updates for v1.1.0 which includes bls12-381 co processor first cut

This commit is contained in:
bsdevlin 2019-06-26 13:41:07 +08:00
parent d1ab35d9cd
commit ae2f524c6b
10 changed files with 106 additions and 56 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# Ignore everything in this directory
# Except this file

aws/cl_zcash/build/reports/.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# Ignore everything in this directory
# Except this file

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ package require tar
set TOP top_sp
## Replace with the name of your module
set CL_MODULE cl_hello_world
set CL_MODULE cl_zcash
## Command-line Arguments
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ set uram_option [lindex $argv 11]
set notify_via_sns [lindex $argv 12]
set VDEFINES [lindex $argv 13]
## Flow control variables
## Flow control variables
set cl.synth 1
set implement 1
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ if {[string compare $notify_via_sns "1"] == 0} {
### Strategy options
### Strategy options
switch $strategy {
@ -187,14 +187,14 @@ source $HDK_SHELL_DIR/build/scripts/device_type.tcl
source $HDK_SHELL_DIR/build/scripts/step_user.tcl -notrace
## Generate clocks based on Recipe
## Generate clocks based on Recipe
puts "AWS FPGA: ([clock format [clock seconds] -format %T]) Calling aws_gen_clk_constraints.tcl to generate clock constraints from developer's specified recipe.";
source $HDK_SHELL_DIR/build/scripts/aws_gen_clk_constraints.tcl
#### Do not remove this setting. Need to workaround bug
#### Do not remove this setting. Need to workaround bug
set_param hd.clockRoutingWireReduction false
@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ if {$implement} {
# Apply Clock Properties for Clock Table Recipes
puts "AWS FPGA: ([clock format [clock seconds] -format %T]) - Sourcing aws_clock_properties.tcl to apply properties to clocks. ";
# Apply properties to clocks
source $HDK_SHELL_DIR/build/scripts/aws_clock_properties.tcl

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
# Add check if /build and /build/src_port_encryption directories exist
# Add check if the vivado_keyfile exist
set CL_DIR $::env(CL_DIR)
@ -30,16 +31,29 @@ if {[llength [glob -nocomplain -dir $TARGET_DIR *]] != 0} {
#---- Developr would replace this section with design files ----
set fileName "${ZCASH_DIR}/zcash_fpga/src/rtl/top/include.f"
catch {set fptr [open $fileName r]} ;
set contents [read -nonewline $fptr] ;#Read the file contents
close $fptr ;#Close the file since it has been read now
set splitCont [split $contents "\n"] ;#Split the files contents on new line
foreach ele $splitCont {
set filep [subst $ele]
if { [file exists $filep] } {
file copy -force $filep $TARGET_DIR
puts "Copied $filep into $TARGET_DIR"
## Change file names and paths below to reflect your CL area. DO NOT include AWS RTL files.
file copy -force $CL_DIR/design/cl_hello_world_defines.vh $TARGET_DIR
file copy -force $CL_DIR/design/cl_zcash_defines.vh $TARGET_DIR
file copy -force $CL_DIR/design/cl_id_defines.vh $TARGET_DIR
file copy -force $CL_DIR/design/cl_hello_world.sv $TARGET_DIR
file copy -force $CL_DIR/../common/design/cl_common_defines.vh $TARGET_DIR
file copy -force $CL_DIR/design/cl_zcash.sv $TARGET_DIR
file copy -force $CL_DIR/design/cl_zcash_aws_wrapper.sv $TARGET_DIR
file copy -force $CL_DIR/../common/design/cl_common_defines.vh $TARGET_DIR
file copy -force $UNUSED_TEMPLATES_DIR/unused_apppf_irq_template.inc $TARGET_DIR
file copy -force $UNUSED_TEMPLATES_DIR/unused_cl_sda_template.inc $TARGET_DIR
file copy -force $UNUSED_TEMPLATES_DIR/unused_ddr_a_b_d_template.inc $TARGET_DIR
file copy -force $UNUSED_TEMPLATES_DIR/unused_ddr_c_template.inc $TARGET_DIR
file copy -force $UNUSED_TEMPLATES_DIR/unused_dma_pcis_template.inc $TARGET_DIR
file copy -force $UNUSED_TEMPLATES_DIR/unused_pcim_template.inc $TARGET_DIR
file copy -force $UNUSED_TEMPLATES_DIR/unused_sh_bar1_template.inc $TARGET_DIR
file copy -force $UNUSED_TEMPLATES_DIR/unused_flr_template.inc $TARGET_DIR

