clean up -- moving zkp proof compiler to a new repo

This commit is contained in:
J. Ayo Akinyele 2018-06-24 23:14:02 -04:00
parent 815978b4e2
commit 26842ecae9
5 changed files with 5 additions and 793 deletions

View File

@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ authors = ["J. Ayo Akinyele <>"]
description = "library for Blind Off-chain Lightweight Transactions (BOLT)"
keywords = ["zcash", "payment channels", "bolt"]
readme = ""
homepage = ""
repository = ""
homepage = ""
repository = ""
license = "MIT License"

View File

@ -21,282 +21,6 @@ use libbolt::commit_scheme;
use libbolt::bidirectional;
use time::PreciseTime;
macro_rules! __compute_formula_scalarlist {
// Unbracket a statement
(($publics:ident, $scalars:ident) ($($x:tt)*)) => {
// Add a trailing +
__compute_formula_scalarlist!(($publics,$scalars) $($x)* +)
// Inner part of the formula: give a list of &Scalars
// Since there's a trailing +, we can just generate the list as normal...
(($publics:ident, $scalars:ident)
$( $point:ident * $scalar:ident +)+ ) => {
&[ $( $scalars.$scalar ,)* ]
macro_rules! __compute_formula_pointlist {
// Unbracket a statement
(($publics:ident, $scalars:ident) ($($x:tt)*)) => {
// Add a trailing +
__compute_formula_pointlist!(($publics,$scalars) $($x)* +)
// Inner part of the formula: give a list of &Scalars
// Since there's a trailing +, we can just generate the list as normal...
(($publics:ident, $scalars:ident)
$( $point:ident * $scalar:ident +)* ) => {
&[ $( *($publics.$point) ,)* ]
macro_rules! __compute_commitments_consttime {
(($publics:ident, $scalars:ident) $($lhs:ident = $statement:tt),+) => {
Commitments {
$( $lhs :
__compute_formula_scalarlist!(($publics, $scalars) $statement),
__compute_formula_pointlist!(($publics, $scalars) $statement),
macro_rules! __recompute_commitments_vartime {
(($publics:ident, $scalars:ident, $minus_c:ident) $($lhs:ident = $statement:tt),+) => {
Commitments {
$( $lhs :
__compute_formula_scalarlist!(($publics, $scalars) $statement)
__compute_formula_pointlist!(($publics, $scalars) $statement)
macro_rules! generate_nipk {
$proof_module_name:ident // Name of the module to create
( $($secret:ident),+ ) // Secret variables, sep by commas
( $($public:ident),+ ) // Public variables, sep by commas
// List of statements to prove
// Format: LHS = ( ... RHS expr ... ),
$($lhs:ident = $statement:tt),+
) => {
mod $proof_module_name {
extern crate sodiumoxide;
use bn::{Group, Fr, G1};
use self::sodiumoxide::crypto::hash;
use rand::Rng;
use std::iter;
use bincode::SizeLimit::Infinite;
use bincode::rustc_serialize::encode;
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Secrets<'a> {
// Create a parameter for each secret value
pub $secret : &'a Fr,
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Publics<'a> {
// Create a parameter for each public value
pub $public : &'a G1,
// Hack because we can't concat identifiers,
// so do responses.x instead of responses_x
// rand.x instead of rand_x, etc.
struct Commitments {$($lhs: G1,)+ }
struct Randomnesses {$($secret : Fr,)+}
// #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Responses {$($secret : Fr,)+}
//#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Proof {
challenge: Fr,
responses: Responses,
impl Proof {
/// Create a `Proof`, in constant time, from the given
/// `Publics` and `Secrets`.
