Testbench for bls12-381 updated with control test.

This commit is contained in:
bsdevlin 2019-08-21 14:09:50 +08:00
parent 0bee1e1cd3
commit 99444db3bb
1 changed files with 87 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -753,6 +753,92 @@ begin
end end
endtask; endtask;
task test_control_logic();
integer signed get_len;
logic [common_pkg::MAX_SIM_BYTS*8-1:0] get_dat;
inst_t inst;
logic failed;
data_t data;
logic [31:0] rdata;
integer unsigned in, out;
bls12_381_interrupt_rpl_t interrupt_rpl;
failed = 0;
in = 0;
in[7:0] = $random();
$display("Running test_control_logic...");
//Reset the RAM
axi_lite_if.poke(.addr(32'h0), .data(2'b11));
axi_lite_if.poke(.addr(32'h10), .data(0));
data = '{dat:in, pt:SCALAR};
axi_lite_if.put_data_multiple(.data(data), .addr(DATA_AXIL_START + 0*64), .len(48));
data = '{dat:381'd0, pt:SCALAR};
axi_lite_if.put_data_multiple(.data(data), .addr(DATA_AXIL_START + 1*64), .len(48));
data = '{dat:381'd1, pt:SCALAR};
axi_lite_if.put_data_multiple(.data(data), .addr(DATA_AXIL_START + 2*64), .len(48));
inst = '{code:SEND_INTERRUPT, a:16'd3, b:16'h8888, c:16'd0};
axi_lite_if.put_data_multiple(.data(inst), .addr(INST_AXIL_START + 7*8), .len(8));
inst = '{code:ADD_ELEMENT, a:16'd2, b:16'd3, c:16'd3};
axi_lite_if.put_data_multiple(.data(inst), .addr(INST_AXIL_START + 1*8), .len(8));
inst = '{code:JUMP_NONZERO_SUB, a:16'd1, b:16'd0, c:16'd0};
axi_lite_if.put_data_multiple(.data(inst), .addr(INST_AXIL_START + 2*8), .len(8));
inst = '{code:JUMP_IF_EQ, a:16'd10, b:16'd0, c:16'd2};
axi_lite_if.put_data_multiple(.data(inst), .addr(INST_AXIL_START + 3*8), .len(8));
inst = '{code:JUMP, a:16'd7, b:16'd0, c:16'd0};
axi_lite_if.put_data_multiple(.data(inst), .addr(INST_AXIL_START + 4*8), .len(8));
axi_lite_if.poke(.addr(32'h10), .data(1));
out_if.get_stream(get_dat, get_len, 0);
interrupt_rpl = get_dat;
assert(interrupt_rpl.hdr.cmd == BLS12_381_INTERRUPT_RPL) else $fatal(1, "ERROR: Received non-interrupt message");
assert(interrupt_rpl.index == 16'h8888) else $fatal(1, "ERROR: Received wrong index value in message");
assert(interrupt_rpl.data_type == SCALAR) else $fatal(1, "ERROR: Received wrong data type value in message");
get_dat = get_dat >> $bits(bls12_381_interrupt_rpl_t);
out = get_dat;
if (out == in+1) begin
$display("INFO: Output element matched expected:");
$display("0x%x", out);
end else begin
$display("ERROR: Output element did NOT match expected:");
$display("0x%x", out);
$display("0x%x", in);
failed = 1;
repeat(100000) @(posedge out_if.i_clk);
$fatal("ERROR: Timeout while waiting for result");
disable fork;
axi_lite_if.peek(.addr(32'h14), .data(rdata));
$display("INFO: Last cycle count was %d", rdata);
$fatal(1, "ERROR: test_control_logic FAILED");
$display("INFO: test_control_logic PASSED!");
initial begin initial begin
axi_lite_if.reset_source(); axi_lite_if.reset_source();
out_if.rdy = 0; out_if.rdy = 0;
@ -764,6 +850,7 @@ initial begin
test_mul_add_sub_element(); test_mul_add_sub_element();
test_point_mult(); test_point_mult();
test_pairing(); test_pairing();
#1us $finish(); #1us $finish();