class zcash_fpga: import serial import codecs import struct def byt_to_ver(a): return 'v{}.{}.{}'.format(a[2], a[1], a[0]) def byt_to_str(a): return a[::-1].decode("utf-8") def byt_to_hex(a): return a.hex() fpga_msg_type_dict = {'FPGA_IGNORE_RPL':int('80000002', 16), 'FPGA_STATUS_RPL':int('80000001', 16), 'RESET_FPGA_RPL':int('80000000', 16), 'VERIFY_SECP256K1_SIG_RPL':int('80000101', 16)} fpga_msg_dict = {fpga_msg_type_dict['VERIFY_SECP256K1_SIG_RPL']:{'name':'FPGA_IGNORE_RPL', 'feilds':[(8, 'index', byt_to_hex), (1, 'bm', byt_to_hex)]}, fpga_msg_type_dict['FPGA_IGNORE_RPL']:{'name':'FPGA_IGNORE_RPL', 'feilds':[(8, 'ignored_header', byt_to_hex)]}, fpga_msg_type_dict['FPGA_STATUS_RPL']:{'name':'FPGA_STATUS_RPL', 'feilds':[(4, 'version', byt_to_ver), (8, 'build_date', byt_to_str), (8, 'buid_host', byt_to_str), (8, 'cmd_cap', byt_to_hex)]}, fpga_msg_type_dict['RESET_FPGA_RPL']:{'name':'RESET_FPGA_RPL', 'feilds':[]}} def __init__(self, COM='COM4'): self.s = self.serial.Serial(COM, 921600, timeout=1) #Test getting FPGA status self.get_status() print("Connected...") # FPGA status def get_status(self): self.s.write(self.codecs.decode('0800000001000000', 'hex')) # Parse reply self.get_reply() def reset_fpga(self): self.s.write(self.codecs.decode('0800000000000000', 'hex')) # Parse reply - should be reset res = self.get_reply() if (self.struct.unpack(' 0: self.print_reply(res) return res else: print ("INFO: No reply received") return None def secp256k1_verify_sig(self, index, hsh, r, s, Qx, Qy): cmd = '00000101000000B0' cmd = format(index, 'x').ljust(16, '0') + cmd cmd = format(s, 'x').ljust(64, '0') + cmd cmd = format(r, 'x').ljust(64, '0') + cmd cmd = format(hsh, 'x').ljust(64, '0') + cmd cmd = format(Qx, 'x').ljust(64, '0') + cmd cmd = format(Qy, 'x').ljust(64, '0') + cmd #Need to swap cmd byte order cmd = "".join(reversed([cmd[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(cmd), 2)])) self.s.write(self.codecs.decode(cmd, 'hex')) res = self.get_reply() if res is not None and (self.struct.unpack('