updates to design spec

This commit is contained in:
J. Ayo Akinyele 2018-04-20 00:23:59 -04:00
parent d8dc79459f
commit e47d641667
1 changed files with 112 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -323,15 +323,8 @@ The customer executes the following algorithm:
\item Compute $s \leftarrow F_{k_1}(i)$
\item Compute $t \rightarrow {\sf OTEnc}(F_{k_2}(i), pk_c)$
\item Compute $\pi = PK\{ (pk_c, sk_c, k_1, k_2, r, i, \sigma_w): s = F_{k_1}(i) \wedge 0 < i \leq B\\ \wedge t = {\sf OTEnc}(F_{k_2}(i), pk_c) \\ \wedge {\sf Verify}(pk_m, (k_1, k_2, sk_c), \sigma_w) \\ \wedge (pk_c, sk_c) \in {\sf KeyGen}(1^\lambda) \}$
\item Compute $C_1 = g^B \cdot h^{r_1}$
\item Compute $C_2 = C_1 / g^\epsilon$
\item Compute $C_3 = g_1^{x_1} \cdot g_2^{x_2} \cdot h^{r_3}$
\item Compute ${\sf wCom'} = C_2 \cdot C_3$. Keep ${\sf wCom'}$ private.
\item Prove commitment ${\sf wCom'}$ in zero knowledge (via {\sf NIZK}).
\item Prove knowledge of valid signature $\sigma_w$ on $(x_1, x_2, B)$ in $C_1 \cdot C_3$.
\item Prove that $i$ is in the range $0 < i \leq B$.
\item Return $(s, t, \pi)$
@ -383,6 +376,7 @@ The customer obtains a new wallet $w_{new} := (sk_0, sk_c, k_1, k_2, r, B, \sigm
\subsection{Bidirectional Scheme}
The bidirectional payment construction enables compact closure and compact wallets in addition to a single run of the {\sf Pay} protocol to transfer arbitrary values (constrained by a maximum payment amount).
@ -422,17 +416,96 @@ channel tokens, the {\sf Establish} protocol activates a channel between the two
escrowed funds. If the interaction succeeds, the merchant receives {\sf established} message and the customer
receives a wallet $w$. Either party may receive an error denoted by $\bot$.
\todo{finish phases}
\medskip \noindent
The customer does the following:
\item Parse $csk_c$ to obtain $({\sf cID}, {\sf wCom}, wpk, wsk, r, \BC)$
\item Generate a proof $\pi_1$ of the following statement: \\
$\pi_1 = PK\{ (wpk, wsk, r) : {\sf wCom} = {\sf Commit}({\sf cID}, wpk, \BC; r) \wedge (wpk, wsk) \in {\sf KeyGen}(1^\lambda)\}$
\item Send proof $\pi_1$ to the merchant.
\medskip \noindent
The merchant does the following:
\item Parse ${\sf T}_{C}$ to obtain $\BC, {\sf wCom}$.
\item Verify proof $\pi_1$ is valid. If not, output $\bot$
\item Execute interactive protocol to compute {\bf a blind signature} $\sigma_w$ under $sk_m$ on contents of ${\sf wCom}$.
\item Customer obtains $\sigma_w$.
\medskip \noindent
The customer obtains a wallet $w := (\BC, wpk, wsk, r, \sigma_w)$ and the merchant sets its state to {\sf established}.
% Pay protocol description
\item ${\sf Pay}( C\{{\sf PP}, \epsilon, w_{\sf old})\}, \{M({\sf PP}, \epsilon, {\bf S}_{\sf old})\})$. On input parameters, a payment amount $\epsilon$, and a wallet $w_{\sf old}$ from a customer, and the merchant's current state ${\bf S}_{\sf old}$ (initially set to $0$) from the merchant: the customer receives a payment success bit $R_{\sf C}$ and the new wallet $w_{\sf new}$ on success. The merchant receives a payment success bit $R_{\sf M}$ and an updated ${\bf S}_{\sf new}$ on success.
\todo{finish phases}
\medskip \noindent
The customer does the following:
\item Parse $w_{old}$ as $({\sf cID}, B, wpk, wsk, r, \sigma_w)$.
