
349 lines
14 KiB

extern crate bn;
extern crate rand;
extern crate rand_core;
extern crate libbolt;
extern crate bincode;
extern crate serde_derive;
extern crate serde;
extern crate time;
extern crate secp256k1;
use std::fmt;
use rand::{Rng, thread_rng};
use rand_core::RngCore;
use bn::{Group, Fr, G1, G2, pairing};
use bincode::SizeLimit::Infinite;
use bincode::rustc_serialize::{encode, decode};
use libbolt::prf;
use libbolt::sym;
use libbolt::ote;
use libbolt::clsigs;
use libbolt::commit_scheme;
use libbolt::bidirectional;
use time::PreciseTime;
macro_rules! measure {
($x: expr) => {
let s = PreciseTime::now();
let res = $x;
let e = PreciseTime::now();
macro_rules! measure_ret_mut {
($x: expr) => {
let s = PreciseTime::now();
let mut handle = $x;
let e = PreciseTime::now();
fn main() {
let rng = &mut rand::thread_rng();
// println!("******************************************");
// // Test the PRF
// let s = Fr::random(rng);
// let key = prf::initPRF(s, None);
// let x = Fr::random(rng);
// let y = prf::compute(&key, x);
// println!("Compute y = 0x{}", libbolt::print(&y));
// // Test the OTE scheme
// let k = ote::keygen();
// let X = G1::random(rng);
// let Y = G1::random(rng);
// let m = ote::OTMessage { m1: X, m2: Y };
// let c = ote::otenc(k, &m);
// let orig_m = ote::otdec(k, &c);
// assert!(m.m1 == orig_m.m1 && m.m2 == orig_m.m2);
// println!("OTE scheme works as expected!");
// let numbers = [1,2,3];
// let (port, chan) = Chan::new();
// chan.send(numbers);
// do spawn {
// let numbers = port.recv();
// println!("Num: {:d}", numbers[0]);
// }
// Test the CL sigs
// CL sig tests
let mpk = clsigs::setupD();
let l = 3;
let c_keypair = clsigs::keygenD(&mpk, l);
let m_keypair = clsigs::keygenD(&mpk, l);
let mut m1 : Vec<Fr> = Vec::new();
let mut m2 : Vec<Fr> = Vec::new();
let mut m3 : Vec<Fr> = Vec::new();
for i in 0 .. l+1 {
let signature = clsigs::signD(&mpk, &, &m1);
//println!("{}", signature);
println!("Checking CL sig verification...");
let (res1, verify1) = measure!(clsigs::verifyD(&mpk, &, &m1, &signature));
assert!(res1 == true);
println!("{} seconds for verifying valid signatures.", verify1);
let (res2, verify2) = measure!(clsigs::verifyD(&mpk, &, &m2, &signature));
assert!(res2 == false);
println!("{} seconds for verifying invalid signatures.", verify2);
let (res3, verify3) = measure!(clsigs::verifyD(&mpk, &, &m1, &signature));
assert!(res3 == false);
println!("Invalid sig - verify time 3: {}", verify3);
let (res4, verify4) = measure!(clsigs::verifyD(&mpk, &, &m3, &signature));
assert!(res4 == false);
println!("Invalid sig - verify time 4: {}", verify4);
// let s1 = signature.hash("prefix type1");
// let s2 = signature.hash("prefix type2");
// let p1 = "Hash of signature 1: ";
// libbolt::debug_elem_in_hex(p1, &s1);
// let p2 = "Hash of signature 2: ";
// libbolt::debug_elem_in_hex(p2, &s2);
// let mut schnorr = secp256k1::Secp256k1::new();
// schnorr.randomize(rng);
// let (wsk, wpk) = schnorr.generate_keypair(rng).unwrap();
// let balance = 100;
// let r = Fr::random(rng);
// let cid = Fr::random(rng);
// let refund_message1 = libbolt::RefundMessage::new(String::from("refundUnsigned"), wpk, balance, Some(r), None);
// let rm1 = refund_message1.hash();
// println!("RefundMessage => {}", refund_message1.msgtype);
// for i in 0 .. rm1.len() {
// let p = format!("rm1[{}] = ", i);
// libbolt::debug_elem_in_hex(&p, &rm1[i]);
// }
// let refund_message2 = libbolt::RefundMessage::new(String::from("refundToken"), wpk, balance+15, None, Some(signature));
// let rm2 = refund_message2.hash();
// println!("RefundMessage (token) => {}", refund_message2.msgtype);
// for i in 0 .. rm2.len() {
// let p = format!("rm2[{}] = ", i);
// libbolt::debug_elem_in_hex(&p, &rm2[i]);
// }
// println!("******************************************");
// let b =;
// let mut bases: Vec<G2> = Vec::new();
