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// -*- mode: rust; -*-
// This file is part of redjubjub.
// Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Zcash Foundation
// See LICENSE for licensing information.
// Authors:
// - Chelsea H. Komlo <>
// - Deirdre Connolly <>
// - isis agora lovecruft <>
//! An implementation of FROST (Flexible Round-Optimized Schnorr Threshold)
//! signatures.
//! This implementation has been [independently
//! audited](
//! as of commit 76ba4ef / March 2021. If you are interested in deploying
//! FROST, please do not hesitate to consult the FROST authors.
//! This implementation currently only supports key generation using a central
//! dealer. In the future, we will add support for key generation via a DKG,
//! as specified in the FROST paper.
//! Internally, keygen_with_dealer generates keys using Verifiable Secret
//! Sharing, where shares are generated using Shamir Secret Sharing.
use std::{collections::HashMap, convert::TryFrom, marker::PhantomData};
use rand_core::{CryptoRng, RngCore};
use zeroize::DefaultIsZeroes;
use crate::private::Sealed;
use crate::{HStar, Scalar, Signature, SpendAuth, VerificationKey};
/// A secret scalar value representing a single signer's secret key.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Default)]
pub struct Secret(Scalar);
// Zeroizes `Secret` to be the `Default` value on drop (when it goes out of
// scope). Luckily the derived `Default` includes the `Default` impl of
// jubjub::Fr/Scalar, which is four 0u64's under the hood.
impl DefaultIsZeroes for Secret {}
impl From<Scalar> for Secret {
fn from(source: Scalar) -> Secret {
/// A public group element that represents a single signer's public key.
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Public(jubjub::ExtendedPoint);
impl From<jubjub::ExtendedPoint> for Public {
fn from(source: jubjub::ExtendedPoint) -> Public {
/// A share generated by performing a (t-out-of-n) secret sharing scheme where
/// n is the total number of shares and t is the threshold required to
/// reconstruct the secret; in this case we use Shamir's secret sharing.
pub struct Share {
receiver_index: u8,
value: Secret,
commitment: ShareCommitment,
/// A Jubjub point that is a commitment to one coefficient of our secret
/// polynomial.
/// This is a (public) commitment to one coefficient of a secret polynomial used
/// for performing verifiable secret sharing for a Shamir secret share.
struct Commitment(jubjub::ExtendedPoint);
/// Contains the commitments to the coefficients for our secret polynomial _f_,
/// used to generate participants' key shares.
/// [`ShareCommitment`] contains a set of commitments to the coefficients (which
/// themselves are scalars) for a secret polynomial f, where f is used to
/// generate each ith participant's key share f(i). Participants use this set of
/// commitments to perform verifiable secret sharing.
/// Note that participants MUST be assured that they have the *same*
/// [`ShareCommitment`], either by performing pairwise comparison, or by using
/// some agreed-upon public location for publication, where each participant can
/// ensure that they received the correct (and same) value.
pub struct ShareCommitment(Vec<Commitment>);
/// The product of all signers' individual commitments, published as part of the
/// final signature.
pub struct GroupCommitment(jubjub::ExtendedPoint);
/// Secret and public key material generated by a dealer performing
/// [`keygen_with_dealer`].
/// To derive a FROST keypair, the receiver of the [`SharePackage`] *must* call
/// .into(), which under the hood also performs validation.
pub struct SharePackage {
2021-03-22 07:19:18 -07:00
/// Denotes the participant index each share is owned by. We implicitly
/// restrict the number of participants to 255.
pub index: u8,
/// This participant's share.
pub(crate) share: Share,
/// This participant's public key.
pub(crate) public: Public,
/// The public signing key that represents the entire group.
pub(crate) group_public: VerificationKey<SpendAuth>,
impl TryFrom<SharePackage> for KeyPackage {
type Error = &'static str;
/// Tries to verify a share and construct a [`KeyPackage`] from it.
/// When participants receive a [`SharePackage`] from the dealer, they
/// *MUST* verify the integrity of the share before continuing on to
/// transform it into a signing/verification keypair. Here, we assume that
/// every participant has the same view of the commitment issued by the
/// dealer, but implementations *MUST* make sure that all participants have
/// a consistent view of this commitment in practice.
fn try_from(sharepackage: SharePackage) -> Result<Self, &'static str> {
Ok(KeyPackage {
index: sharepackage.index,
secret_share: sharepackage.share.value,
public: sharepackage.public,
group_public: sharepackage.group_public,
/// A FROST keypair, which can be generated either by a trusted dealer or using
/// a DKG.