pub fn create<R: Rng>(
rng: &mut R,
publics: Publics,
secrets: Secrets,
) -> Proof {
let rand = Randomnesses{
$secret : Fr::random(rng),
// $statement_rhs = `X * x + Y * y + Z * z`
// should become
// `publics.X * rand.x + publics.Y * rand.y + publics.Z * rand.z`
let commitments: Commitments;
commitments = __compute_commitments_consttime!(
(publics, rand) $($lhs = $statement),*
let mut hash_state = hash::State::new();
//let tmp$public: Vec<u8> = encode(&publics.$public, Infinite).unwrap();
hash_state.update((encode(&publics.$public, Infinite).unwrap()).as_slice());
//let tmp$lhs: Vec<u8> = encode(&commitments.$lhs, Infinite).unwrap();
hash_state.update((encode(&commitments.$lhs, Infinite).unwrap()).as_slice());
let digest = hash_state.finalize();
let mut digest_buf: [u8; 64] = [0; 64];
let challenge = Fr::interpret(&digest_buf); // Scalar::from_hash(hash);
let responses = Responses{
$secret : (challenge * *secrets.$secret) + rand.$secret,
Proof{ challenge: challenge, responses: responses }
/// Verify the `Proof` using the public parameters `Publics`.
pub fn verify(&self, publics: Publics) -> Result<(),()> {
// `A = X * x + Y * y`
// should become
// `publics.X * responses.x + publics.Y * responses.y - publics.A * self.challenge`
let responses = &self.responses;
let minus_c = -self.challenge;
let commitments = __recompute_commitments_vartime!(
(publics, responses, minus_c) $($lhs = $statement),*
let mut hash_state = hash::State::new();
// Add each public point into the hash
//let tmp$public: Vec<u8> = encode(&publics.$public, Infinite).unwrap();
hash_state.update((encode(&publics.$public, Infinite).unwrap()).as_slice());
// Add each (recomputed) commitment into the hash
//let tmp$lhs: Vec<u8> = encode(&commitments.$lhs, Infinite).unwrap();
hash_state.update((encode(&commitments.$lhs, Infinite).unwrap()).as_slice());
let digest = hash_state.finalize();
let mut digest_buf: [u8; 64] = [0; 64];
// Recompute challenge
let challenge = Fr::interpret(&digest_buf); // Scalar::from_hash(hash);
if challenge == self.challenge { Ok(()) } else { Err(()) }
mod bench {
extern crate test;
use $crate::rand;
use super::*;
use self::test::Bencher;
fn create(b: &mut Bencher) {
let rng = &mut rand::thread_rng();
//let mut rng = OsRng::new().unwrap();
// Need somewhere to actually put the public points
struct DummyPublics { $( pub $public : G1, )+ }
let dummy_publics = DummyPublics {
$( $public : G1::random(&mut rng) , )+
let publics = Publics {
$( $public : &dummy_publics.$public , )+
struct DummySecrets { $( pub $secret : Fr, )+ }
let dummy_secrets = DummySecrets {
$( $secret : Fr::random(&mut rng) , )+
let secrets = Secrets {
$( $secret : &dummy_secrets.$secret , )+
b.iter(|| Proof::create(&mut rng, publics, secrets));
fn verify(b: &mut Bencher) {
let mut rng = OsRng::new().unwrap();
// Need somewhere to actually put the public points
struct DummyPublics { $( pub $public : G1, )+ }
let dummy_publics = DummyPublics {
$( $public : G1::random(&mut rng) , )+
let publics = Publics {
$( $public : &dummy_publics.$public , )+
struct DummySecrets { $( pub $secret : Fr, )+ }
let dummy_secrets = DummySecrets {
$( $secret : Fr::random(&mut rng) , )+
let secrets = Secrets {
$( $secret : &dummy_secrets.$secret , )+
let p = Proof::create(&mut rng, publics, secrets);
b.iter(|| p.verify(publics));
macro_rules! measure {
($x: expr) => {

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
use std::fmt;
use std::str;
//use std::default;
use rand;
use bn::{Group, Fr, G1, G2, Gt, pairing};
use debug_elem_in_hex;

View File

@ -538,8 +538,6 @@ impl<'a> SpendMessage<'a> {
////////////////////////////////// CL Sigs /////////////////////////////////////
////////////////////////////////// COMMITMENT //////////////////////////////////
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Message {
sk: clsigs::SecretKey, // the secret key for the signature scheme (Is it possible to make this a generic field?)