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ set VDEFINES $VDEFINES
create_project -in_memory -part [DEVICE_TYPE] -force
## Generate clocks based on Recipe
## Generate clocks based on Recipe
puts "AWS FPGA: ([clock format [clock seconds] -format %T]) Calling aws_gen_clk_constraints.tcl to generate clock constraints from developer's specified recipe.";
@ -60,6 +60,26 @@ read_verilog -sv [ list \
puts "AWS FPGA: Reading IP blocks";
# User IP
read_ip [ list \
$CL_DIR/ip/axis_dwidth_converter_64_to_8/axis_dwidth_converter_64_to_8.xci \
$CL_DIR/ip/axis_dwidth_converter_8_to_64/axis_dwidth_converter_8_to_64.xci \
$CL_DIR/ip/axis_dwidth_converter_48_to_8/axis_dwidth_converter_48_to_8.xci \
puts "AWS FPGA: Generating IP blocks";
set_property generate_synth_checkpoint false [get_files axis_dwidth_converter_64_to_8.xci]
set_property generate_synth_checkpoint false [get_files axis_dwidth_converter_8_to_64.xci]
set_property generate_synth_checkpoint false [get_files axis_dwidth_converter_48_to_8.xci]
set_property generate_synth_checkpoint false [get_files axi_fifo_mm_s_0.xci]
generate_target all [get_ips axis_dwidth_converter_64_to_8]
generate_target all [get_ips axis_dwidth_converter_8_to_64]
generate_target all [get_ips axis_dwidth_converter_48_to_8]
generate_target all [get_ips axi_fifo_mm_s_0]
#Read IP for axi register slices
read_ip [ list \
$HDK_SHELL_DESIGN_DIR/ip/src_register_slice/src_register_slice.xci \
@ -111,8 +131,8 @@ eval [concat synth_design -top $CL_MODULE -verilog_define XSDB_SLV_DIS $VDEFINES
set failval [catch {exec grep "FAIL" failfast.csv}]
if { $failval==0 } {
puts "AWS FPGA: FATAL ERROR--Resource utilization error; check failfast.csv for details"
exit 1
puts "AWS FPGA: FATAL ERROR--Resource utilization error; check failfast.csv for details"
exit 1
puts "AWS FPGA: ([clock format [clock seconds] -format %T]) writing post synth checkpoint.";

View File

@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ if_axi_stream #(.DAT_BYTS(64), .CTL_BITS(1)) rx_aws_if (i_clk);
if_axi_stream #(.DAT_BYTS(64), .CTL_BITS(1)) tx_aws_if (i_clk);
logic [7:0] rx_zcash_if_keep, tx_zcash_if_keep;
logic [63:0] rx_aws_if_keep, tx_aws_if_keep;
always_comb begin
rx_zcash_if_keep = rx_zcash_if.get_keep_from_mod();
@ -147,7 +149,7 @@ axis_dwidth_converter_8_to_64 converter_8_to_64 (
.m_axis_tready( tx_aws_if.rdy ),
.m_axis_tdata ( tx_aws_if.dat ),
.m_axis_tlast ( tx_aws_if.eop ),
.m_axis_tkeep ( tx_aws_if.mod )
.m_axis_tkeep ( tx_aws_if_keep )
// Convert 64 bytes to 8 bytes
@ -158,7 +160,7 @@ axis_dwidth_converter_64_to_8 converter_64_to_8 (
.s_axis_tready( rx_aws_if.rdy ),
.s_axis_tdata ( rx_aws_if.dat ),
.s_axis_tlast ( rx_aws_if.eop ),
.s_axis_tkeep ( rx_aws_if.mod ),
.s_axis_tkeep ( rx_aws_if_keep ),
.m_axis_tvalid( tx_zcash_if.val ),
.m_axis_tready( tx_zcash_if.rdy ),
.m_axis_tdata ( tx_zcash_if.dat ),
@ -228,22 +230,22 @@ axi_fifo_mm_s_0 axi_fifo_mm_s_0 (
.s_axi4_rready ( rx_axi4_if.rready ),
.axi_str_txd_tvalid ( rx_aws_if.val ),
.axi_str_txd_tready ( rx_aws_if.rdy ),
.axi_str_txd_tlast ( rx_aws_if.eop ),
.axi_str_txd_tkeep ( rx_aws_if.mod ),
.axi_str_txd_tdata ( rx_aws_if.dat ),
.axi_str_txd_tvalid ( rx_aws_if.val ),
.axi_str_txd_tready ( rx_aws_if.rdy ),
.axi_str_txd_tlast ( rx_aws_if.eop ),
.axi_str_txd_tkeep ( rx_aws_if_keep ),
.axi_str_txd_tdata ( rx_aws_if.dat ),
.axi_str_rxd_tvalid( tx_aws_if.val ),
.axi_str_rxd_tready( tx_aws_if.rdy ),
.axi_str_rxd_tlast ( tx_aws_if.eop ),
.axi_str_rxd_tkeep ( tx_aws_if.mod ),
.axi_str_rxd_tdata ( tx_aws_if.dat )
.axi_str_rxd_tvalid( tx_aws_if.val ),
.axi_str_rxd_tready( tx_aws_if.rdy ),
.axi_str_rxd_tlast ( tx_aws_if.eop ),
.axi_str_rxd_tkeep ( tx_aws_if_keep ),
.axi_str_rxd_tdata ( tx_aws_if.dat )
always_comb begin
rx_axi4_if.rid = 0;