\item Sample $(wpk', wsk') \leftarrow {\sf KeyGen}(PP)$.
\item Sample random coins $r'$.
\item Generate ${\sf wCom'} \leftarrow {\sf Commit}({\sf cID}, wpk', B - \epsilon; r')$
\item Generate proof $\pi_2$ as follows:
\\ $\pi_2 = PK\{ (wpk', B, r', \sigma_w) : {\sf wCom'} = {\sf Commit}({\sf cID}, wpk', B - \epsilon; r')
\\ \wedge {\sf Verify}(pk_m, (wpk, B), \sigma_w) = 1
\\ \wedge 0 \leq (B - \epsilon) \leq val_{\sf max} \}$
\item Compute $C_1 = g^B \cdot h^{r_1}$
\item Compute $C_2 = C_1 / g^\epsilon$
\item Compute $C_3 = g_1^{x_1} \cdot g_2^{x_2} \cdot h^{r_3}$
\item Compute ${\sf wCom'} = C_2 \cdot C_3$. Keep ${\sf wCom'}$ private.
\item Prove commitment ${\sf wCom'}$ in zero knowledge (via {\sf NIZK}).
\item Prove knowledge of valid signature $\sigma_w$ on $(x_1, x_2, B)$ in $C_1 \cdot C_3$.
\item Prove that $i$ is in the range $0 < i \leq B$.
\item Send $(\epsilon, {\sf wCom'}, wpk, \pi_2)$.
\medskip \noindent
The merchant does the following:
\item Verify $\pi_2$ and ensure that $(wpk, \cdot) \notin {\bf S}$ and $\epsilon_{\sf min} \leq \epsilon \leq \epsilon_{\sf max}$
\item If these conditions do not hold, abort and output $\bot$
\item Set ${\bf S}_{\sf new} := {\bf S}_{\sf old} \cup \{(wpk, \bot)\}$.
\item If $\epsilon < 0$, then $R_{M} \leftarrow 1$ otherwise $R_{M} \leftarrow \bot$.
\item Execute interactive protocol to generate a {\bf partially blind signature} $rt_{w'}$ under $sk_m$ on the message $({\sf refund}||wpk'||B - \epsilon)$.
\\ NOTE: $wpk'$ and $B - \epsilon$ are the contents of ${\sf wCom'}$.
\\ \todo{Expand}
\item The customer obtains $rt_{w'}$ at the end of the protocol.
\medskip \noindent
In the second phase, the customer does the following:
\item Check that ${\sf Verify}(pk_m, rt_{w'}, {\sf refund}||wpk'||B - \epsilon) = 1$
\item If verification failure or message does not arrive, abort and output $rt_{w'}$.
\item Otherwise, compute $\sigma_{rev} = {\sf Sign}(wsk, {\sf revoke}||{\sf cID}||wpk)$ and output $\sigma_{rev}$.
\medskip \noindent
In the second phase, the merchant does the following:
\item Ensure ${\sf Verify}(wpk, {\sf revoke}||wpk, \sigma_{rev}) = 1$.
\item If so, set ${\bf S}_{\sf new} := {\bf S}_{\sf old} \cup \{(wpk, \sigma_{rev}\}$ and $R_{M} \leftarrow 1$.
\item Execute interactive protocol to generate a blind signature $\sigma_{w'}$ on the contents of ${\sf wCom'}$ using $sk_m$.
\item If this completes, set $R_{M} \leftarrow 2$.
\medskip \noindent
The customer obtains a new wallet $w_{\sf new} := (B - \epsilon, wpk', wsk', r', \sigma_{w'})$ and the merchant keeps ${\bf S}_{\sf new}, R_{M}$.
% Refund algorithm description
\item ${\sf Refund}({\sf PP}, {\sf T}_{M} csk_{C}, w) \rightarrow (m, \sigma)$.
\item ${\sf Refund}({\sf PP}, {\sf T}_{M}, csk_{C}, w) \rightarrow (m, \sigma)$.
\item If the customer has not invoked {\sf Pay} protocol, then $m := ({\sf refundUnsigned}, ({\sf cID}, wpk, B), r)$.
