const CrowdFund = artifacts.require("CrowdFund"); const { increaseTime } = require("./utils"); const HOUR = 3600; const DAY = HOUR * 24; const ETHER = 10 ** 18; const DEADLINE = DAY * 100; const AFTER_DEADLINE_EXPIRES = DEADLINE + DAY; contract("CrowdFund Deadline", accounts => { const [ firstAccount, firstTrusteeAccount, thirdAccount, fourthAccount ] = accounts; const raiseGoal = ETHER; const beneficiary = firstTrusteeAccount; // TODO - set multiple trustees and add tests const trustees = [firstTrusteeAccount]; // TODO - set multiple milestones and add tests const milestones = [raiseGoal]; const deadline = DEADLINE; const milestoneVotingPeriod = HOUR; const immediateFirstMilestonePayout = false; let crowdFund; beforeEach(async () => { crowdFund = await raiseGoal, beneficiary, trustees, milestones, deadline, milestoneVotingPeriod, immediateFirstMilestonePayout, { from: firstAccount } ); }); it("returns true when isFailed is called after deadline has passed", async () => { assert.equal(await, false); await increaseTime(AFTER_DEADLINE_EXPIRES); assert.equal(await, true); }); it("allows anyone to refund after time is up and goal is not reached and sets refund reason to 1", async () => { const fundAmount = raiseGoal / 10; await crowdFund.contribute({ from: fourthAccount, value: fundAmount, gasPrice: 0, }); assert.equal( (await crowdFund.contributors(fourthAccount))[0].toNumber(), fundAmount ); assert.equal(await crowdFund.contributorList(0), fourthAccount); const initBalance = await web3.eth.getBalance(fourthAccount); await increaseTime(AFTER_DEADLINE_EXPIRES); await crowdFund.refund(); assert.equal((await crowdFund.getFreezeReason()), 1) await crowdFund.withdraw(fourthAccount); const finalBalance = await web3.eth.getBalance(fourthAccount); assert.ok(finalBalance.equals(; }); it("refunds remaining proportionally when fundraiser has failed", async () => { const tenthOfRaiseGoal = raiseGoal / 10; await crowdFund.contribute({ from: fourthAccount, value: tenthOfRaiseGoal }); const initBalanceFourthAccount = await web3.eth.getBalance(fourthAccount); await increaseTime(AFTER_DEADLINE_EXPIRES); assert.ok(await crowdFund.isFailed()); await crowdFund.refund(); await crowdFund.withdraw(fourthAccount); const finalBalanceFourthAccount = await web3.eth.getBalance(fourthAccount); assert.ok(; }); it("refund remaining proportionally when fundraiser has failed (more complex)", async () => { const tenthOfRaiseGoal = raiseGoal / 10; await crowdFund.contribute({ from: fourthAccount, value: tenthOfRaiseGoal }); await crowdFund.contribute({ from: thirdAccount, value: tenthOfRaiseGoal * 4 }); const initBalanceFourthAccount = await web3.eth.getBalance(fourthAccount); const initBalanceThirdAccount = await web3.eth.getBalance(thirdAccount); await increaseTime(AFTER_DEADLINE_EXPIRES); assert.ok(await crowdFund.isFailed()); const afterContributionBalanceFourthAccount = await web3.eth.getBalance( fourthAccount ); const afterContributionBalanceThirdAccount = await web3.eth.getBalance( thirdAccount ); // fourthAccount contributed a tenth of the raise goal, compared to third account with a fourth assert.ok( afterContributionBalanceThirdAccount ) ); await crowdFund.refund(); await crowdFund.withdraw(fourthAccount); await crowdFund.withdraw(thirdAccount); const finalBalanceFourthAccount = await web3.eth.getBalance(fourthAccount); const finalBalanceThirdAccount = await web3.eth.getBalance(thirdAccount); assert.ok(; assert.ok(; }); });