ped92: Pedersen commitment using Generics

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Gijs Van Laer 2019-06-14 18:54:18 -04:00
parent 47135a1a12
commit 3e516083ae
2 changed files with 230 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ pub mod ote;
pub mod cl;
pub mod clsigs;
pub mod commit_scheme;
pub mod ped92;
pub mod clproto;
pub mod serialization_wrappers;

src/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
extern crate serde;
use serialization_wrappers;
use std::fmt;
use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};
use bn::{Group, Fr, G1, G2};
use pairing::{Engine, CurveProjective, CurveAffine};
use ff::Rand;
use clsigs;
use debug_elem_in_hex;
use bincode::SizeLimit::Infinite;
use bincode::rustc_serialize::encode;
use sodiumoxide::crypto::hash::sha512;
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
pub struct PublicKey<E: Engine> {
g: E::G2,
h: E::G2
pub struct Commitment<E: Engine> {
pub c: E::G2,
pub r: E::Fr
pub struct CSParams<E: Engine> {
pub pub_bases: Vec<E::G2>
//impl<E: Engine> fmt::Display for PublicKey<E> {
// fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
// let g_vec: Vec<u8> = encode(&self.g, Infinite).unwrap();
// let h_vec: Vec<u8> = encode(&self.h, Infinite).unwrap();
// let mut g_s = String::new();
// for x in g_vec.iter() {
// g_s = format!("{}{:x}", g_s, x);
// }
// let mut h_s = String::new();
// for y in h_vec.iter() {
// h_s = format!("{}{:x}", h_s, y);
// }
// write!(f, "PK : (g=0x{}, h=0x{})", g_s, h_s)
// }
//impl<E: Engine> fmt::Display for Commitment<E> {
// fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
// let c_vec: Vec<u8> = encode(&self.c, Infinite).unwrap();
// let mut c_s = String::new();
// for x in c_vec.iter() {
// c_s = format!("{}{:x}", c_s, x);
// }
// let d_vec: Vec<u8> = encode(&self.r, Infinite).unwrap();
// let mut d_s = String::new();
// for x in d_vec.iter() {
// d_s = format!("{}{:x}", d_s, x);
// }
// write!(f, "Commitment : (c=0x{}, r=0x{})", c_s, d_s)
// }
Implements the setup algorithm for the Pedersen92 commitment scheme
pub fn ped92_setup<E: Engine>() -> PublicKey<E> {
println!("Run Setup...");
let rng = &mut thread_rng();
let g = E::G2::rand(rng);
let h = E::G2::rand(rng);
let pk = PublicKey { g, h };
return pk;
commit(pk, msg) -> cm where
- pk is the public key generated from setup()
- msg is the message structure for the commitment scheme
- cm is the output commitment message for the given message
pub fn ped92_commit<E: Engine>(pk: &PublicKey<E>, m: E::Fr, R: Option<E::Fr>) -> Commitment<E> {
let rng = &mut thread_rng();
let r = R.unwrap_or(E::Fr::rand(rng));
//let r = Fr::random(rng);
//let m = msg.hash();
let p = "commit -> m";
// c = g^m * h^r
let mut c = pk.g.clone();
let mut h = pk.h.clone();
// return (c, r) <- d=r
let commitment = Commitment { c, r };
// debugging
return commitment;
decommit(pk, cm, msg) -> bool where
- pk is the public key generated from setup()
- cm is the commitment
- m is the message to validate
- outputs T/F for whether the cm is a valid commitment to the msg
pub fn ped92_decommit<E: Engine>(pk: &PublicKey<E>, cm: &Commitment<E>, m: E::Fr) -> bool {
let p = "decommit -> m";
let mut dm = pk.g.clone();
let mut h = pk.h.clone();
return dm == cm.c;
Implements the setup algorithm for the Pedersen92 commitment scheme over
a vector of messages.
pub fn setup<E: Engine>(len: usize, pub_bases: Vec<E::G2>, h: E::G2) -> CSParams<E> {
let rng = &mut thread_rng();
//let base_h = h.unwrap_or(G2::random(rng));
let mut p: Vec<E::G2> = Vec::new();
let _p = pub_bases;
for i in 0 .. _p.len() {
return CSParams { pub_bases: p };
pub fn setup_gen_params<E: Engine>(len: usize) -> CSParams<E> {
let rng = &mut thread_rng();
let mut p: Vec<E::G2> = Vec::new();
for i in 0 .. len {
return CSParams { pub_bases: p };
pub fn commit<E: Engine>(csp: &CSParams<E>, x: &Vec<E::Fr>, r: E::Fr) -> Commitment<E> {
let rng = &mut thread_rng();
//let r = R.unwrap_or(Fr::random(rng));
// c = g1^m1 * ... * gn^mn * h^r
//println!("(commit) index: 0");
let mut c = csp.pub_bases[0].clone();
for i in 1 .. x.len() {
//println!("(commit) index: {}", i);
let mut basis= csp.pub_bases[i];
// return (c, r) <- r
let commitment = Commitment { c, r };
// debugging
//println!("{}", commitment);
return commitment;
pub fn decommit<E: Engine>(csp: &CSParams<E>, cm: &Commitment<E>, x: &Vec<E::Fr>) -> bool {
let l = x.len();
// pub_base[0] => h, x[0] => r
// check that cm.r == x[0]
// assert!(cm.r == x[0]);
let mut dc = csp.pub_bases[0].clone();
for i in 1 .. l {
let mut basis= csp.pub_bases[i];
return dc == cm.c && cm.r == x[0];
mod tests {
use super::*;
use pairing::bls12_381::{Bls12, Fr};
use ff::Field;
fn commit_one_message_works() {
let rng = &mut thread_rng();
let pk = ped92_setup::<Bls12>();
let m1 = Fr::rand(rng);
let mut m2 = m1.clone();
let r = Fr::rand(rng);
let c = ped92_commit(&pk, m1, Some(r));
assert!(ped92_decommit(&pk, &c, m1) == true);
assert!(ped92_decommit(&pk, &c, m2) == false);
fn commit_n_message_works() {
let rng = &mut thread_rng();
let len = 3;
let csp = setup_gen_params::<Bls12>(len);
let mut m: Vec<Fr> = Vec::new();
for i in 0 .. len {
let r = m[0].clone();
let c = commit(&csp, &m, r);
assert!(decommit(&csp, &c, &m) == true);