@ -584,9 +582,7 @@ impl Message {
////////////////////////////////// COMMITMENT //////////////////////////////////
////////////////////////////////// NIZKP //////////////////////////////////
////////////////////////////////// Utilities //////////////////////////////////
pub fn concat_to_vector(output: &mut Vec<u8>, t: &G2) {
let t_vec: Vec<u8> = encode(t, Infinite).unwrap();
@ -601,15 +597,8 @@ pub struct Proof {
s2: Fr
//pub fn hash(g: &G1, h: &G1, X: &G1, Y: &G1, T: &Gt) -> Fr {
// let g_vec: Vec<u8> = encode(&g, Infinite).unwrap();
// // TODO: fix this
// return Fr::from_str("1234567890").unwrap();
pub fn hashG1ToFr(x: &G1) -> Fr {
// TODO: change to serde (instead of rustc_serialize)
// TODO: use serde (instead of rustc_serialize)
let x_vec: Vec<u8> = encode(&x, Infinite).unwrap();
let sha2_digest = sha512::hash(x_vec.as_slice());
@ -848,7 +837,6 @@ impl RevokedMessage {
// return InitMerchantData { T:, csk: csk_m };
// }
// // TODO: requires NIZK proof system
// pub fn establish_customer(pp: &PublicParams, t_m: &clsigs::PublicKey, csk_c: &CustSecretKey) {
// println ! ("Run establish_customer algorithm...");
// // set sk_0 to random bytes of length l

View File

@ -1,500 +0,0 @@
// -*- coding: utf-8; mode: rust; -*-
// To the extent possible under law, the authors have waived all
// copyright and related or neighboring rights to zkp,
// using the Creative Commons "CC0" public domain dedication. See
// <> for full
// details.
// Authors:
// - Henry de Valence <>
//! This crate has an experimental zero-knowledge proof compiler
//! implemented using Rust macros.
//! It provides a DSL resembing Camenisch-Stadler notation for proving
//! statements about discrete logarithms in the Ristretto group on
//! BLS-381, as implemented in
//! [`bn module`](
//extern crate serde;
//pub extern crate serde_derive;
//pub extern crate bn;
//pub extern crate rand;
macro_rules! __compute_formula_scalarlist {
// Unbracket a statement
(($publics:ident, $scalars:ident) ($($x:tt)*)) => {
// Add a trailing +
__compute_formula_scalarlist!(($publics,$scalars) $($x)* +)
// Inner part of the formula: give a list of &Scalars
// Since there's a trailing +, we can just generate the list as normal...
(($publics:ident, $scalars:ident)
$( $point:ident * $scalar:ident +)+ ) => {
&[ $( $scalars.$scalar ,)* ]
macro_rules! __compute_formula_pointlist {
// Unbracket a statement
(($publics:ident, $scalars:ident) ($($x:tt)*)) => {
// Add a trailing +
__compute_formula_pointlist!(($publics,$scalars) $($x)* +)
// Inner part of the formula: give a list of &Scalars
// Since there's a trailing +, we can just generate the list as normal...
