account_id
prefix = var.prefix
name = "gce"
services = var.project_services
oslogin = true
oslogin_admins = var.owners_gce
iam_roles = [
iam_members = {
"roles/logging.logWriter" = [module.vm-bastion.service_account_iam_email],
"roles/monitoring.metricWriter" = [module.vm-bastion.service_account_iam_email],
"roles/owner" = var.owners_gce,
# the container.developer role assigned to the bastion instance service account
# allows to fetch GKE credentials from bastion for clusters in this project
module "project-svc-gke" {
source = "../../modules/project"
parent = var.root_node
billing_account = var.billing_account_id
prefix = var.prefix
name = "gke"
services = var.project_services
iam_roles = [
iam_members = {
"roles/owner" = var.owners_gke
"roles/container.developer" = [module.vm-bastion.service_account_iam_email]
# Networking #
# the service project GKE robot needs the `hostServiceAgent` role throughout
# the entire life of its clusters; the `iam_project_id` project output is used
# here to set the project id so that the VPC depends on that binding, and any
# cluster using it then also depends on it indirectly; you can of course use
# the `project_id` output instead if you don't care about destroying
# subnet IAM bindings control which identities can use the individual subnets
module "vpc-shared" {
source = "../../modules/net-vpc"
project_id = module.project-host.project_id
name = "shared-vpc"
shared_vpc_host = true
shared_vpc_service_projects = [
subnets = [
ip_cidr_range = var.ip_ranges.gce
name = "gce"
region = var.region
secondary_ip_range = {}
ip_cidr_range = var.ip_ranges.gke
name = "gke"
region = var.region
secondary_ip_range = {
pods = var.ip_secondary_ranges.gke-pods
services = var.ip_secondary_ranges.gke-services
iam_roles = {
"${var.region}/gke" = ["roles/compute.networkUser", "roles/compute.securityAdmin"]
"${var.region}/gce" = ["roles/compute.networkUser"]
iam_members = {
"${var.region}/gce" = {
"roles/compute.networkUser" = concat(var.owners_gce, [
"${var.region}/gke" = {
"roles/compute.networkUser" = concat(var.owners_gke, [
"roles/compute.securityAdmin" = [
module "vpc-shared-firewall" {
source = "../../modules/net-vpc-firewall"
project_id = module.project-host.project_id
network =
admin_ranges_enabled = true
admin_ranges = values(var.ip_ranges)
module "nat" {
source = "../../modules/net-cloudnat"
project_id = module.project-host.project_id
region = var.region
name = "vpc-shared"
router_create = true
router_network =
# DNS #
module "host-dns" {
source = "../../modules/dns"
project_id = module.project-host.project_id
type = "private"
name = "example"
domain = ""
client_networks = [module.vpc-shared.self_link]
recordsets = [
{ name = "localhost", type = "A", ttl = 300, records = [""] },
{ name = "bastion", type = "A", ttl = 300, records = module.vm-bastion.internal_ips },
# VM #
module "vm-bastion" {
source = "../../modules/compute-vm"
project_id = module.project-svc-gce.project_id
region = module.vpc-shared.subnet_regions["${var.region}/gce"]
zone = "${module.vpc-shared.subnet_regions["${var.region}/gce"]}-b"
name = "bastion"
network_interfaces = [{
network = module.vpc-shared.self_link,
subnetwork = lookup(module.vpc-shared.subnet_self_links, "${var.region}/gce", null),
nat = false,
addresses = null
instance_count = 1
tags = ["ssh"]
metadata = {
startup-script = join("\n", [
"#! /bin/bash",
"apt-get update",
"apt-get install -y bash-completion kubectl dnsutils"
service_account_create = true
# GKE #
module "cluster-1" {
source = "../../modules/gke-cluster"
name = "cluster-1"
project_id = module.project-svc-gke.project_id
location = "${module.vpc-shared.subnet_regions["${var.region}/gke"]}-b"
network = module.vpc-shared.self_link
subnetwork = module.vpc-shared.subnet_self_links["${var.region}/gke"]
secondary_range_pods = "pods"
secondary_range_services = "services"
default_max_pods_per_node = 32
labels = {
environment = "test"
master_authorized_ranges = {
internal-vms = var.ip_ranges.gce
private_cluster_config = {
enable_private_nodes = true
enable_private_endpoint = true
master_ipv4_cidr_block = var.private_service_ranges.cluster-1
module "cluster-1-nodepool-1" {
source = "../../modules/gke-nodepool"
name = "nodepool-1"
project_id = module.project-svc-gke.project_id
location = module.cluster-1.location
cluster_name =
node_config_service_account =
# roles assigned via this module use non-authoritative IAM bindings at the
# project level, with no risk of conflicts with pre-existing roles
module "service-account-gke-node" {
source = "../../modules/iam-service-accounts"
project_id = module.project-svc-gke.project_id
names = ["gke-node"]
iam_project_roles = {
(module.project-svc-gke.project_id) = [