const rimraf = require('rimraf'); const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs'); const childProcess = require('child_process'); const Web3 = require('web3'); const paths = require('../config/paths'); const truffleConfig = require('../truffle'); const { logMessage } = require('./utils'); require('../config/env'); module.exports = {}; const CHECK_CONTRACT_IDS = ['CrowdFundFactory.json'] const clean = (module.exports.clean = () => { rimraf.sync(paths.contractsBuild); }); const compile = (module.exports.compile = () => { logMessage('truffle compile, please wait...', 'info'); try { childProcess.execSync('yarn build', { cwd: paths.contractsBase }); } catch (e) { logMessage(e.stdout.toString('utf8'), 'error'); process.exit(1); } }); const migrate = (module.exports.migrate = () => { logMessage('truffle migrate, please wait...', 'info'); try { childProcess.execSync('truffle migrate', { cwd: paths.contractsBase }); } catch (e) { logMessage(e.stdout.toString('utf8'), 'error'); process.exit(1); } }); const makeWeb3Conn = () => { const { host, port } = truffleConfig.networks.development; return `ws://${host}:${port}`; }; const createWeb3 = () => { return new Web3(makeWeb3Conn()); }; const isGanacheUp = (module.exports.isGanacheUp = verbose => new Promise((res, rej) => { verbose && logMessage(`Testing ganache @ ${makeWeb3Conn()}...`, 'info'); // console.log('curProv', web3.eth.currentProvider); const web3 = createWeb3(); .isListening() .then(() => { verbose && logMessage('Ganache is UP!', 'info'); res(true); web3.currentProvider.connection.close(); }) .catch(e => { logMessage('Ganache appears to be down, unable to connect.', 'error'); res(false); }); })); const getGanacheNetworkId = (module.exports.getGanacheNetworkId = () => { const web3 = createWeb3(); return .getId() .then(id => { web3.currentProvider.connection.close(); return id; }) .catch(() => -1); }); const checkContractsNetworkIds = (id) => new Promise((res, rej) => { const buildDir = paths.contractsBuild; fs.readdir(buildDir, (err) => { if (err) { logMessage(`No contracts build directory @ ${buildDir}`, 'error'); res(false); } else { const allHaveId = CHECK_CONTRACT_IDS.reduce((ok, name) => { const contractPath = path.join(buildDir, name); if (!fs.existsSync(contractPath)) { return false; } const contract = require(contractPath); const contractHasKeys = Object.keys(contract.networks).length > 0; if (!contractHasKeys) { logMessage('Contract does not contain network keys.', 'error'); return false; } else { if (contractHasKeys && !contract.networks[id]) { const actual = Object.keys(contract.networks).join(', '); logMessage( `${name} should have networks[${id}], it has ${actual}`, 'error', ); return false; } } return true && ok; }, true); res(allHaveId); } }); }); module.exports.checkContractsNetworkIds = checkContractsNetworkIds; const fundWeb3v1 = (module.exports.fundWeb3v1 = () => { // Fund ETH accounts const ethAccounts = process.env.FUND_ETH_ADDRESSES ? process.env.FUND_ETH_ADDRESSES.split(',').map(a => a.trim()) : []; const web3 = createWeb3(); return web3.eth.getAccounts().then(accts => { if (ethAccounts.length) { logMessage('Sending 50% of ETH balance from accounts...', 'info'); const txs =, i) => { return web3.eth .getBalance(accts[i]) .then(parseInt) .then(bal => { const amount = '' + Math.round(bal / 2); const amountEth = web3.utils.fromWei(amount); return web3.eth .sendTransaction({ to: addr, from: accts[i], value: amount, }) .then(() => logMessage(` ${addr} <- ${amountEth} from ${accts[i]}`)) .catch(e => logMessage(` Error sending funds to ${addr} : ${e}`, 'error'), ); }); }); return Promise.all(txs).then(() => web3.currentProvider.connection.close()); } else { logMessage('No accounts specified for funding in .env file...', 'warning'); } }); }); module.exports.ethereumCheck = () => isGanacheUp(true) .then(isUp => !isUp && Promise.reject('network down')) .then(getGanacheNetworkId) .then(checkContractsNetworkIds) .then(allHaveId => { if (!allHaveId) { logMessage('Contract problems, will compile & migrate.', 'warning'); clean(); compile(); migrate(); fundWeb3v1(); } else { logMessage('OK, Contracts have correct network id.', 'info'); } }) .catch(e => logMessage('WARNING: ethereum setup has a problem: ' + e, 'error'));