
39 lines
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//! Repairable Threshold Scheme
// # For every single helper i in helpers:
use crate::{frost::Identifier, Ciphersuite, Scalar};
use super::SecretShare;
/// # i: the identifier of the signer helping
/// # helpers: as above
/// # share_i: i's secret share
/// # zeta_i: Lagrange coefficient (?)
/// # - Note: may be able to be computed inside the function, check
/// # Output: i_deltas: random values that sum up to zeta_i * share _i
pub fn compute_random_values<C: Ciphersuite>(
helpers: &[Identifier<C>],
share_i: &SecretShare<C>,
zeta_i: Scalar<C>,
) -> Vec<Scalar<C>> {
// # Communication round:
// # Helper i sends deltas_i[j] to helper j
// # j: the identifier of the signer helping
// # helpers: as above
// # deltas_j: values received by j in the communication round
// # Output: sigma_j
// pub fn compute_sum_of_random_values(j, helpers, deltas_j) -> sigma_j
// # Communication round
// # Helper j sends sigma_j to signer r
// # sigmas: all sigma_j received from each helper j
// # Output: share_r: r's secret share
// pub fn recover_share(sigmas) -> share_r