/// When using a central dealer, [`SharePackage`]s are distributed to
/// participants, who then perform verification, before deriving
/// [`KeyPackage`]s, which they store to later use during signing.
pub struct KeyPackage {
index: u8,
secret_share: Secret,
public: Public,
group_public: VerificationKey<SpendAuth>,
/// Public data that contains all the signer's public keys as well as the
/// group public key.
/// Used for verification purposes before publishing a signature.
pub struct PublicKeyPackage {
/// When performing signing, the coordinator must ensure that they have the
/// correct view of participant's public keys to perform verification before
/// publishing a signature. signer_pubkeys represents all signers for a
/// signing operation.
pub(crate) signer_pubkeys: HashMap<u8, Public>,
/// group_public represents the joint public key for the entire group.
pub group_public: VerificationKey<SpendAuth>,
/// Allows all participants' keys to be generated using a central, trusted
/// dealer.
/// Under the hood, this performs verifiable secret sharing, which itself uses
/// Shamir secret sharing, from which each share becomes a participant's secret
/// key. The output from this function is a set of shares along with one single
/// commitment that participants use to verify the integrity of the share.
pub fn keygen_with_dealer<R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(
num_signers: u8,
threshold: u8,
mut rng: R,
) -> Result<(Vec<SharePackage>, PublicKeyPackage), &'static str> {
let mut bytes = [0; 64];
rng.fill_bytes(&mut bytes);
let secret = Secret(Scalar::from_bytes_wide(&bytes));
let group_public = VerificationKey::from(&secret.0);
let shares = generate_shares(&secret, num_signers, threshold, rng)?;
let mut sharepackages: Vec<SharePackage> = Vec::with_capacity(num_signers as usize);
let mut signer_pubkeys: HashMap<u8, Public> = HashMap::with_capacity(num_signers as usize);
for share in shares {
let signer_public = Public(SpendAuth::basepoint() * share.value.0);
sharepackages.push(SharePackage {
index: share.receiver_index,
share: share.clone(),
public: signer_public,
signer_pubkeys.insert(share.receiver_index, signer_public);
PublicKeyPackage {
/// Verifies that a share is consistent with a commitment.
/// This ensures that this participant's share has been generated using the same
/// mechanism as all other signing participants. Note that participants *MUST*
/// ensure that they have the same view as all other participants of the
/// commitment!
fn verify_share(share: &Share) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let f_result = SpendAuth::basepoint() * share.value.0;
let x = Scalar::from(share.receiver_index as u64);
let (_, result) = share.commitment.0.iter().fold(
(Scalar::one(), jubjub::ExtendedPoint::identity()),
|(x_to_the_i, sum_so_far), comm_i| (x_to_the_i * x, sum_so_far + comm_i.0 * x_to_the_i),
if !(f_result == result) {
return Err("Share is invalid.");
/// Creates secret shares for a given secret.
/// This function accepts a secret from which shares are generated. While in
/// FROST this secret should always be generated randomly, we allow this secret
/// to be specified for this internal function for testability.
/// Internally, [`generate_shares`] performs verifiable secret sharing, which
/// generates shares via Shamir Secret Sharing, and then generates public
/// commitments to those shares.
/// More specifically, [`generate_shares`]:
/// - Randomly samples of coefficents [a, b, c], this represents a secret
/// polynomial f
/// - For each participant i, their secret share is f(i)
/// - The commitment to the secret polynomial f is [g^a, g^b, g^c]
fn generate_shares<R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(
secret: &Secret,
numshares: u8,
threshold: u8,
mut rng: R,
) -> Result<Vec<Share>, &'static str> {
if threshold < 1 {
return Err("Threshold cannot be 0");
if numshares < 1 {
return Err("Number of shares cannot be 0");
if threshold > numshares {
return Err("Threshold cannot exceed numshares");
let numcoeffs = threshold - 1;
let mut coefficients: Vec<Scalar> = Vec::with_capacity(threshold as usize);
let mut shares: Vec<Share> = Vec::with_capacity(numshares as usize);
let mut commitment: ShareCommitment = ShareCommitment(Vec::with_capacity(threshold as usize));
for _ in 0..numcoeffs {
let mut bytes = [0; 64];
rng.fill_bytes(&mut bytes);
// Verifiable secret sharing, to make sure that participants can ensure their secret is consistent
// with every other participant's.