View File

@ -14,11 +14,11 @@
# limitations under the License.
add_wave /tb/card/fpga/CL/*pcis*
add_wave /tb/card/fpga/CL/rx_axi_lite_if/*
add_wave /tb/card/fpga/CL/rx_axi4_if/*
add_wave /tb/card/fpga/CL/zcash_axi_lite_if/*
add_wave /tb/card/fpga/CL/zcash_if_tx/*
add_wave /tb/card/fpga/CL/zcash_if_rx/*
add_wave /tb/card/fpga/CL/rx_axi_lite_if/*
add_wave /tb/card/fpga/CL/rx_axi4_if/*
add_wave /tb/card/fpga/CL/zcash_axi_lite_if/*
add_wave /tb/card/fpga/CL/zcash_if_tx/*
add_wave /tb/card/fpga/CL/zcash_if_rx/*
add_wave /tb/card/fpga/CL/cl_zcash_aws_wrapper/*
run 10 us
run 110 us

View File

@ -80,13 +80,16 @@ endtask
task write_stream(input logic [1024*8-1:0] data, input integer len);
logic [31:0] rdata;
logic [63:0] strb;
integer len_;
len_ = len;
read_ocl_reg(.addr(`AXI_FIFO_OFFSET+32'hC), .rdata(rdata));
if (len > rdata) $fatal(1, "ERROR: write_pcis::AXI-FIFO does not have enough space to write %d bytes (%d free)", len, rdata);
while(len_ > 0) begin
tb.poke_pcis(.addr(0), .data(data[511:0]), .strb(0));
strb = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 64; i++) if(len_ > i) strb[i] = 1;
tb.poke_pcis(.addr(0), .data(data[511:0]), .strb(strb));
len_ = len_ - 512/8;
data = data >> 512;
@ -94,9 +97,10 @@ task write_stream(input logic [1024*8-1:0] data, input integer len);
$display ("INFO: write_pcis::Wrote %d bytes of data", len);
// Check transmit complete bit and reset it
// Wait a few clocks then check transmit complete bit and reset it
repeat (10) @(posedge tb.card.fpga.clk_main_a0);
read_ocl_reg(.addr(`AXI_FIFO_OFFSET), .rdata(rdata));
if(rdata[27] == 0) $display("WARNING: write_stream transmit complete bit not set");
if(rdata[27] == 0) $display("WARNING: write_stream transmit complete bit not set (read 0x%x)", rdata);
write_ocl_reg(.addr(`AXI_FIFO_OFFSET), .data(32'h08000000));
@ -141,7 +145,7 @@ task test_status_message();
while(stream_len == 0) read_stream(.data(stream_data), .len(stream_len));
while(10000) @(posedge tb.card.fpga.clk_main_a0);
repeat(10000) @(posedge tb.card.fpga.clk_main_a0);
$fatal(1, "ERROR: No reply received from status_request");

