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import ast
import json
2018-09-10 09:55:26 -07:00
from functools import wraps
import requests
2018-09-10 09:55:26 -07:00
from flask import request, g, jsonify
from itsdangerous import SignatureExpired, BadSignature
from itsdangerous import TimedJSONWebSignatureSerializer as Serializer
from grant.settings import SECRET_KEY, AUTH_URL
from ..proposal.models import Proposal
from ..user.models import User
2018-09-10 09:55:26 -07:00
TWO_WEEKS = 1209600
def generate_token(user, expiration=TWO_WEEKS):
s = Serializer(SECRET_KEY, expires_in=expiration)
token = s.dumps({
'id': user.id,
'email': user.email,
return token
def verify_token(token):
s = Serializer(SECRET_KEY)
data = s.loads(token)
except (BadSignature, SignatureExpired):
return None
return data
# Custom exception for bad auth
class BadSignatureException(Exception):
def verify_signed_auth(signature, typed_data):
loaded_typed_data = ast.literal_eval(typed_data)
url = AUTH_URL + "/message/recover"
payload = json.dumps({"sig": signature, "data": loaded_typed_data})
headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
response = requests.request("POST", url, data=payload, headers=headers)
json_response = response.json()
recovered_address = json_response.get('recoveredAddress')
if not recovered_address:
raise BadSignatureException("Authorization signature is invalid")
return recovered_address
# Decorator that requires you to have EIP-712 message signature headers for auth
def requires_sm(f):
def decorated(*args, **kwargs):
signature = request.headers.get('MsgSignature', None)
typed_data = request.headers.get('RawTypedData', None)
if typed_data and signature:
auth_address = verify_signed_auth(signature, typed_data)
except BadSignatureException:
return jsonify(message="Invalid auth message signature"), 401
user = User.get_by_identifier(account_address=auth_address)
if not user:
return jsonify(message="No user exists with address: {}".format(auth_address)), 401
g.current_user = user
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return jsonify(message="Authentication is required to access this resource"), 401
return decorated
# Decorator that requires you to be the user you're interacting with
def requires_same_user_auth(f):
def decorated(*args, **kwargs):
user_identity = kwargs["user_identity"]
if not user_identity:
return jsonify(message="Decorator requires_same_user_auth requires path variable <user_identity>"), 500
user = User.get_by_identifier(account_address=user_identity, email_address=user_identity)
if user.id != g.current_user.id:
return jsonify(message="You are not authorized to modify this user"), 403
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return requires_sm(decorated)
# Decorator that requires you to be a team member of a proposal to access
def requires_team_member_auth(f):
def decorated(*args, **kwargs):
proposal_id = kwargs["proposal_id"]
if not proposal_id:
return jsonify(message="Decorator requires_team_member_auth requires path variable <proposal_id>"), 500
proposal = Proposal.query.filter_by(id=proposal_id).first()
if not proposal:
return jsonify(message="No proposal exists with id: {}".format(proposal_id)), 404
if not g.current_user in proposal.team:
return jsonify(message="You are not authorized to modify this proposal"), 403
g.current_proposal = proposal
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return requires_sm(decorated)