(($publics:ident, $scalars:ident)
$( $point:ident * $scalar:ident +)* ) => {
&[ $( *($publics.$point) ,)* ]
macro_rules! __compute_commitments_consttime {
(($publics:ident, $scalars:ident) $($lhs:ident = $statement:tt),+) => {
Commitments {
$( $lhs :
__compute_formula_scalarlist!(($publics, $scalars) $statement),
__compute_formula_pointlist!(($publics, $scalars) $statement),
macro_rules! __recompute_commitments_vartime {
(($publics:ident, $scalars:ident, $minus_c:ident) $($lhs:ident = $statement:tt),+) => {
Commitments {
$( $lhs :
__compute_formula_scalarlist!(($publics, $scalars) $statement)
__compute_formula_pointlist!(($publics, $scalars) $statement)
/// Creates a module with code required to produce a non-interactive
/// zero-knowledge proof statement, to serialize it to wire format, to
/// parse from wire format, and to verify the proof statement.
/// The statement is specified in an embedded DSL resembling
/// Camenisch-Stadler notation. For instance, a proof of knowledge of
/// two equal discrete logarithms ("DLEQ") is specified as:
/// ```rust,ignore
/// create_nipk!{dleq, (x), (A, B, G, H) : A = (G * x), B = (H * x) }
/// ```
/// This creates a module `dleq` with code for proving knowledge of a
/// secret `x: Scalar` such that `A = G*x`, `B = H*x` for public
/// parameters `A, B, G, H: G1`. In general the syntax is
/// ```rust,ignore
/// create_nipk!{
/// module_name, // used to label proof statements
/// (x,y,z,...), // secret variable names
/// (A,B,C,...) // public parameter names
/// :
/// LHS = (A * x + B * y + C * z + ... ), // comma-seperated statements
/// ...
/// }
/// ```
/// Statements have the form `LHS = (A * x + B * y + C * z + ... )`,
/// where `LHS` is one of the points listed as a public parameter, and
/// the right-hand side is a sum of public points multiplied by secret
/// scalars.
/// Inside the generated module `module_name`, the macro defines three
/// structs:
/// A `Publics` struct corresponding to the public parameters, of the
/// form
/// ```rust,ignore
/// pub struct Publics<'a> { pub A: &'a G1, ... }
/// ```
/// A `Secrets` struct corresponding to the secret parameters, of the
/// form
/// ```rust,ignore
/// pub struct Secrets<'a> { pub x: &'a Scalar, ... }
/// ```
/// A `Proof` struct, of the form
/// ```rust,ignore
/// #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
/// pub struct Proof { ... }
/// impl Proof {
/// pub fn create<R: Rng>(
/// rng: &mut R,
/// publics: Publics,
/// secrets: Secrets,
/// ) -> Proof { ... }
/// pub fn verify(&self, publics: Publics) -> Result<(),()> { ... }
/// }
/// ```
/// The `Proof` struct derives the Serde traits, so it can be
/// serialized and deserialized to various wire formats.
/// The `Publics` and `Secrets` structs are used to fake named
/// arguments in the input to `create` and `verify`. Proof creation
/// is done in constant time. Proof verification uses variable-time
/// code.
/// As an example, we can create and verify a DLEQ proof as follows:
/// ```
/// #[macro_use]
/// extern crate serde_derive;
/// #[macro_use]
/// extern crate zkp;
/// extern crate rand;
/// use rand;
/// extern crate bincode;
/// # fn main() {
/// let mut rng = OsRng::new().unwrap();
/// let G = &dalek_constants::RISTRETTO_BASEPOINT_POINT;
/// let H = RistrettoPoint::hash_from_bytes::<Sha256>(G.compress().as_bytes());
/// create_nipk!{dleq, (x), (A, B, G, H) : A = (G * x), B = (H * x) }
/// let x = Fr::from_str("89327492234");
/// let A = G * &x;
/// let B = &H * &x;
/// let publics = dleq::Publics{A: &A, B: &B, G: G, H: &H};
/// let secrets = dleq::Secrets{x: &x};
/// let proof = dleq::Proof::create(&mut rng, publics, secrets);
/// // Serialize to bincode representation
/// let proof_bytes = bincode::serialize(&proof, bincode::Infinite).unwrap();
/// // Send bytes over the wire here ...
