interface Email { id: string; title: string; description: string; } export default [ { id: 'signup', title: 'Signup', description: 'Sent when the user first signs up, with instructions to confirm their email', }, { id: 'recover', title: 'Password recovery', description: 'For recovering a user’s forgotten password', }, { id: 'change_email', title: 'Change email confirmation', description: 'Sent when the user has changed their email, to confirm their new one', }, { id: 'change_email_old', title: 'Change email notification (Old email)', description: 'Sent when the user has changed their email, in case of compromise', }, { id: 'change_password', title: 'Change password confirmation', description: 'Sent when the user has changed their password, in case of compromise', }, { id: 'team_invite', title: 'Proposal team invite', description: 'Sent when a proposal creator sends an invite to a user', }, { id: 'proposal_approved', title: 'Proposal approved', description: 'Sent when an admin approves your submitted proposal', }, { id: 'proposal_approved_without_funding', title: 'Proposal approved without funding', description: 'Sent when an admin approves your submitted proposal', }, { id: 'proposal_approved_discussion', title: 'Proposal approved for public discussion', description: 'Sent when an admin approves a proposal for public discussion', }, { id: 'proposal_rejected', title: 'Proposal changes requested', description: 'Sent when an admin requests changes for your submitted proposal', }, { id: 'proposal_rejected_permanently', title: 'Proposal rejected permanently', description: 'Sent when an admin rejects a proposal permanently', }, { id: 'proposal_arbiter_assigned', title: 'Proposal arbiter assigned', description: 'Sent when a nominated arbiter accepts', }, { id: 'ccr_approved', title: 'Request has been approved', description: 'Sent when an admin approves a submitted CCR', }, { id: 'ccr_rejected', title: 'Request has changes requested', description: 'Sent when an admin requests changes for a CCR', }, { id: 'ccr_rejected_permanently', title: 'Request rejected permanently', description: 'Sent when an admin rejects a CCR permanently', }, { id: 'proposal_rejected_discussion', title: 'Proposal changes requested', description: 'Sent when an admin requests changes for a proposal open for public discussion', }, { id: 'proposal_contribution', title: 'Proposal received contribution', description: 'Sent when an a user contributes and it’s been confirmed on-chain', }, { id: 'proposal_comment', title: 'Proposal comment', description: 'Sent if someone makes a top-level comment on your proposal. Replies don’t send an email.', }, { id: 'proposal_failed', title: 'Proposal failed', description: 'Sent to the proposal team when the deadline is reached and it didn’t get fully funded', }, { id: 'proposal_canceled', title: 'Proposal canceled', description: 'Sent to the proposal team when an admin cancels the proposal after funding', }, { id: 'contribution_confirmed', title: 'Contribution confirmed', description: 'Sent after a contribution can be confirmed on chain', }, { id: 'contribution_update', title: 'Contributed proposal update', description: 'Sent when a proposal you contributed to posts an update', }, { id: 'contribution_refunded', title: 'Contribution refunded', description: 'Sent when an admin refunds a contribution', }, { id: 'contribution_proposal_failed', title: 'Contribution proposal failed', description: 'Sent to contributors when the deadline is reached and the proposal didn’t get fully funded', }, { id: 'contribution_proposal_canceled', title: 'Contribution proposal canceled', description: 'Sent to contributors when an admin cancels the proposal after funding', }, { id: 'contribution_expired', title: 'Contribution expired', description: 'Sent 24 hours after a contribution is made with no confirmation', }, { id: 'comment_reply', title: 'Comment reply', description: 'Sent if someone makes a direct reply to your comment', }, { id: 'proposal_arbiter', title: 'Arbiter assignment', description: 'Sent if someone is made arbiter of a proposal', }, { id: 'milestone_request', title: 'Milestone request', description: 'Sent if team member has made a milestone payout request', }, { id: 'milestone_accept', title: 'Milestone accept', description: 'Sent if arbiter approves milestone payout', }, { id: 'milestone_reject', title: 'Milestone reject', description: 'Sent if arbiter rejects milestone payout', }, { id: 'milestone_paid', title: 'Milestone paid', description: 'Sent when milestone is paid', }, { id: 'milestone_deadline', title: 'Milestone deadline', description: 'Sent when the estimated deadline for milestone has been reached', }, { id: 'admin_approval', title: 'Admin Approval', description: 'Sent when proposal is ready for review', }, { id: 'admin_changes_resolved', title: 'Admin Requested Changes Resolved', description: 'Sent when proposal team has marked requested changes as resolved', }, { id: 'admin_arbiter', title: 'Admin Arbiter', description: 'Sent when proposal is ready to have an arbiter nominated', }, { id: 'admin_payout', title: 'Admin Payout', description: 'Sent when milestone payout has been approved', }, { id: 'followed_proposal_milestone', title: 'Followed Proposal Milestone', description: 'Sent to followers of a proposal when one of its milestones has been approved', }, { id: 'followed_proposal_update', title: 'Followed Proposal Update', description: 'Sent to followers of a proposal when it has a new update', }, { id: 'followed_proposal_revised', title: 'Followed Proposal Revised', description: 'Sent to followers of a proposal when a revision has been made', }, ] as Email[];