
64 lines
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# Copyright 2021 Google LLC. This software is provided as is, without
# warranty or representation for any use or purpose. Your use of it is
# subject to your agreement with Google.
locals {
# this whole section builds a set of delegated role grants IAM
# conditions expressions with the following criteria:
# - each hasOnly call has no more that 10 roles
# - each condition has no more than 12 logical operators (i.e. max
# 13 conditions per binding)
delegated_quoted_roles = formatlist("'%s'", sort(var.delegated_role_grants))
role_chunks = [
for chunk in chunklist(local.delegated_quoted_roles, 10) :
join(", ", chunk)
condition_string = "api.getAttribute('', []).hasOnly([%s])"
conditions = formatlist(local.condition_string, local.role_chunks)
expressions = [
for chunk in chunklist(local.conditions, 13) :
join(" || ", chunk)
delegated_binding_pairs = {
for index, expression in local.expressions :
"delegated_${index + 1}" => {
expression = expression
index = index + 1
direct_iam_pairs = {
for pair in setproduct(var.project_administrators, var.direct_role_grants) :
"direct:${pair.0}:${pair.1}" => zipmap(["member", "role"], pair)
module "project" {
source = "../../modules/project"
name = var.project_id
project_create = var.project_create
# make direct grants non-authoritative since project administrators
# can (probably) grant these roles outside terraform
resource "google_project_iam_member" "direct" {
for_each = local.direct_iam_pairs
project = var.project_id
role = each.value.role
member = each.value.member
resource "google_project_iam_binding" "iam_bindings" {
for_each = local.delegated_binding_pairs
project = var.project_id
role = "roles/resourcemanager.projectIamAdmin"
members = var.project_administrators
condition {
title = "delegated_role_grant_${each.value.index}"
description = "Delegated role grants (${each.value.index}/${length(local.expressions)})"
expression = each.value.expression