.push(Commitment(SpendAuth::basepoint() * secret.0));
for c in &coefficients {
commitment.0.push(Commitment(SpendAuth::basepoint() * c));
// Evaluate the polynomial with `secret` as the constant term
// and `coeffs` as the other coefficients at the point x=share_index,
// using Horner's method.
for index in 1..numshares + 1 {
let scalar_index = Scalar::from(index as u64);
let mut value = Scalar::zero();
// Polynomial evaluation, for this index
for i in (0..numcoeffs).rev() {
value += &coefficients[i as usize];
value *= scalar_index;
value += secret.0;
shares.push(Share {
receiver_index: index,
value: Secret(value),
commitment: commitment.clone(),
/// Comprised of hiding and binding nonces.
/// Note that [`SigningNonces`] must be used *only once* for a signing
/// operation; re-using nonces will result in leakage of a signer's long-lived
/// signing key.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Default)]
pub struct SigningNonces {
hiding: Scalar,
binding: Scalar,
// Zeroizes `SigningNonces` to be the `Default` value on drop (when it goes out
// of scope). Luckily the derived `Default` includes the `Default` impl of the
// `jubjub::Fr/Scalar`'s, which is four 0u64's under the hood.
impl DefaultIsZeroes for SigningNonces {}
impl SigningNonces {
/// Generates a new signing nonce.
/// Each participant generates signing nonces before performing a signing
/// operation.
pub fn new<R>(rng: &mut R) -> Self
R: CryptoRng + RngCore,
2021-03-18 08:41:16 -07:00
fn random_nonzero_bytes<R>(rng: &mut R) -> [u8; 64]
R: CryptoRng + RngCore,
let mut bytes = [0; 64];
loop {
rng.fill_bytes(&mut bytes);
if bytes != [0; 64] {
return bytes;
2021-03-18 09:30:25 -07:00
// The values of 'hiding' and 'biding' must be non-zero so that commitments are not the
// identity.
2021-03-18 08:41:16 -07:00
let hiding = Scalar::from_bytes_wide(&random_nonzero_bytes(rng));
let binding = Scalar::from_bytes_wide(&random_nonzero_bytes(rng));
Self { hiding, binding }
/// Published by each participant in the first round of the signing protocol.
/// This step can be batched if desired by the implementation. Each
/// SigningCommitment can be used for exactly *one* signature.
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct SigningCommitments {
index: u8,
hiding: jubjub::ExtendedPoint,
binding: jubjub::ExtendedPoint,
impl From<(u8, &SigningNonces)> for SigningCommitments {
/// For SpendAuth signatures only, not Binding signatures, in RedJubjub/Zcash.
fn from((index, nonces): (u8, &SigningNonces)) -> Self {
Self {
hiding: SpendAuth::basepoint() * nonces.hiding,
binding: SpendAuth::basepoint() * nonces.binding,
/// Generated by the coordinator of the signing operation and distributed to
/// each signing party.
pub struct SigningPackage {
/// Message which each participant will sign
pub message: &'static [u8],
/// The set of commitments participants published in the first round of the
/// protocol.
pub signing_commitments: Vec<SigningCommitments>,
/// A participant's signature share, which the coordinator will use to aggregate
/// with all other signer's shares into the joint signature.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Default)]
pub struct SignatureShare {
/// Represents the participant index.
pub(crate) index: u8,
/// This participant's signature over the message.
pub(crate) signature: Scalar,
// Zeroizes `SignatureShare` to be the `Default` value on drop (when it goes out
// of scope). Luckily the derived `Default` includes the `Default` impl of
// jubjub::Fr/Scalar, which is four 0u64's under the hood, and u32, which is
// 0u32.
impl DefaultIsZeroes for SignatureShare {}
impl SignatureShare {
/// Tests if a signature share issued by a participant is valid before
/// aggregating it into a final joint signature to publish.
pub fn check_is_valid(
pubkey: &Public,
lambda_i: Scalar,
commitment: jubjub::ExtendedPoint,
challenge: Scalar,
) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
if (SpendAuth::basepoint() * self.signature)
!= (commitment + pubkey.0 * challenge * lambda_i)
return Err("Invalid signature share");
/// Done once by each participant, to generate _their_ nonces and commitments
/// that are then used during signing.