/// // Parse bytes back to in-memory representation
/// let parsed_proof: dleq::Proof
/// = bincode::deserialize(&proof_bytes).unwrap();
/// // Check the proof.
/// assert!(parsed_proof.verify(publics).is_ok());
/// # }
/// ```
macro_rules! create_nipk {
$proof_module_name:ident // Name of the module to create
( $($secret:ident),+ ) // Secret variables, sep by commas
( $($public:ident),+ ) // Public variables, sep by commas
// List of statements to prove
// Format: LHS = ( ... RHS expr ... ),
$($lhs:ident = $statement:tt),+
) => {
mod $proof_module_name {
use $crate::{Group, Fr, G1}
use $crate::sodiumoxide::crypto::hash;
// use $crate::sha2::{Digest, Sha512};
use $crate::rand::Rng;
use std::iter;
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Secrets<'a> {
// Create a parameter for each secret value
pub $secret : &'a Fr,
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Publics<'a> {
// Create a parameter for each public value
pub $public : &'a G1,
// Hack because we can't concat identifiers,
// so do responses.x instead of responses_x
// rand.x instead of rand_x, etc.
struct Commitments {$($lhs: G1,)+ }
struct Randomnesses {$($secret : Scalar,)+}
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Responses {$($secret : Scalar,)+}
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Proof {
challenge: Fr,
responses: Responses,
impl Proof {
/// Create a `Proof`, in constant time, from the given
/// `Publics` and `Secrets`.
pub fn create<R: Rng>(
rng: &mut R,
publics: Publics,
secrets: Secrets,
) -> Proof {
let rand = Randomnesses{
$secret : Fr::random(rng),
// $statement_rhs = `X * x + Y * y + Z * z`
// should become
// `publics.X * rand.x + publics.Y * rand.y + publics.Z * rand.z`
let commitments: Commitments;
commitments = __compute_commitments_consttime!(
(publics, rand) $($lhs = $statement),*
let mut hash_state = hash::State::new();
let digest = hash_state.finalize();
let mut digest_buf: [u8; 64] = [0; 64];
let challenge = Fr::interpret(&digest_buf); // Scalar::from_hash(hash);
let responses = Responses{
$secret : &(&challenge * secrets.$secret) + &rand.$secret,
Proof{ challenge: challenge, responses: responses }
/// Verify the `Proof` using the public parameters `Publics`.
pub fn verify(&self, publics: Publics) -> Result<(),()> {
// `A = X * x + Y * y`
// should become
// `publics.X * responses.x + publics.Y * responses.y - publics.A * self.challenge`
let responses = &self.responses;
let minus_c = -&self.challenge;
let commitments = __recompute_commitments_vartime!(
(publics, responses, minus_c) $($lhs = $statement),*
let mut hash_state = hash::State::new();
// Add each public point into the hash
// Add each (recomputed) commitment into the hash
let digest = hash_state.finalize();
let mut digest_buf: [u8; 64] = [0; 64];
// Recompute challenge
let challenge = Fr::interpret(&digest_buf); // Scalar::from_hash(hash);
if challenge == self.challenge { Ok(()) } else { Err(()) }
mod bench {
extern crate test;
use $crate::rand;
use super::*;
use self::test::Bencher;
fn create(b: &mut Bencher) {
let rng = &mut rand::thread_rng();
//let mut rng = OsRng::new().unwrap();
// Need somewhere to actually put the public points
struct DummyPublics { $( pub $public : G1, )+ }
let dummy_publics = DummyPublics {
$( $public : G1::random(&mut rng) , )+
let publics = Publics {
