.PHONY: all debug bench test update doc clean all: export RUSTFLAGS=-Awarnings cargo +nightly build cargo +nightly run --example bolt_test debug: export RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo +nightly build cargo +nightly run --example bolt_test release: cargo +nightly build --release cargo +nightly run --release --example bolt_test bench: cargo +nightly bench test: # runs the unit test suite cargo +nightly test --release #-- --nocapture update: # updates local git repos (for forked bn lib) cargo +nightly update doc: # generates the documentation cargo +nightly doc pythontests: cargo +nightly build python src/main.py cpptests: @cargo +nightly build @g++ src/main.cpp -L ./target/debug/ -lbolt -I ./include -o cpp_test @LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./target/debug/ ./cpp_test @rm cpp_test clean: cargo +nightly clean