some cleanup

This commit is contained in:
J. Ayo Akinyele 2018-07-14 23:00:12 -04:00
parent 717c36e85f
commit 4c2007b112
2 changed files with 0 additions and 100 deletions

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@ -46,27 +46,6 @@ macro_rules! measure_ret_mut {
fn main() {
let rng = &mut rand::thread_rng();
// // Generate private keys
// let alice_sk = Fr::random(rng);
// //println!("alice_sk: {}", alice_sk);
// let bob_sk = Fr::random(rng);
// let carol_sk = Fr::random(rng);
// // Generate public keys in G1 and G2
// let (alice_pk1, alice_pk2) = (G1::one() * alice_sk, G2::one() * alice_sk);
// let (bob_pk1, bob_pk2) = (G1::one() * bob_sk, G2::one() * bob_sk);
// let (carol_pk1, carol_pk2) = (G1::one() * carol_sk, G2::one() * carol_sk);
// // Each party computes the shared secret
// let alice_ss = pairing(bob_pk1, carol_pk2).pow(alice_sk);
// let bob_ss = pairing(carol_pk1, alice_pk2).pow(bob_sk);
// let carol_ss = pairing(alice_pk1, bob_pk2).pow(carol_sk);
// assert!(alice_ss == bob_ss && bob_ss == carol_ss);
// println!("All bn unit tests succeeded!");
// println!("******************************************");
// // Test the PRF

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@ -114,25 +114,6 @@ impl<'a> fmt::UpperHex for HexSlice<'a> {
// To hash this message structure, encode each element in the tuple
// as a byte stream, then apply a hash on it. Then, convert the output value into
// a Fr element.
pub fn misc_tests() {
let rng = &mut rand::thread_rng();
let a = Fr::random(rng);
// println!("crs = {}", stringify!(a));
// let limit = bincode::SizeLimit::Bounded(256);
let encoded: Vec<u8> = encode(&a, Infinite).unwrap();
println!("a length = {}", encoded.len());
println!("a = {:?}", encoded);
print!("a (hex) = 0x");
for x in encoded.iter() {
print!("{:x}", x);
pub fn print(g: &G1) -> String {
let c_vec: Vec<u8> = encode(g, Infinite).unwrap();
@ -144,65 +125,6 @@ pub fn print(g: &G1) -> String {
return c_s;
////////////////////////////////// SymKeyEnc ///////////////////////////////////
Symmetric Key Encryption Scheme.
//pub mod sym {
// use std::fmt;
// use sodiumoxide;
// use sodiumoxide::crypto::secretbox;
// pub struct SymCT {
// nonce: secretbox::Nonce,
// ciphertext: Vec<u8>
// }
// impl fmt::Display for SymCT {
// fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
// let mut y_s = String::new();
// for y in self.ciphertext.iter() {
// y_s = format!("{}{:x}", y_s, y);
// }
// write!(f, "CT : (ct=0x{})", y_s)
// }
// }
// #[derive(Clone)]
// pub struct SymKey {
// key: secretbox::Key,
// l: i32
// }
// pub fn init() {
// sodiumoxide::init();
// }
// pub fn keygen(l: i32) -> SymKey {
// // TODO: make sure key is a l-bit key
// return SymKey { key: secretbox::gen_key(), l: l };
// }
// pub fn encrypt(key: &SymKey, plaintext: &String) -> SymCT {
// let nonce = secretbox::gen_nonce();
// let pt = plaintext.as_bytes();
// let ct = secretbox::seal(pt, &nonce, &key.key);
// return SymCT { nonce: nonce, ciphertext: ct };
// }
// pub fn decrypt(key: &SymKey, ciphertext: &SymCT) -> String {
// let nonce = ciphertext.nonce;
// let pt = secretbox::open(&ciphertext.ciphertext, &nonce, &key.key).unwrap();
// // TODO: investigate better error handling here
// let plaintext = String::from_utf8(pt).expect("Found invalid UTF-8");
// return plaintext;
// }
////////////////////////////////// SymKeyEnc ///////////////////////////////////
// OLD RefundMessage
//impl<'a> RefundMessage<'a> {
// pub fn new(_c_id: Fr, _index: i32) -> RefundMessage<'a> {
@ -823,7 +745,6 @@ pub mod bidirectional {
//println!("establish_customer_final - print secrets");