/// When performing signing using two rounds, num_nonces would equal 1, to
/// perform the first round. Batching entails generating more than one
/// nonce/commitment pair at a time. Nonces should be stored in secret storage
/// for later use, whereas the commitments are published.
pub fn preprocess<R>(
num_nonces: u8,
participant_index: u8,
rng: &mut R,
) -> (Vec<SigningNonces>, Vec<SigningCommitments>)
R: CryptoRng + RngCore,
let mut signing_nonces: Vec<SigningNonces> = Vec::with_capacity(num_nonces as usize);
let mut signing_commitments: Vec<SigningCommitments> = Vec::with_capacity(num_nonces as usize);
for _ in 0..num_nonces {
let nonces = SigningNonces::new(rng);
signing_commitments.push(SigningCommitments::from((participant_index, &nonces)));
(signing_nonces, signing_commitments)
/// Generates the binding factor that ensures each signature share is strongly
/// bound to a signing set, specific set of commitments, and a specific message.
fn gen_rho_i(index: u8, signing_package: &SigningPackage) -> Scalar {
// Hash signature message with HStar before deriving the binding factor.
// To avoid a collision with other inputs to the hash that generates the
// binding factor, we should hash our input message first. Our 'standard'
// hash is HStar, which uses a domain separator already, and is the same one
// that generates the binding factor.
let message_hash = HStar::default().update(signing_package.message).finalize();
let mut hasher = HStar::default();
for item in signing_package.signing_commitments.iter() {
let hiding_bytes = jubjub::AffinePoint::from(item.hiding).to_bytes();
let binding_bytes = jubjub::AffinePoint::from(item.binding).to_bytes();
/// Generates the group commitment which is published as part of the joint
/// Schnorr signature.
fn gen_group_commitment(
signing_package: &SigningPackage,
bindings: &HashMap<u8, Scalar>,
) -> Result<GroupCommitment, &'static str> {
2021-03-18 08:41:16 -07:00
let identity = jubjub::ExtendedPoint::identity();
let mut accumulator = identity;
for commitment in signing_package.signing_commitments.iter() {
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// The following check prevents a party from accidentally revealing their share.
// Note that the '&&' operator would be sufficient.
if identity == commitment.binding || identity == commitment.hiding {
return Err("Commitment equals the identity.");
2021-03-18 08:41:16 -07:00
let rho_i = bindings
.ok_or("No matching commitment index")?;
accumulator += commitment.hiding + (commitment.binding * rho_i)
/// Generates the challenge as is required for Schnorr signatures.
fn gen_challenge(
signing_package: &SigningPackage,
group_commitment: &GroupCommitment,
group_public: &VerificationKey<SpendAuth>,
) -> Scalar {
let group_commitment_bytes = jubjub::AffinePoint::from(group_commitment.0).to_bytes();
/// Generates the langrange coefficient for the i'th participant.
fn gen_lagrange_coeff(
signer_index: u8,
signing_package: &SigningPackage,
) -> Result<Scalar, &'static str> {
let mut num = Scalar::one();
let mut den = Scalar::one();
for commitment in signing_package.signing_commitments.iter() {
if commitment.index == signer_index {
num *= Scalar::from(commitment.index as u64);
den *= Scalar::from(commitment.index as u64) - Scalar::from(signer_index as u64);
if den == Scalar::zero() {
return Err("Duplicate shares provided");
// TODO: handle this unwrap better like other CtOption's
let lagrange_coeff = num * den.invert().unwrap();
/// Performed once by each participant selected for the signing operation.
/// Receives the message to be signed and a set of signing commitments and a set
/// of randomizing commitments to be used in that signing operation, including
/// that for this participant.
