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import { pick } from 'lodash';
import Web3 from 'web3';
import { TransactionObject } from 'web3/eth/types';
import EthContract from 'web3/eth/contract';
import { TApp } from './store';
import CrowdFundFactory from 'contracts/contracts/CrowdFundFactory.json';
import CrowdFund from 'contracts/contracts/CrowdFund.json';
import {
} from './types';
type Web3Method<T> = (index: number) => TransactionObject<T>;
export async function initializeWeb3(app: TApp): Promise<null | Web3> {
let web3 = (window as any).web3;
if (web3) {
app.web3Type = 'injected';
web3 = new Web3(web3.currentProvider);
} else if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
const localProviderString = 'http://localhost:8545';
const provider = new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(localProviderString);
web3 = new Web3(provider);
app.web3Type = 'local - ' + localProviderString;
} else {
console.error('No web3 detected!');
app.web3Enabled = false;
return null;
try {
app.ethNetId = await web3.eth.net.getId();
getAccount(app, web3);
window.setInterval(() => getAccount(app, web3), 10000);
checkCrowdFundFactory(app, web3);
app.web3Enabled = true;
return web3;
} catch (e) {
if (e.message && e.message.startsWith('Invalid JSON RPC response:')) {
console.warn('Unable to interact with web3. Web3 will be disabled.');
} else {
console.error('There was a problem interacting with web3.', e);
app.web3Enabled = false;
return null;
async function getAccount(app: TApp, web3: Web3) {
await web3.eth.getAccounts((_, accounts) => {
app.ethAccount = (accounts.length && accounts[0]) || '';
function checkCrowdFundFactory(app: TApp, web3: Web3) {
web3.eth.net.getId((_, netId) => {
const networks = Object.keys((CrowdFundFactory as any).networks).join(', ');
if (!(CrowdFundFactory as any).networks[netId]) {
app.crowdFundFactoryDefinitionStatus = `network mismatch (has ${networks})`;
} else {
app.crowdFundFactoryDefinitionStatus = `loaded, has correct network (${networks})`;
export async function proposalContractSend(
app: TApp,
web3: Web3,
proposalId: number,
methodName: keyof Contract,
inputs: ContractMethodInput[],
args: any[],
) {
const storeProposal = app.proposals.find(p => p.proposalId === proposalId);
if (storeProposal) {
const { proposalAddress } = storeProposal;
await getAccount(app, web3);
const storeMethod = storeProposal.contract[methodName];
const contract = new web3.eth.Contract(CrowdFund.abi, proposalAddress);
app.crowdFundGeneralStatus = `calling (${storeProposal.title}).${methodName}...`;
try {
storeMethod.status = 'loading';
storeMethod.error = '';
if (inputs.length === 1 && inputs[0].name === 'value') {
await contract.methods[methodName]()
from: app.ethAccount,
value: args[0],
.once('transactionHash', () => {
storeMethod.status = 'waiting';
.once('confirmation', () => {
storeMethod.status = 'loaded';
} else {
await contract.methods[methodName](...args)
.send({ from: app.ethAccount })
.once('transactionHash', () => {
storeMethod.status = 'waiting';
.once('confirmation', () => {
storeMethod.status = 'loaded';
} catch (e) {
storeMethod.error = e.message || e.toString();
storeMethod.status = 'error';
app.crowdFundGeneralStatus = `idle`;
export async function populateProposalContract(
app: TApp,
web3: Web3,
proposalId: number,
) {
const storeProposal = app.proposals.find(p => p.proposalId === proposalId);
if (storeProposal) {
const { proposalAddress } = storeProposal;
const contract = new web3.eth.Contract(CrowdFund.abi, proposalAddress);
storeProposal.contractStatus = 'loading...';
const methods = Object.keys(INITIAL_CONTRACT).map(k => k as keyof Contract);
for (const method of methods) {
const methodType = INITIAL_CONTRACT[method].type;
if (methodType !== 'deep' && methodType !== 'send') {
app.crowdFundGeneralStatus = `calling (${storeProposal.title}).${method}...`;
const storeMethod = storeProposal.contract[method];
const contractMethod = contract.methods[method];
try {
storeMethod.status = 'loading';
if (methodType === 'eth' && method === 'getBalance') {
storeMethod.value = (await web3.eth.getBalance(proposalAddress)) + '';
} else if (methodType === 'array') {
const result = await collectArrayElements(contractMethod, app.ethAccount);
if (method === 'milestones') {
storeMethod.value = result.map(r =>
// clean-up incoming object before attaching to store
} else {
storeMethod.value = result.map(r => r + '');
} else {
storeMethod.value =
(await contractMethod().call({ from: app.ethAccount })) + '';
storeMethod.status = 'loaded';
} catch (e) {
console.error(proposalId, method, e);
storeMethod.status = 'error';
await populateProposalContractDeep(storeProposal.contract, contract, app.ethAccount);
storeProposal.contractStatus = 'updated @ ' + new Date().toISOString();
app.crowdFundGeneralStatus = `idle`;
async function populateProposalContractDeep(
storeContract: Proposal['contract'],
contract: EthContract,
fromAcct: string,
) {
storeContract.contributors.status = 'loading';
const milestones = storeContract.milestones.value as ContractMilestone[];
const contributorList = storeContract.contributorList.value as string[];
const contributors = await Promise.all(
contributorList.map(async addr => {
const contributor = await contract.methods
.call({ from: fromAcct });
contributor.address = addr;
contributor.milestoneNoVotes = await Promise.all(
async (_, idx) =>
await contract.methods
.getContributorMilestoneVote(addr, idx)
.call({ from: fromAcct }),
contributor.contributionAmount = await contract.methods
.call({ from: fromAcct });
// clean-up incoming object before attaching to store
return cleanClone(INITIAL_CONTRACT_CONTRIBUTOR, contributor);
storeContract.contributors.value = contributors as ContractContributor[];
storeContract.contributors.status = 'loaded';
// clone and filter keys by keySource object's keys
export function cleanClone<T extends object>(keySource: T, target: Partial<T>) {
const sourceKeys = Object.keys(keySource);
const fullClone = { ...(target as object) };
const clone = pick(fullClone, sourceKeys);
return clone as T;
export async function collectArrayElements<T>(
method: Web3Method<T>,
account: string,
): Promise<T[]> {
const arrayElements = [];
let noError = true;
let index = 0;
while (noError) {
try {
arrayElements.push(await method(index).call({ from: account }));
index += 1;
} catch (e) {
noError = false;
return arrayElements;