import datetime from grant.extensions import ma, db from grant.utils.enums import MilestoneStage from grant.utils.exceptions import ValidationException from grant.utils.ma_fields import UnixDate from grant.utils.misc import gen_random_id from import MilestoneDeadline class MilestoneException(Exception): pass class Milestone(db.Model): __tablename__ = "milestone" id = db.Column(db.Integer(), primary_key=True) index = db.Column(db.Integer(), nullable=False) date_created = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=False) title = db.Column(db.String(255), nullable=False) content = db.Column(db.Text, nullable=False) payout_percent = db.Column(db.String(255), nullable=False) immediate_payout = db.Column(db.Boolean) date_estimated = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=True) days_estimated = db.Column(db.String(255), nullable=True) stage = db.Column(db.String(255), nullable=False) date_requested = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=True) requested_user_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(""), nullable=True) date_rejected = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=True) reject_reason = db.Column(db.String(255)) reject_arbiter_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(""), nullable=True) date_accepted = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=True) accept_arbiter_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(""), nullable=True) date_paid = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=True) paid_tx_id = db.Column(db.String(255)) proposal_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(""), nullable=False) def __init__( self, index: int, title: str, content: str, days_estimated: str, payout_percent: str, immediate_payout: bool, stage: str = MilestoneStage.IDLE, proposal_id=int, ): = gen_random_id(Milestone) self.title = title[:255] self.content = content[:255] self.stage = stage self.days_estimated = days_estimated[:255] self.payout_percent = payout_percent[:255] self.immediate_payout = immediate_payout self.proposal_id = proposal_id self.date_created = self.index = index @staticmethod def make(milestones_data, proposal): if milestones_data: # Delete & re-add milestones [db.session.delete(x) for x in proposal.milestones] for i, milestone_data in enumerate(milestones_data): m = Milestone( title=milestone_data["title"][:255], content=milestone_data["content"][:255], days_estimated=str(milestone_data["days_estimated"])[:255], payout_percent=str(milestone_data["payout_percent"])[:255], immediate_payout=milestone_data["immediate_payout"],, index=i ) db.session.add(m) # clone milestones from one proposal to another @staticmethod def clone(source_proposal, destination_proposal): # delete any milestones on destination proposal [db.session.delete(ms) for ms in destination_proposal.milestones] # copy milestones from source proposal to destination proposal for i, ms in enumerate(source_proposal.milestones): new_ms = Milestone(, title=ms.title, content=ms.content, days_estimated=ms.days_estimated, payout_percent=ms.payout_percent, immediate_payout=ms.immediate_payout, index=i ) db.session.add(new_ms) # The purpose of this method is to set the `date_estimated` property on all milestones in a proposal. This works # by figuring out a starting point for each milestone (the `base_date` below) and adding `days_estimated`. # # As proposal creators now estimate their milestones in days (instead of picking months), this method allows us to # keep `date_estimated` in sync throughout the lifecycle of a proposal. For example, if a user misses their # first milestone deadline by a week, this method would take the actual completion date of that milestone and # adjust the `date_estimated` of the remaining milestones accordingly. # @staticmethod def set_v2_date_estimates(proposal): if not proposal.date_approved: raise MilestoneException(f'Cannot estimate milestone dates because proposal has no date_approved set') # The milestone being actively worked on current_milestone = proposal.current_milestone if current_milestone.stage == MilestoneStage.PAID: raise MilestoneException(f'Cannot estimate milestone dates because they are all completed') # The starting point for `date_estimated` calculation for each uncompleted milestone # We add `days_estimated` to `base_date` to calculate `date_estimated` base_date = None for index, milestone in enumerate(proposal.milestones): if index == 0: # If it's the first milestone, use the proposal approval date as a `base_date` base_date = proposal.date_approved if milestone.date_paid: # If milestone has been paid, set `base_date` for the next milestone and noop out base_date = milestone.date_paid continue days_estimated = milestone.days_estimated if not milestone.immediate_payout else "0" date_estimated = base_date + datetime.timedelta(days=int(days_estimated)) milestone.date_estimated = date_estimated # Set the `base_date` for the next milestone using the estimate completion date of the current milestone base_date = date_estimated db.session.add(milestone) # Skip task creation if current milestone has an immediate payout if current_milestone.immediate_payout: return # Create MilestoneDeadline task for the current milestone so arbiters will be alerted if the deadline is missed task = MilestoneDeadline(proposal, current_milestone) task.make_task() def request_payout(self, user_id: int): if self.stage not in [MilestoneStage.IDLE, MilestoneStage.REJECTED]: raise MilestoneException(f'Cannot request payout for milestone at {self.stage} stage') self.stage = MilestoneStage.REQUESTED self.date_requested = self.requested_user_id = user_id def reject_request(self, arbiter_id: int, reason: str): if self.stage != MilestoneStage.REQUESTED: raise MilestoneException(f'Cannot reject payout request for milestone at {self.stage} stage') self.stage = MilestoneStage.REJECTED self.date_rejected = self.reject_reason = reason self.reject_arbiter_id = arbiter_id def accept_immediate(self): if self.immediate_payout and self.index == 0: self.proposal.send_admin_email('admin_payout') self.date_requested = self.stage = MilestoneStage.ACCEPTED self.date_accepted = db.session.add(self) db.session.flush() def accept_request(self, arbiter_id: int): if self.stage != MilestoneStage.REQUESTED: raise MilestoneException(f'Cannot accept payout request for milestone at {self.stage} stage') self.proposal.send_admin_email('admin_payout') self.stage = MilestoneStage.ACCEPTED self.date_accepted = self.accept_arbiter_id = arbiter_id def mark_paid(self, tx_id: str): if self.stage != MilestoneStage.ACCEPTED: raise MilestoneException(f'Cannot pay a milestone at {self.stage} stage') self.stage = MilestoneStage.PAID self.date_paid = self.paid_tx_id = tx_id class MilestoneSchema(ma.Schema): class Meta: model = Milestone # Fields to expose fields = ( "title", "index", "id", "content", "stage", "payout_percent", "immediate_payout", "reject_reason", "paid_tx_id", "date_created", "date_estimated", "date_requested", "date_rejected", "date_accepted", "date_paid", "days_estimated" ) date_created = UnixDate(attribute='date_created') date_estimated = UnixDate(attribute='date_estimated') date_requested = UnixDate(attribute='date_requested') date_rejected = UnixDate(attribute='date_rejected') date_accepted = UnixDate(attribute='date_accepted') date_paid = UnixDate(attribute='date_paid') milestone_schema = MilestoneSchema() milestones_schema = MilestoneSchema(many=True)