[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/apoelstra/rust-secp256k1.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/apoelstra/rust-secp256k1) ### rust-secp256k1 `rust-secp256k1` is a wrapper around ![libsecp256k1](https://github.com/bitcoin/secp256k1), a C library by Peter Wuille for producing ECDSA signatures using the SECG curve `secp256k1`. This library * exposes type-safe Rust bindings for all `libsecp256k1` functions * implements key generation * implements deterministic nonce generation via RFC6979 * implements many unit tests, adding to those already present in `libsecp256k1` * makes no allocations (except in unit tests) for efficiency and use in freestanding implementations [Full documentation](https://docs.rs/secp256k1/0.8.3/secp256k1/)