
69 lines
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package org.zfnd.ed25519
import java.math.BigInteger
import java.security.SecureRandom
import org.scalatest.{ FlatSpec, MustMatchers }
class Ed25519InterfaceTest extends FlatSpec with MustMatchers {
private val RANDOM = new SecureRandom
private def convertBytesToHex(bytes: Seq[Byte]): String = {
val sb = new StringBuilder
for (b <- bytes) {
sb.append(String.format("%02x", Byte.box(b)))
it must "initialize the Ed25519 interface" in {
Ed25519Interface.isEnabled mustBe true
it must "get a private key" in {
val sks = Ed25519Interface.genSigningKeySeed(RANDOM)
val sksValue = BigInt(convertBytesToHex(sks.getSigningKeySeed), 16)
sksValue must not be BigInteger.ZERO
it must "sign and verify data" in {
val sks = Ed25519Interface.genSigningKeySeed(RANDOM)
val vkb = Ed25519Interface.getVerificationKeyBytes(sks)
val m = new Array[Byte](32)
val rustSig = Ed25519Interface.sign(sks, m)
Ed25519Interface.verify(vkb, rustSig, m) mustBe (true)
it must "reject bad signing key seeds" in {
val m = new Array[Byte](32) // 0x0000....
val sks = SigningKeySeed.fromBytes(m)
sks.isPresent mustBe false
it must "reject bad verification key bytes" in {
val vkbValue = BigInt("9000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", 16)
var vkb = VerificationKeyBytes.fromBytes(vkbValue.toByteArray)
vkb.isPresent mustBe false
// Included to deterministically confirm that JNI usage still leads to correct
// results. See Sect. 7.1 of RFC 8032.
it must "match RFC 8032 test vector data" in {
val sksValue = BigInt("4ccd089b28ff96da9db6c346ec114e0f5b8a319f35aba624da8cf6ed4fb8a6fb", 16)
val sks = new SigningKeySeed(sksValue.toByteArray)
val vkb = Ed25519Interface.getVerificationKeyBytes(sks)
convertBytesToHex(vkb.getVerificationKeyBytes) mustBe("3d4017c3e843895a92b70aa74d1b7ebc9c982ccf2ec4968cc0cd55f12af4660c")
val msg: Array[Byte] = Array(114.toByte) // 0x72
val sig = Ed25519Interface.sign(sks, msg)
convertBytesToHex(sig.getSignatureBytes) mustBe("92a009a9f0d4cab8720e820b5f642540a2b27b5416503f8fb3762223ebdb69da085ac1e43e15996e458f3613d0f11d8c387b2eaeb4302aeeb00d291612bb0c00")
// fromBytesOrThrow() sanity checks.
val sks2 = SigningKeySeed.fromBytesOrThrow(sks.getSigningKeySeed)
convertBytesToHex(sks2.getSigningKeySeed) mustBe("4ccd089b28ff96da9db6c346ec114e0f5b8a319f35aba624da8cf6ed4fb8a6fb")
val vkb2 = VerificationKeyBytes.fromBytesOrThrow(vkb.getVerificationKeyBytes)
convertBytesToHex(vkb2.getVerificationKeyBytes) mustBe("3d4017c3e843895a92b70aa74d1b7ebc9c982ccf2ec4968cc0cd55f12af4660c")