# Disable typescript checking for dev building (reduce build time & resource usage) NO_DEV_TS_CHECK=true # NODE_ENV=development # Set the public host url (no trailing slash) PUBLIC_HOST_URL=https://grants.zfnd.org BACKEND_URL=http://localhost:5000 # sentry # SENTRY_DSN=https://PUBLICKEY@sentry.io/PROJECTID # SENTRY_RELEASE="optional, provides sentry logging with release info" # Blockchain explorer to link to. Top for mainnet, bottom for testnet. # EXPLORER_URL="https://chain.so/tx/ZEC/" EXPLORER_URL="https://chain.so/tx/ZECTEST/" # Amount for staking a proposal in ZEC, keep in sync with backend .env PROPOSAL_STAKING_AMOUNT=0.025 # Normally production runs with SSL, this disables that DISABLE_SSL=true # Uncomment if running on testnet # TESTNET=true # Maximum amount for a proposal target, keep in sync with backend .env PROPOSAL_TARGET_MAX=10000