# FROST messages Proposes a message layout to exchange information between participants of a FROST setup using the [jubjub](https://github.com/zkcrypto/jubjub) curve. ## Motivation Currently FROST library is complete for 2 round signatures with a dealer/aggregator setup. This proposal is only considering that specific features, additions and upgrades will need to be made when DKG is implemented. Assuming all participants have a FROST library available we need to define message structures in a way that data can be exchanged between participants. The proposal is a collection of data types so each side can do all the actions needed for a real life situation. ## Definitions - `dealer` - `aggergator` - `signer` - `nonce` - `commitment` - ## Guide-level explanation We propose a message separated in 2 parts, a header and a payload: ```rust struct Message { header: Header, payload: Payload, } ``` `Header` will look as follows: ```rust struct Header { msg_type: MsgType, version: MsgVersion, sender: Participant, receiver: Participant, } ``` While `Payload` will be defined as: ```rust enum Payload { DealerBroadcast(MsgDealerBroadcast), Commitments(MsgCommitments), SigningPackage(MsgSigningPackage), SignatureShare(MsgSignatureShare), FinalSignature(MsgFinalSignature), } ``` All the messages and new types will be defined in a new file `src/frost/messages.rs` ## Reference-level explanation Here we explore in detail the header types and all the message payloads. ### Header Fields of the header define new types. Proposed implementation for them is as follows: ```rust #[repr(u8)] #[non_exhaustive] enum MsgType { DealerBroadcast, Commitments, SigningPackage, SignatureShare, FinalSignature, } struct MsgVersion(u8); struct Participant(u8); ``` ### Payloads Each payload defines a new message: ```rust // Dealer must send this message with initial data to each participant involved. // With this, the participant should be able to build a `SharePackage` and use // the `sign()` function. // `public_key` can be calculated from the `secret_key`. // from `secret_key`. struct MsgDealerBroadcast { // The secret key as a frost::Scalar. secret_key: frost::Scalar, // Commitments for the signer as jubjub::ExtendedPoint. commitment: jubjub::ExtendedPoint, // The generated public key for the group. group_public: frost::VerificationKey, } // Each signer participant send to the aggregator the 2 points // needed for commitment building. struct MsgCommitments { // The hiding Point. hiding: jubjub::ExtendedPoint, // The binding Point. binding: jubjub::ExtendedPoint, } // The aggergator decide what message is going to be signed and // send it to each participant with all the commitments collected. struct MsgSigningPackage { // The message to be signed as bytes message: &'static [u8], // The collected unpacked commitments for each signer commitments: Vec<(u8, jubjub::ExtendedPoint, jubjub::ExtendedPoint), } // Each signer send the signatures to the agregator who is going to collect them // and generate a final spend signature. struct MsgSignatureShare { // The signature to be shared as a Scalar signature: frost::Scalar, } // The final signature is broadcasted by the aggegator // to any participant. struct MsgFinalSignature { final_signature: frost::Signature, } ``` ## Validation Validation is implemented to each new data type as needed. This will ensure the creation of valid messages before they are send and right after they are received. We create a trait for this as follows: ```rust pub trait Validate { fn validate(&self) -> &Self; } ``` And we implement where needed. For example, in the header, sender and receiver can't be the same: ```rust impl Validate for Header { fn validate(&self) -> &Self { if self.sender.0 == self.receiver.0 { panic!("sender and receiver are the same"); } self } } ``` Then to create a valid `Header` we call: ```rust let header = Validate::validate(&Header { .. }).clone(); ``` The receiver side will validate the header as: ```rust msg.header.validate(); ``` ## Serialization/Deserialization Each message struct needs to serialize to bytes representation before it is sent through the wire and must deserialize to the same struct (round trip) on the receiver side. We use `serde` and macro derivations (`Serialize` and `Deserialize`) to automatically implement where possible. This will require deriving serde in several types defined in `frost.rs`. Manual implementation of serialization/deserialization will be located at a new mod `src/frost/serialize.rs`. ### Header The `Header` part of the message is 4 bytes total: Bytes | Field name | Data type ------|------------|----------- 1 | msg_type | u8 1 | version | u8 1 | sender | u8 1 | receiver | u8 ### Primitive types `Payload`s use data types that we need to specify first. We have 3 primitive types inside the payload messages: #### `Scalar` `Scalar` is a an alias for `jubjub::Fr` and this is a `[u64; 4]` as documented in https://github.com/zkcrypto/jubjub/blob/main/src/fr.rs#L16 #### `Commitment` `Commitment` is a wrapper of `jubjub::ExtendedPoint` and this is a structure with 5 `jubjub::Fq`s as defined in https://github.com/zkcrypto/jubjub/blob/main/src/lib.rs#L128-L134 Each `Fq` needed to form a `jubjub::ExtendedPoint` are `Scalar`s of `bls12_381` crate. Scalar here is `[u64; 4]` as documented in https://github.com/zkcrypto/bls12_381/blob/main/src/scalar.rs#L16 #### `ExtendedPoint` `ExtendedPoint` was detailed above, it is 5 `[u64; 4]`. The total size of an `ExtendedPoint` is 1280 bytes. ### FROST types `Payload`s also use some types that are defined in the `redjubjub` crate. Here we describe them from a serialization point of view. #### `VerificationKey` Defined in `verification_key.rs` it consist of 1 `ExtendedPoint` and 1 `VerificationKeyBytes` which is also defined in the same file and consist of 1 `[u8; 32]`. #### `Signature` Defined in `signature.rs` consist of 2 `[u8; 32]` arrays. ### Payload Payload part of the message is variable in size and depends on message type. #### `MsgDealerBroadcast` Bytes | Field name | Data type -------|-------------|----------- 256 | secret_key | Scalar 1280*n | commitments | [Commitment; n] 1280+32| group_public| VerificationKey #### `MsgCommitments` Bytes | Field name | Data type ------|------------|----------- 1280 | hiding | ExtendedPoint 1280 | binding | ExtendedPoint #### `MsgSigningPackage` Bytes | Field name | Data type -----------|----------------|----------- 1+(1280*n) | signing_package| u8 [Commitment; n] #### `SignatureShare` Bytes | Field name | Data type ------|------------|----------- 256 | signature | Scalar #### `MsgFinalSignature` Bytes | Field name | Data type ------|------------|----------- 64 | signature | Signature ## Testing plan - Create a happy path unit test similar to https://github.com/ZcashFoundation/redjubjub/blob/frost-messages/tests/frost.rs#L7 and: - Make messages on each step. - Simulate send/receive. - Test round trip serialization/deserialization on each message. - Create property tests for each message.