/// Assumes the participant has already determined which nonce corresponds with
/// the commitment that was assigned by the coordinator in the SigningPackage.
pub fn sign(
signing_package: &SigningPackage,
participant_nonces: SigningNonces,
share_package: &SharePackage,
) -> Result<SignatureShare, &'static str> {
let mut bindings: HashMap<u8, Scalar> =
for comm in signing_package.signing_commitments.iter() {
let rho_i = gen_rho_i(comm.index, &signing_package);
bindings.insert(comm.index, rho_i);
let lambda_i = gen_lagrange_coeff(share_package.index, &signing_package)?;
let group_commitment = gen_group_commitment(&signing_package, &bindings)?;
let challenge = gen_challenge(
let participant_rho_i = bindings
.ok_or("No matching binding!")?;
// The Schnorr signature share
let signature: Scalar = participant_nonces.hiding
+ (participant_nonces.binding * participant_rho_i)
+ (lambda_i * share_package.share.value.0 * challenge);
Ok(SignatureShare {
index: share_package.index,
/// Verifies each participant's signature share, and if all are valid,
/// aggregates the shares into a signature to publish.
/// Resulting signature is compatible with verification of a plain SpendAuth
/// signature.
/// This operation is performed by a coordinator that can communicate with all
/// the signing participants before publishing the final signature. The
/// coordinator can be one of the participants or a semi-trusted third party
/// (who is trusted to not perform denial of service attacks, but does not learn
/// any secret information). Note that because the coordinator is trusted to
/// report misbehaving parties in order to avoid publishing an invalid
/// signature, if the coordinator themselves is a signer and misbehaves, they
/// can avoid that step. However, at worst, this results in a denial of
/// service attack due to publishing an invalid signature.
pub fn aggregate(
signing_package: &SigningPackage,
signing_shares: &[SignatureShare],
pubkeys: &PublicKeyPackage,
) -> Result<Signature<SpendAuth>, &'static str> {
let mut bindings: HashMap<u8, Scalar> =
for comm in signing_package.signing_commitments.iter() {
let rho_i = gen_rho_i(comm.index, &signing_package);
bindings.insert(comm.index, rho_i);
let group_commitment = gen_group_commitment(&signing_package, &bindings)?;
let challenge = gen_challenge(&signing_package, &group_commitment, &pubkeys.group_public);
for signing_share in signing_shares {
let signer_pubkey = pubkeys.signer_pubkeys[&signing_share.index];
let lambda_i = gen_lagrange_coeff(signing_share.index, &signing_package)?;
let signer_commitment = signing_package
.find(|comm| comm.index == signing_share.index)
.ok_or("No matching signing commitment for signer")?;
let commitment_i =
signer_commitment.hiding + (signer_commitment.binding * bindings[&signing_share.index]);
signing_share.check_is_valid(&signer_pubkey, lambda_i, commitment_i, challenge)?;
// The aggregation of the signature shares by summing them up, resulting in
// a plain Schnorr signature.
let mut z = Scalar::zero();
for signature_share in signing_shares {
z += signature_share.signature;
Ok(Signature {
r_bytes: jubjub::AffinePoint::from(group_commitment.0).to_bytes(),
s_bytes: z.to_bytes(),
_marker: PhantomData,
mod tests {
use super::*;
use rand::thread_rng;
fn reconstruct_secret(shares: Vec<Share>) -> Result<Scalar, &'static str> {
let numshares = shares.len();
if numshares < 1 {
return Err("No shares provided");
let mut lagrange_coeffs: Vec<Scalar> = Vec::with_capacity(numshares as usize);
for i in 0..numshares {
let mut num = Scalar::one();
let mut den = Scalar::one();
for j in 0..numshares {
if j == i {
num *= Scalar::from(shares[j].receiver_index as u64);
den *= Scalar::from(shares[j].receiver_index as u64)
- Scalar::from(shares[i].receiver_index as u64);
if den == Scalar::zero() {
return Err("Duplicate shares provided");
lagrange_coeffs.push(num * den.invert().unwrap());
let mut secret = Scalar::zero();
for i in 0..numshares {
secret += lagrange_coeffs[i] * shares[i].value.0;
/// This is testing that Shamir's secret sharing to compute and arbitrary
/// value is working.
fn check_share_generation() {
let mut rng = thread_rng();
let mut bytes = [0; 64];
rng.fill_bytes(&mut bytes);
let secret = Secret(Scalar::from_bytes_wide(&bytes));
let _ = SpendAuth::basepoint() * secret.0;
let shares = generate_shares(&secret, 5, 3, rng).unwrap();
for share in shares.iter() {
assert_eq!(verify_share(&share), Ok(()));
assert_eq!(reconstruct_secret(shares).unwrap(), secret.0)