\item If the customer has not invoked the {\sf Pay} protocol, then $m := ({\sf refundUnsigned}, ({\sf cID}, wpk, B), r)$.
\item Otherwise, set $m := ({\sf refundToken}, ({\sf cID}, wpk, B), rt_w)$.
\item Compute $\sigma = {\sf Sign}(sk_c, m)$.
\item Output ${\sf rc}_{C} = (m, \sigma)$.
@ -447,17 +520,37 @@ receives a wallet $w$. Either party may receive an error denoted by $\bot$.
\item If signature $\sigma$ verifies, then parse tuple $({\sf cID}, wpk, B) \leftarrow m$.
\item Verify that {\sf cID} matches the channel.
\item If previous record of $(wpk, \sigma_{rev}) \in {\bf S}$, then output ${\sf rc}_{M} = (({\sf revoked}, \sigma_{rev}), \sigma)$.
\\ NOTE: $\sigma$ is a valid signature over $({\sf revoked}, \sigma_{rev})$
\\ {\bf NOTE}: $\sigma$ is a valid signature over $({\sf revoked}, \sigma_{rev})$
\item Otherwise, add new key ${\bf S} = {\bf S} \cup wpk$.
% Resolve algorithm description
\item ${\sf Resolve}({\sf PP}, {\sf T}_{C}, {\sf T}_{M}, {\sf rc}_{C}, {\sf rc}_{M})$
\item ${\sf Resolve}({\sf PP}, {\sf T}_{C}, {\sf T}_{M}, {\sf rc}_{C}, {\sf rc}_{M})$.
\item Parse $(pk_c, {\sf wCom}) \leftarrow {\sf T}_{C}$.
\item Parse $({\sf type}, ({\sf cID}, wpk, B), {\sf Token}) \leftarrow m$
\item \todo{finish me}
\item Verify that both tokens ${\sf rc}_{C}, {\sf rc}_{M}$ are signed by the customer and merchant keys $pk_c$ and $pk_{m}$ respectively.
\item Verify that both tokens contain the same channel identifier ${\sf cID}$ and matches the one from ${\sf T}_{C}$ and ${\sf T}_{M}$.
\item If either of the tokens fail this test, then replace with $\bot$. Let $B_{\sf total} = \BC + \BM$.
\item If ${\sf rc}_{C}$ is $\bot$, output all the funds to the merchant.
\item Parse $(pk_c, {\sf wCom}) = {\sf T}_{C}$.
\item $m$ should have the following structure $({\sf type}, ({\sf cID}, wpk, B), {\sf Token})$
\item Parse $({\sf revoked}, wpk, \sigma_{rev}) = m$
\item Ensure that ${\sf Verify}(wpk, ({\sf revoked}||{\sf cID}||wpk), \sigma) = 1$.
\item If verification check fails, then output ${B_{\sf final}^{\sf cust}} = B_{\sf total}$ and ${B_{\sf final}^{\sf merch}} = 0$.
\item Check the refund validity:
\item[a.] If ${\sf type} = {\sf refundUnsigned}$, check ${\sf wCom} = {\sf Commit}({\sf cID}, wpk, B; {\sf Token})$ and that merchant's token contains $\sigma_{rev}$.
\item[b.] If ${\sf type} = {\sf refundToken}$, check ${\sf Token}$ is a valid refund token on $({\sf cID}, wpk, B)$.
\item[c.] If either {\bf (a)} or {\bf (b)} fails, abort and output ${B_{\sf final}^{\sf cust}} = 0$ and ${B_{\sf final}^{\sf merch}} = B_{\sf total}$.
\item Check the refutation's validity by checking that ${\sf Verify}(wpk, {\sf revoke}||wpk, \sigma_{rev}) = 1$.
\item[a.] If valid, abort and output ${B_{\sf final}^{\sf cust}} = 0$ and ${B_{\sf final}^{\sf merch}} = B_{\sf total}$.
\item[b.] If invalid, pay the claimed balance to the customer (${B_{\sf final}^{\sf cust}} = B$) and the remainder to Merchant (${B_{\sf final}^{\sf merch}} = B_{\sf total} - B$).