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
This performs point multiplication. We use the standard double
and add algorithm.
Same as ec_point_mult but also has additional input for adding points
which is needed in secp256k1 key verification.
@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ module secp256k1_point_mult
input i_p2_val
localparam CHK_INPUT = 0;
// [0] is connection from/to dbl block, [1] is add block, [2] is arbitrated value
if_axi_stream #(.DAT_BYTS(256*2/8), .CTL_BITS(16)) mult_in_if [2:0] (i_clk);
if_axi_stream #(.DAT_BYTS(256/8), .CTL_BITS(16)) mult_out_if [2:0] (i_clk);
@ -104,7 +106,7 @@ always_ff @ (posedge i_clk) begin
p_q <= i_p2;
state <= ADD_ONLY;
// Check for special cases to determine double or add
if (i_p.x == i_p2.x && i_p.y == i_p2.y) begin
if (CHK_INPUT == 1 && i_p.x == i_p2.x && i_p.y == i_p2.y) begin
p_dbl_in_val <= 1;
end else begin
p_add_in_val <= 1;
@ -127,7 +129,7 @@ always_ff @ (posedge i_clk) begin
p_dbl_in_val <= 1;
lookahead_dbl <= 1;
p_dbl_out_rdy <= 0; // Want to make sure we don't output while still waiting for add
if (p_add_out_val && p_add_out_rdy) begin
p_add_done <= 1;
@ -144,21 +146,21 @@ always_ff @ (posedge i_clk) begin
if (k_l[0]) begin
p_add_in_val <= 1;
// Need to check for special case where the x, y point is the same
if (p_q.x == p_n.x && p_q.y == p_n.y) begin
special_dbl <= 1;
p_add_in_val <= 0;
p_add_done <= 1;
if (CHK_INPUT == 1) begin
if (p_q.x == p_n.x && p_q.y == p_n.y) begin
special_dbl <= 1;
p_add_in_val <= 0;
p_add_done <= 1;
end else begin
p_add_done <= 1;
// Don't need to double on the final bit
if ((k_l >> 1) != 0)
p_dbl_in_val <= ~lookahead_dbl; // Don't do if we already started
p_dbl_done <= 1;
if (k_l == 0) begin
state <= FINISHED;
o_p <= p_add;
@ -167,7 +169,6 @@ always_ff @ (posedge i_clk) begin
p_add_in_val <= 0;
{ADD_ONLY}: begin
p_dbl_in_val <= (p_dbl_in_val && p_dbl_in_rdy) ? 0 : p_dbl_in_val;
@ -256,7 +257,7 @@ localparam ARB_BIT = 8;
resource_share # (
.NUM_IN ( 2 ),
.CTL_BITS ( 16 ),
.DAT_BITS ( 512 ),
.DAT_BITS ( 512 ),
.DAT_BYTS ( 512/8 ),
@ -267,14 +268,14 @@ resource_share_add (
.i_rst ( i_rst ),
.i_axi ( add_in_if[1:0] ),
.o_res ( add_in_if[2] ),
.i_res ( add_out_if[2] ),
.i_res ( add_out_if[2] ),
.o_axi ( add_out_if[1:0] )
resource_share # (
.NUM_IN ( 2 ),
.CTL_BITS ( 16 ),
.DAT_BITS ( 512 ),
.DAT_BITS ( 512 ),
.DAT_BYTS ( 512/8 ),
@ -285,14 +286,14 @@ resource_share_sub (
.i_rst ( i_rst ),
.i_axi ( sub_in_if[1:0] ),
.o_res ( sub_in_if[2] ),
.i_res ( sub_out_if[2] ),
.i_res ( sub_out_if[2] ),
.o_axi ( sub_out_if[1:0] )
resource_share # (
.NUM_IN ( 2 ),
.CTL_BITS ( 16 ),
.DAT_BITS ( 512 ),
.DAT_BITS ( 512 ),
.DAT_BYTS ( 512/8 ),
@ -303,7 +304,7 @@ resource_share_mult (
.i_rst ( i_rst ),
.i_axi ( mult_in_if[1:0] ),
.o_res ( mult_in_if[2] ),
.i_res ( mult_out_if[2] ),
.i_res ( mult_out_if[2] ),
.o_axi ( mult_out_if[1:0] )
@ -354,7 +355,7 @@ generate
mult_out_if[2].ctl = i_mult_if.ctl;
end else begin
always_comb begin
i_mult_if.rdy = 0;

View File

@ -24,17 +24,18 @@ package zcash_fpga_pkg;
import equihash_pkg::N;
import equihash_pkg::K;
import secp256k1_pkg::secp256k1_ver_t;
import bls12_381_pkg::point_type_t;
parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h01_00_01; //v1.0.0
parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h01_01_00; //v1.1.0
// What features are enabled in this build
parameter bit ENB_VERIFY_SECP256K1_SIG = 1;
parameter bit ENB_VERIFY_EQUIHASH = 1;
parameter bit ENB_BLS12_381 = 1;
localparam [63:0] FPGA_CMD_CAP = {{61'd0},
localparam [63:0] FPGA_CMD_CAP = {{60'd0},
(ENB_VERIFY_EQUIHASH && equihash_pkg::N == 144 && equihash_pkg::K == 5), // N = 144, K = 5 for VERIFY_EQUIHASH command
(ENB_VERIFY_EQUIHASH && equihash_pkg::N == 200 && equihash_pkg::K == 9)}; // N = 200, K = 9 for VERIFY_EQUIHASH command