// bases.push(mpk.g2);
// for i in 0 .. b {
// bases.push([i]);
// }
// // generate sample commitment
// //let mut m: Vec<Fr> = Vec::new();
// let mut C = mpk.g2 * m1[0];
// for i in 0 .. b {
// //println!("index: {}", i);
// C = C + ([i] * m1[i+1]);
// }
// let msg = "Sample Commit output:";
// libbolt::debug_g2_in_hex(msg, &C);
// let cm_csp = commit_scheme::setup(b,, mpk.g2.clone());
// let r = m1[0];
// let w_com = commit_scheme::commit(&cm_csp, &m1, r);
// assert!(commit_scheme::decommit(&cm_csp, &w_com, &m1));
// //let msg = "Commmit Scheme output:";
// //libbolt::debug_g2_in_hex(msg, &w_com.c);
// //assert_eq!(C, w_com.c);
// println!("Commitment scheme consistent!!");
// let proof = clsigs::bs_gen_nizk_proof(&m1, &cm_csp.pub_bases, w_com.c);
// // old -> let proof = clsigs::bs_gen_nizk_proof(&m1, &bases, C);
// let int_sig = clsigs::bs_check_proof_and_gen_signature(&mpk, &, &proof);
// println!("Generated signature interactively!");
// let proof = clsigs::bs_gen_nizk_proof(&m1, &bases, C);
// let int_sig = clsigs::bs_check_proof_and_gen_signature(&mpk, &, &proof);
// println!("Generated signature interactively!");
// // int_sig = interactively generated signature
// assert!(clsigs::verifyD(&mpk, &, &m1, &int_sig) == true);
// println!("Verified interactively produced signature!");
// let blind_sigs = clsigs::prover_generate_blinded_sig(&int_sig);
// let common_params1 = clsigs::gen_common_params(&mpk, &, &int_sig);
// println!("Verified blind signature directly!");
// let proof_vs = clsigs::vs_gen_nizk_proof(&m1, &common_params1, common_params1.vs);
// assert!(clsigs::vs_verify_blind_sig(&mpk, &, &proof_vs, &blind_sigs));
// println!("Verified blind signature (via NIZK)!");
// libbolt tests below
//println!("[1a] libbolt - setup bidirecitonal scheme params");
let (pp, setup_time1) = measure!(bidirectional::setup(false));
//println!("[1b] libbolt - generate the initial channel state");
let mut channel = bidirectional::init_channel(String::from("A -> B"));
println!("Setup time: {}", setup_time1);
//let msg = "Open Channel ID: ";
//libbolt::debug_elem_in_hex(msg, &channel.cid);
let b0_cust = 50;
let b0_merch = 50;
// generate long-lived keypair for merchant -- used to identify
// it to all customers
//println!("[2] libbolt - generate long-lived key pair for merchant");
let (merch_keypair, keygen_time1) = measure!(bidirectional::keygen(&pp));
// customer gnerates an ephemeral keypair for use on a single channel
println!("[3] libbolt - generate ephemeral key pair for customer (use with one channel)");
let (cust_keypair, keygen_time2) = measure!(bidirectional::keygen(&pp));
// each party executes the init algorithm on the agreed initial challence balance
// in order to derive the channel tokens
println!("[5a] libbolt - initialize on the merchant side with balance {}", b0_merch);
let (mut init_merch_data, initm_time) = measure_ret_mut!(bidirectional::init_merchant(&pp, b0_merch, &merch_keypair));
println!(">> TIME for init_merchant: {}", initm_time);
println!("[5b] libbolt - initialize on the customer side with balance {}", b0_cust);
let cm_csp = bidirectional::generate_commit_setup(&pp, &;
let (mut init_cust_data, initc_time) = measure_ret_mut!(bidirectional::init_customer(&pp, &channel, b0_cust, b0_merch, &cm_csp, &cust_keypair));
println!(">> TIME for init_customer: {}", initc_time);
println!("[6a] libbolt - entering the establish protocol for the channel");
let (proof1, est_cust_time1) = measure!(bidirectional::establish_customer_phase1(&pp, &init_cust_data, &init_merch_data));
println!(">> TIME for establish_customer_phase1: {}", est_cust_time1);
println!("[6b] libbolt - obtain the wallet signature from the merchant");
let (wallet_sig, est_merch_time2) = measure!(bidirectional::establish_merchant_phase2(&pp, &mut channel, &init_merch_data, &proof1));
println!(">> TIME for establish_merchant_phase2: {}", est_merch_time2);
