-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 Powers of Tau Operational Write-up ================================= Round: 26 Date: 2017-12-18 Name: Gareth Davies Location: Victoria, BC Response (BLAKE2b): f2fe2ed9 625ad86c ee7d63cf 779d6a48 7b47bdd5 d1f33051 598de29c 90642eb9 4422ab58 4f541020 3f949f86 c56a5523 84d3d450 7e9e7e59 d2ec8a57 ca472bc4 Procedure ================================= I performed the challenge concurrently on two separate computers and following the roll of a dice chose to upload one of them. Machine 1 was a 2017-built Hackintosh running macOS High Sierra 10.13.2. Machine 2 was running Windows 10 Home and has been in my possession for several years. I performed a similar approach on both machines, firstly downloading rust. On the Hackintosh this was achieved via Homebrew and on the Windows machine by downloading directly from rust-lang.org. Both machines were running the latest stable release of 1.22.1. On running the challenge on the Windows machine I encounter a link.exe error which necessitated the additional downloading of Visual Studio to fix and successfully run the challenge. I downloaded the challenge file from the S3 link provided by Sean Bowe and used git to clone the powersoftau repo with commit d47a1d3d1f007063cbcc35f1ab902601a8b3bd91. Side Channel Defences ================================= Entropy sources: For each machine, I chose a book from my library and randomly selected words from each. My typing is terrible, so a number were misspelt which I did not correct. In addition, I then performed an obligatory “mashing of the keyboard” for added randomness. Physical/electronic monitoring: I didn’t perform anything specific in this regard albeit the challenge was performed concurrently on two machines. Both computers were located in my basement and watched throughout by myself and dog who, albeit slept through the majority of the process, did not raise any alarms regarding physical intruders. Postprocessing ================================= As above once both challenges were complete I rolled a dice (assigning odd numbers to one computer and even to another) and uploaded the corresponding chosen response. I have no intention to destroy either machine, but both machines were shut down following completion of the challenge. Gareth Davies garethtdavies.com -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: Keybase OpenPGP v2.0.76 Comment: https://keybase.io/crypto wsFcBAABCgAGBQJaOB1iAAoJEASLWWNWft/YvIYP/jXv4UTi1G13St1Nqfmy9OgH TbClBrDA73i5VzM5XAdf1moOh68m4hFMK6+i2DPdqLrqs+FxTjRs1E2ILBQXhvNe uOes4ykwH6noLmXeiWL9vsmcrPVJbVwA3T2vPubHY59YCg8cMV3y2B24mrvLZc9t bpPLmTDPBPlAmlJWYDn2gHa87ieRNYMU/eoyZVdE6hSuvp7QxPFr/lg01TYAqOWi Dx5T6BWHnFqPlvrMbn+n/8vZGx3TWQ0YGdpA/vOff/yT4noE9ELNqpYkCGi/fsLZ Kf1nq7lFhUnoY70/jaXuTbjdcBw55WHnbScmW8oKCkQeCWm5F8vkeaNKoBPNKmUH B44pqlzq8MIAbKU3rd3TWOPOXa2Ju8enCCQpW7b7ArUFbBIB8xbVxDD7Kz9M7053 84fXuBufFWbiAfB7Zm11aRvEwAqj7glkOnoKuRKyAhnUZslbiAuj6UBh/yuE6BnA EhGHGhnkFbwDoPHeNmklQi9bz+nzoz5r+2D7dmeWEfQnCFnOgExUKj1h5kxi+2vs T/GzNbndXFoPVUN6K29W3ayZ8UZt1XS6lwxzxMAtTmv8oUhIdeS1NZg4rOURvMPY oJuHBPHW/bvilsk6UlAtZCjY2F7oy3ojK+0YDa7kR5IQZd2pk7+nzZgdySfW+l/u z9RX51rQz16KiA9aGgnB =OfdW -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----