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2018-12-28 15:24:46 -08:00
import stdrpc from "stdrpc";
import bitcore from "zcash-bitcore-lib";
import { captureException } from "@sentry/node";
2018-12-28 15:24:46 -08:00
import env from "./env";
import log from "./log";
2018-12-28 15:24:46 -08:00
export interface BlockChainInfo {
chain: string;
blocks: number;
headers: number;
bestblockhash: string;
difficulty: number;
// Much much more, but not necessary
export interface ScriptPubKey {
asm: string;
hex: string;
reqSigs: number;
type: string;
addresses: string[];
export interface VIn {
sequence: number;
coinbase?: string;
export interface VOut {
value: number;
valueZat: number;
n: number;
scriptPubKey: ScriptPubKey;
export interface Transaction {
txid: string;
hex: string;
version: number;
locktime: number;
expiryheight: number;
blockhash: string;
blocktime: number;
confirmations: number;
time: number;
vin: VIn[];
vout: VOut[];
// TODO: fill me out, what is this?
vjoinsplit: any[];
export interface Block {
hash: string;
confirmations: number;
size: number;
height: number;
version: number;
merkleroot: string;
finalsaplingroot: string;
time: number;
nonce: string;
solution: string;
bits: string;
difficulty: number;
chainwork: string;
anchor: string;
// valuePools ?
previousblockhash?: string;
nextblockhash?: string;
export interface BlockWithTransactionIds extends Block {
tx: string[];
export interface BlockWithTransactions extends Block {
tx: Transaction[];
export interface Receipt {
txid: string;
amount: number;
memo: string;
change: boolean;
export interface DisclosedPayment {
txid: string;
jsIndex: number;
outputIndex: number;
version: number;
onetimePrivKey: string;
joinSplitPubKey: string;
signatureVerified: boolean;
paymentAddress: string;
memo: string;
value: number;
commitmentMatch: boolean;
valid: boolean;
message?: string;
// Actually comes back with a bunch of args, but this is all we need
export interface ValidationResponse {
isvalid: boolean;
2018-12-28 15:24:46 -08:00
// TODO: Type all methods with signatures from
// https://github.com/zcash/zcash/blob/master/doc/payment-api.md
interface ZCashNode {
getblockchaininfo: () => Promise<BlockChainInfo>;
getblockcount: () => Promise<number>;
getblock: {
(numberOrHash: string | number, verbosity?: 1): Promise<BlockWithTransactionIds>;
(numberOrHash: string | number, verbosity: 2): Promise<BlockWithTransactions>;
(numberOrHash: string | number, verbosity: 0): Promise<string>;
gettransaction: (txid: string) => Promise<Transaction>;
validateaddress: (address: string) => Promise<ValidationResponse>;
2018-12-28 15:24:46 -08:00
z_getbalance: (address: string, minConf?: number) => Promise<number>;
z_getnewaddress: (type?: 'sprout' | 'sapling') => Promise<string>;
z_listaddresses: () => Promise<string[]>;
z_listreceivedbyaddress: (address: string, minConf?: number) => Promise<Receipt[]>;
z_importviewingkey: (key: string, rescan?: 'yes' | 'no' | 'whenkeyisnew', startHeight?: number) => Promise<void>;
z_exportviewingkey: (zaddr: string) => Promise<string>;
z_validatepaymentdisclosure: (disclosure: string) => Promise<DisclosedPayment>;
z_validateaddress: (address: string) => Promise<ValidationResponse>;
2018-12-28 15:24:46 -08:00
export const rpcOptions = {
url: env.ZCASH_NODE_URL,
username: env.ZCASH_NODE_USERNAME,
password: env.ZCASH_NODE_PASSWORD,
const node: ZCashNode = stdrpc(rpcOptions);
export default node;
let network: any;
export async function initNode() {
// Check if node is available & setup network
try {
const info = await node.getblockchaininfo();
log.info(`Connected to ${info.chain} node at block height ${info.blocks}`);
2018-12-28 15:24:46 -08:00
if (info.chain === "regtest") {
if (info.chain.includes("test")) {
2018-12-28 15:24:46 -08:00
network = bitcore.Networks.testnet;
else {
network = bitcore.Networks.mainnet;
catch(err) {
log.error(err.response ? err.response.data : err);
log.error('Failed to connect to zcash node with the following credentials:\r\n', rpcOptions);
2018-12-28 15:24:46 -08:00
// Check if sprout address is readable
try {
if (!env.SPROUT_ADDRESS) {
console.error('Missing SPROUT_ADDRESS environment variable, exiting');
await node.z_getbalance(env.SPROUT_ADDRESS as string);
} catch(err) {
if (!env.SPROUT_VIEWKEY) {
log.error('Unable to view SPROUT_ADDRESS and missing SPROUT_VIEWKEY environment variable, exiting');
2018-12-28 15:24:46 -08:00
await node.z_importviewingkey(env.SPROUT_VIEWKEY as string);
await node.z_getbalance(env.SPROUT_ADDRESS as string);
export function getNetwork() {
if (!network) {
throw new Error('Called getNetwork before initNode');
return network;
// Relies on initNode being called first
export async function getBootstrapBlockHeight(txid: string | undefined) {
if (txid) {
try {
const tx = await node.gettransaction(txid);
const block = await node.getblock(tx.blockhash);
const height = block.height - parseInt(env.MINIMUM_BLOCK_CONFIRMATIONS, 10);
return height.toString();
} catch(err) {
console.warn(`Attempted to get block height for tx ${txid} but failed with the following error:\n`, err);
console.warn('Falling back to hard-coded starter blocks');
// If we can't find the latest tx block, fall back to when the grant
// system first launched, and scan from there.
const net = getNetwork();
if (net === bitcore.Networks.mainnet) {
else if (net === bitcore.Networks.testnet && !net.regtestEnabled) {
// Regtest or otherwise unknown networks should start at the bottom
return '0';