println!("[6c] libbolt - complete channel establishment");
assert!(bidirectional::establish_customer_final(&pp, &, &mut init_cust_data.csk, wallet_sig));
println!("Channel has been established!");
println!("Testing the pay protocol..");
// let's test the pay protocol
assert!(bidirectional::pay_by_customer_phase1_precompute(&pp, &init_cust_data.T, &, &mut init_cust_data.csk));
let s = PreciseTime::now();
let (t_c, new_wallet, pay_proof) = bidirectional::pay_by_customer_phase1(&pp, &init_cust_data.T, // channel token
&, // merchant pub key
&init_cust_data.csk, // wallet
5); // balance increment
let e = PreciseTime::now();
println!(">> TIME for pay_by_customer_phase1: {}",;
// get the refund token (rt_w)
let (rt_w, pay_merch_time1) = measure!(bidirectional::pay_by_merchant_phase1(&pp, &mut channel, &pay_proof, &init_merch_data));
println!(">> TIME for pay_by_merchant_phase1: {}", pay_merch_time1);
// get the revocation token (rv_w) on the old public key (wpk)
let (rv_w, pay_cust_time2) = measure!(bidirectional::pay_by_customer_phase2(&pp, &init_cust_data.csk, &new_wallet, &, &rt_w));
println!(">> TIME for pay_by_customer_phase2: {}", pay_cust_time2);
// get the new wallet sig (new_wallet_sig) on the new wallet
let (new_wallet_sig, pay_merch_time2) = measure!(bidirectional::pay_by_merchant_phase2(&pp, &mut channel, &pay_proof, &mut init_merch_data, &rv_w));
println!(">> TIME for pay_by_merchant_phase2: {}", pay_merch_time2);
assert!(bidirectional::pay_by_customer_final(&pp, &, &mut init_cust_data, t_c, new_wallet, new_wallet_sig));
// scope localizes the immutable borrow here (for debug purposes only)
let cust_wallet = &init_cust_data.csk;
let merch_wallet = &init_merch_data.csk;
println!("Customer balance: {}", cust_wallet.balance);
println!("Merchant balance: {}", merch_wallet.balance);
assert!(bidirectional::pay_by_customer_phase1_precompute(&pp, &init_cust_data.T, &, &mut init_cust_data.csk));
let (t_c1, new_wallet1, pay_proof1) = bidirectional::pay_by_customer_phase1(&pp, &init_cust_data.T, // channel token
&, // merchant pub key
&init_cust_data.csk, // wallet
10); // balance increment
// get the refund token (rt_w)
let rt_w1 = bidirectional::pay_by_merchant_phase1(&pp, &mut channel, &pay_proof1, &init_merch_data);
// get the revocation token (rv_w) on the old public key (wpk)
let rv_w1 = bidirectional::pay_by_customer_phase2(&pp, &init_cust_data.csk, &new_wallet1, &, &rt_w1);
// get the new wallet sig (new_wallet_sig) on the new wallet
let new_wallet_sig1 = bidirectional::pay_by_merchant_phase2(&pp, &mut channel, &pay_proof1, &mut init_merch_data, &rv_w1);
assert!(bidirectional::pay_by_customer_final(&pp, &, &mut init_cust_data, t_c1, new_wallet1, new_wallet_sig1));
let cust_wallet = &init_cust_data.csk;
let merch_wallet = &init_merch_data.csk;
println!("Updated balances...");
println!("Customer balance: {}", cust_wallet.balance);
println!("Merchant balance: {}", merch_wallet.balance);
let updated_cust_bal = b0_cust - 15;
let updated_merch_bal = b0_merch + 15;
assert_eq!(updated_cust_bal, cust_wallet.balance);
assert_eq!(updated_merch_bal, merch_wallet.balance);
println!("Pay protocol complete!");
println!("Testing the dispute algorithms...");
let cust_wallet = &init_cust_data.csk;
// get channel closure message
let rc_c = bidirectional::customer_refund(&pp, &channel, &, &cust_wallet);
println!("Obtained the channel closure message: {}", rc_c.message.msgtype);
let channel_token = &init_cust_data.T;
let rc_m = bidirectional::merchant_refute(&pp, &channel_token, &init_merch_data, &mut channel, &rc_c, &rv_w1.signature);
println!("Merchant has refuted the refund request!");
let (new_b0_cust, new_b0_merch) = bidirectional::resolve(&pp, &init_cust_data, &init_merch_data,
Some(rc_c), rc_m, Some(rt_w1));
println!("Resolved! Customer = {}, Merchant = {}", new_b0_cust, new_b0_merch);