# Changelog Entries are listed in reverse chronological order. ## 0.2.2 * Make `batch::Item: Clone + Debug` and add `batch::Item::verify_single` for fallback verification when batch verification fails. ## 0.2.1 * Update `Cargo.toml` metadata. ## 0.2.0 * Change terminology to "signing key" and "verification key" from "secret key" and "public key". * Adds a batch verification implementation which can process both binding and spend authorization signatures in the same batch. ## 0.1.1 * Explicitly document the consensus checks performed by `impl TryFrom> for PublicKey`. * Add a test that small-order public keys are rejected. * Add `html_root_url` to ensure cross-rendering docs works correctly (thanks @QuietMisdreavus). ## 0.1.0 * Initial release.