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//! Randomized FROST support.
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "test-impl"))]
pub mod tests;
pub use frost_core;
use frost_core::{
frost::{self, keys::PublicKeyPackage},
Ciphersuite, Error, Field, Group, VerifyingKey,
use rand_core::{CryptoRng, RngCore};
/// Performed once by each participant selected for the signing operation.
/// Implements [`sign`] from the spec.
/// Receives the message to be signed and a set of signing commitments and a set
/// of randomizing commitments to be used in that signing operation, including
/// that for this participant.
/// Assumes the participant has already determined which nonce corresponds with
/// the commitment that was assigned by the coordinator in the SigningPackage.
/// [`sign`]:
pub fn sign<C: Ciphersuite>(
signing_package: &frost::SigningPackage<C>,
signer_nonces: &frost::round1::SigningNonces<C>,
key_package: &frost::keys::KeyPackage<C>,
randomizer_point: &<C::Group as Group>::Element,
) -> Result<frost::round2::SignatureShare<C>, Error<C>> {
let public_key = key_package.group_public.to_element() + *randomizer_point;
// Encodes the signing commitment list produced in round one as part of generating [`Rho`], the
// binding factor.
let binding_factor_list = frost::compute_binding_factor_list(
<C::Group as Group>::serialize(randomizer_point).as_ref(),
let rho: frost::BindingFactor<C> = binding_factor_list[key_package.identifier].clone();
// Compute the group commitment from signing commitments produced in round one.
let group_commitment = frost::compute_group_commitment(signing_package, &binding_factor_list)?;
// Compute Lagrange coefficient.
let lambda_i = frost::derive_lagrange_coeff(key_package.identifier(), signing_package)?;
// Compute the per-message challenge.
let challenge = frost_core::challenge::<C>(
// Compute the Schnorr signature share.
let signature_share = frost::round2::compute_signature_share(
/// Verifies each participant's signature share, and if all are valid,
/// aggregates the shares into a signature to publish.
/// Resulting signature is compatible with verification of a plain SpendAuth
/// signature.
/// This operation is performed by a coordinator that can communicate with all
/// the signing participants before publishing the final signature. The
/// coordinator can be one of the participants or a semi-trusted third party
/// (who is trusted to not perform denial of service attacks, but does not learn
/// any secret information). Note that because the coordinator is trusted to
/// report misbehaving parties in order to avoid publishing an invalid
/// signature, if the coordinator themselves is a signer and misbehaves, they
/// can avoid that step. However, at worst, this results in a denial of
/// service attack due to publishing an invalid signature.
pub fn aggregate<C>(
signing_package: &frost::SigningPackage<C>,
signature_shares: &[frost::round2::SignatureShare<C>],
pubkeys: &frost::keys::PublicKeyPackage<C>,
randomized_params: &RandomizedParams<C>,
) -> Result<frost_core::Signature<C>, Error<C>>
C: Ciphersuite,
let public_key = pubkeys.group_public.to_element() + *randomized_params.randomizer_point();
// Encodes the signing commitment list produced in round one as part of generating [`Rho`], the
// binding factor.
let binding_factor_list = frost::compute_binding_factor_list(
<C::Group as Group>::serialize(randomized_params.randomizer_point()).as_ref(),
// Compute the group commitment from signing commitments produced in round one.
let group_commitment = frost::compute_group_commitment(signing_package, &binding_factor_list)?;
// Compute the per-message challenge.
let challenge = frost_core::challenge::<C>(
// Verify the signature shares.
for signature_share in signature_shares {
// Look up the public key for this signer, where `signer_pubkey` = _G.ScalarBaseMult(s[i])_,
// and where s[i] is a secret share of the constant term of _f_, the secret polynomial.
let signer_pubkey = pubkeys
// Compute Lagrange coefficient.
let lambda_i = frost::derive_lagrange_coeff(&signature_share.identifier, signing_package)?;
let rho = binding_factor_list[signature_share.identifier].clone();
// Compute the commitment share.
let R_share = signing_package
// Compute relation values to verify this signature share.
signature_share.verify(&R_share, signer_pubkey, lambda_i, &challenge)?;
// The aggregation of the signature shares by summing them up, resulting in
// a plain Schnorr signature.
// Implements [`aggregate`] from the spec.
// [`aggregate`]:
let mut z = <<C::Group as Group>::Field as Field>::zero();
for signature_share in signature_shares {
z = z + signature_share.signature.z_share;
z = z + challenge.to_scalar() * randomized_params.randomizer;
Ok(frost_core::Signature::new(group_commitment.to_element(), z))
/// Randomized params for a signing instance of randomized FROST.
pub struct RandomizedParams<C: Ciphersuite> {
/// The randomizer, also called `alpha`
randomizer: frost_core::Scalar<C>,
/// The generator multiplied by the randomizer.
randomizer_point: <C::Group as Group>::Element,
/// The randomized group public key. The group public key added to the randomizer point.
randomized_group_public_key: frost_core::VerifyingKey<C>,
impl<C> RandomizedParams<C>
C: Ciphersuite,
/// Create a new RandomizedParams for the given [`PublicKeyPackage`]
pub fn new<R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(
public_key_package: &PublicKeyPackage<C>,
mut rng: R,
) -> Self {
let randomizer = <<C::Group as Group>::Field as Field>::random(&mut rng);
let randomizer_point = <C::Group as Group>::generator() * randomizer;
let group_public_point = public_key_package.group_public.to_element();
let randomized_group_public_point = group_public_point + randomizer_point;
let randomized_group_public_key = VerifyingKey::new(randomized_group_public_point);
Self {
/// Return the randomizer.
/// It can be useful to the coordinator, e.g. to generate the ZK proof
/// in Zcash. It MUST NOT be sent to other parties.
pub fn randomizer(&self) -> &frost_core::Scalar<C> {
/// Return the randomizer point.
/// It must be sent by the coordinator to each participant when signing.
pub fn randomizer_point(&self) -> &<C::Group as Group>::Element {
/// Return the randomized group public key.
/// It can be used to verify the final signature.
pub fn randomized_group_public_key(&self) -> &frost_core::VerifyingKey<C> {