[package] name = "frost-rerandomized" edition = "2021" # When releasing to crates.io: # - Update html_root_url # - Update CHANGELOG.md # - Create git tag. version = "1.0.0-rc.0" authors = ["Deirdre Connolly ", "Chelsea Komlo ", "Conrado Gouvea "] readme = "README.md" license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0" repository = "https://github.com/ZcashFoundation/frost" categories = ["cryptography"] keywords = ["cryptography", "threshold", "signature", "schnorr", "randomized"] description = "Types and traits to support implementing a re-randomized variant of Flexible Round-Optimized Schnorr Threshold signature schemes (FROST)." [package.metadata.docs.rs] features = ["serde"] rustdoc-args = ["--cfg", "docsrs"] [dependencies] derive-getters = "0.3.0" document-features = "0.2.7" frost-core = { path = "../frost-core", version = "1.0.0-rc.0", features = ["internals"] } rand_core = "0.6" [dev-dependencies] [features] nightly = [] default = ["serialization", "cheater-detection"] serialization = ["serde", "frost-core/serialization"] #! ## Features ## Enable `serde` support for types that need to be communicated. You ## can use `serde` to serialize structs with any encoder that supports ## `serde` (e.g. JSON with `serde_json`). serde = ["frost-core/serde"] # Exposes ciphersuite-generic tests for other crates to use test-impl = ["frost-core/test-impl"] ## Enable cheater detection cheater-detection = ["frost-core/cheater-detection"]