
99 lines
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//! Schnorr signatures over prime order groups (or subgroups)
use debugless_unwrap::DebuglessUnwrap;
use crate::{Ciphersuite, Element, Error, Field, Group, Scalar};
/// A Schnorr signature over some prime order group (or subgroup).
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Signature<C: Ciphersuite> {
/// The commitment `R` to the signature nonce.
pub(crate) R: Element<C>,
/// The response `z` to the challenge computed from the commitment `R`, the verifying key, and
/// the message.
pub(crate) z: Scalar<C>,
impl<C> Signature<C>
C: Ciphersuite,
C::Group: Group,
<C::Group as Group>::Field: Field,
/// Create a new Signature.
#[cfg(feature = "internals")]
pub fn new(
R: <C::Group as Group>::Element,
z: <<C::Group as Group>::Field as Field>::Scalar,
) -> Self {
Self { R, z }
/// Converts bytes as [`Ciphersuite::SignatureSerialization`] into a `Signature<C>`.
pub fn from_bytes(bytes: C::SignatureSerialization) -> Result<Self, Error<C>> {
// To compute the expected length of the encoded point, encode the generator
// and get its length. Note that we can't use the identity because it can be encoded
// shorter in some cases (e.g. P-256, which uses SEC1 encoding).
let generator = <C::Group>::generator();
let mut R_bytes = Vec::from(<C::Group>::serialize(&generator).as_ref());
let R_bytes_len = R_bytes.len();
let R_serialization = &R_bytes.try_into().map_err(|_| Error::MalformedSignature)?;
let one = <<C::Group as Group>::Field as Field>::zero();
let mut z_bytes =
Vec::from(<<C::Group as Group>::Field as Field>::serialize(&one).as_ref());
let z_bytes_len = z_bytes.len();
// We extract the exact length of bytes we expect, not just the remaining bytes with `bytes[R_bytes_len..]`
z_bytes[..].copy_from_slice(&bytes.as_ref()[R_bytes_len..R_bytes_len + z_bytes_len]);
let z_serialization = &z_bytes.try_into().map_err(|_| Error::MalformedSignature)?;
Ok(Self {
R: <C::Group>::deserialize(R_serialization)?,
z: <<C::Group as Group>::Field>::deserialize(z_serialization)?,
/// Converts this signature to its [`Ciphersuite::SignatureSerialization`] in bytes.
pub fn to_bytes(&self) -> C::SignatureSerialization {
let mut bytes = vec![];
bytes.extend(<<C::Group as Group>::Field>::serialize(&self.z).as_ref());
impl<C: Ciphersuite> std::fmt::Debug for Signature<C> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
.field("R", &hex::encode(<C::Group>::serialize(&self.R).as_ref()))
&hex::encode(<<C::Group as Group>::Field>::serialize(&self.z).as_ref()),
// impl<C> FromHex for Signature<C>
// where
// C: Ciphersuite,
// {
// type Error = &'static str;
// fn from_hex<T: AsRef<[u8]>>(hex: T) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
// match FromHex::from_hex(hex) {
// Ok(bytes) => Self::from_bytes(bytes).map_err(|_| "malformed signature encoding"),
// Err(_) => Err("invalid hex"),
// }
// }
// }