$( $public : &dummy_publics.$public , )+
struct DummySecrets { $( pub $secret : Fr, )+ }
let dummy_secrets = DummySecrets {
$( $secret : Fr::random(&mut rng) , )+
let secrets = Secrets {
$( $secret : &dummy_secrets.$secret , )+
b.iter(|| Proof::create(&mut rng, publics, secrets));
fn verify(b: &mut Bencher) {
let mut rng = OsRng::new().unwrap();
// Need somewhere to actually put the public points
struct DummyPublics { $( pub $public : G1, )+ }
let dummy_publics = DummyPublics {
$( $public : G1::random(&mut rng) , )+
let publics = Publics {
$( $public : &dummy_publics.$public , )+
struct DummySecrets { $( pub $secret : Fr, )+ }
let dummy_secrets = DummySecrets {
$( $secret : Fr::random(&mut rng) , )+
let secrets = Secrets {
$( $secret : &dummy_secrets.$secret , )+
let p = Proof::create(&mut rng, publics, secrets);
b.iter(|| p.verify(publics));
mod tests {
extern crate bincode;
extern crate test;
use rand;
use bn::{Group, Fr, G1};
// use self::test::Bencher;
// use curve25519_dalek::constants as dalek_constants;
// use curve25519_dalek::ristretto::RistrettoPoint;
// use curve25519_dalek::scalar::Scalar;
fn create_gen_dleq(b: &mut Bencher) {
let rng = &mut rand::thread_rng();
let G = G1::random(rng); // &dalek_constants::RISTRETTO_BASEPOINT_POINT;
let H = G1::random(rng); // RistrettoPoint::hash_from_bytes::<Sha256>(G.compress().as_bytes());
create_nipk!{dleq, (x), (A, B, G, H) : A = (G * x), B = (H * x) }
let x = Fr::from_str("89327492234").unwrap();
let A = G * x;
let B = H * x;
let publics = dleq::Publics{A: &A, B: &B, G: G, H: &H};
let secrets = dleq::Secrets{x: &x};
let proof = dleq::Proof::create(&mut rng, publics, secrets);
// serialize to bincode representation
let proof_bytes = bincode::serialize(&proof, bincode::Infinite).unwrap();
// parse bytes back to memory
let parsed_proof: dleq::Proof
= bincode::deserialize(&proof_bytes).unwrap();
// b.iter(|| dleq::Proof::create(&mut rng, publics, secrets));
// #[bench]
// fn verify_gen_dleq(b: &mut Bencher) {
// let mut rng = OsRng::new().unwrap();
// let G = &dalek_constants::RISTRETTO_BASEPOINT_POINT;
// let H = RistrettoPoint::hash_from_bytes::<Sha256>(G.compress().as_bytes());
// create_nipk!{dleq, (x), (A, B, G, H) : A = (G * x), B = (H * x) }
// let x = Scalar::from_u64(89327492234);
// let A = G * &x;
// let B = &H * &x;
// let publics = dleq::Publics{A: &A, B: &B, G: G, H: &H};
// let secrets = dleq::Secrets{x: &x};
// let proof = dleq::Proof::create(&mut rng, publics, secrets);
// b.iter(|| proof.verify(publics).is_ok());
// }
// #[test]
// fn create_and_verify_gen_dleq() {
// let mut rng = OsRng::new().unwrap();
// let G = &dalek_constants::RISTRETTO_BASEPOINT_POINT;
// let H = RistrettoPoint::hash_from_bytes::<Sha256>(G.compress().as_bytes());
// create_nipk!{dleq, (x), (A, B, G, H) : A = (G * x), B = (H * x) }
// let x = Scalar::from_u64(89327492234);
// let A = G * &x;
// let B = &H * &x;
// let publics = dleq::Publics{A: &A, B: &B, G: G, H: &H};
// let secrets = dleq::Secrets{x: &x};
// let proof = dleq::Proof::create(&mut rng, publics, secrets);
// // serialize to bincode representation
// let proof_bytes = bincode::serialize(&proof, bincode::Infinite).unwrap();
// // parse bytes back to memory
// let parsed_proof: dleq::Proof
// = bincode::deserialize(&proof_bytes).unwrap();
// assert!(parsed_proof.verify(publics).is_ok());
// }