import { pick } from 'lodash'; import { store } from 'react-easy-state'; import axios, { AxiosError } from 'axios'; import { User, Proposal, Contribution, ContributionArgs, RFP, RFPArgs, EmailExample, PageQuery, PageData, } from './types'; // API const api = axios.create({ baseURL: process.env.BACKEND_URL + '/api/v1', withCredentials: true, }); async function login(username: string, password: string) { const { data } = await'/admin/login', { username, password, }); return data.isLoggedIn; } async function logout() { const { data } = await api.get('/admin/logout'); return data.isLoggedIn; } async function checkLogin() { const { data } = await api.get('/admin/checklogin'); return data.isLoggedIn; } async function fetchStats() { const { data } = await api.get('/admin/stats'); return data; } async function fetchUsers(params: Partial) { const { data } = await api.get('/admin/users', { params }); return data; } async function fetchUserDetail(id: number) { const { data } = await api.get(`/admin/users/${id}`); return data; } async function editUser(id: number, args: Partial) { const { data } = await api.put(`/admin/users/${id}`, args); return data; } async function deleteUser(id: number) { const { data } = await api.delete('/admin/users/' + id); return data; } async function fetchArbiters(search: string) { const { data } = await api.get(`/admin/arbiters`, { params: { search } }); return data; } async function setArbiter(proposalId: number, userId: number) { const { data } = await api.put(`/admin/arbiters`, { proposalId, userId }); return data; } async function fetchProposals(params: Partial) { const { data } = await api.get('/admin/proposals', { params }); return data; } async function fetchProposalDetail(id: number) { const { data } = await api.get(`/admin/proposals/${id}`); return data; } async function updateProposal(p: Partial) { const { data } = await api.put('/admin/proposals/' + p.proposalId, p); return data; } async function deleteProposal(id: number) { const { data } = await api.delete('/admin/proposals/' + id); return data; } async function approveProposal(id: number, isApprove: boolean, rejectReason?: string) { const { data } = await api.put(`/admin/proposals/${id}/approve`, { isApprove, rejectReason, }); return data; } async function markMilestonePaid(proposalId: number, milestoneId: number, txId: string) { const { data } = await api.put( `/admin/proposals/${proposalId}/milestone/${milestoneId}/paid`, { txId }, ); return data; } async function getEmailExample(type: string) { const { data } = await api.get(`/admin/email/example/${type}`); return data; } async function getRFPs() { const { data } = await api.get(`/admin/rfps`); return data; } async function createRFP(args: RFPArgs) { const { data } = await'/admin/rfps', args); return data; } async function editRFP(id: number, args: RFPArgs) { const { data } = await api.put(`/admin/rfps/${id}`, args); return data; } async function deleteRFP(id: number) { await api.delete(`/admin/rfps/${id}`); } async function getContributions(params: PageQuery) { const { data } = await api.get('/admin/contributions', { params }); return data; } async function getContribution(id: number) { const { data } = await api.get(`/admin/contributions/${id}`); return data; } async function createContribution(args: ContributionArgs) { const { data } = await'/admin/contributions', args); return data; } async function editContribution(id: number, args: ContributionArgs) { const { data } = await api.put(`/admin/contributions/${id}`, args); return data; } // STORE const app = store({ /*** DATA ***/ hasCheckedLogin: false, isLoggedIn: false, loginError: '', generalError: [] as string[], statsFetched: false, statsFetching: false, stats: { userCount: 0, proposalCount: 0, proposalPendingCount: 0, proposalNoArbiterCount: 0, proposalMilestonePayoutsCount: 0, }, users: { page: createDefaultPageData('EMAIL:DESC'), }, userSaving: false, userSaved: false, userDetailFetching: false, userDetail: null as null | User, userDeleting: false, userDeleted: false, arbiterSaving: false, arbiterSaved: false, arbitersSearch: { search: '', results: [] as User[], fetching: false, error: null as string | null, }, proposals: { page: createDefaultPageData('CREATED:DESC'), }, proposalDetail: null as null | Proposal, proposalDetailFetching: false, proposalDetailApproving: false, proposalDetailMarkingMilestonePaid: false, rfps: [] as RFP[], rfpsFetching: false, rfpsFetched: false, rfpSaving: false, rfpSaved: false, rfpDeleting: false, rfpDeleted: false, contributions: { page: createDefaultPageData('CREATED:DESC'), }, contributionDetail: null as null | Contribution, contributionDetailFetching: false, contributionSaving: false, contributionSaved: false, emailExamples: {} as { [type: string]: EmailExample }, /*** ACTIONS ***/ removeGeneralError(i: number) { app.generalError.splice(i, 1); }, updateProposalInStore(p: Proposal) { const index = => x.proposalId === p.proposalId); if (index > -1) {[index] = p; } if (app.proposalDetail && app.proposalDetail.proposalId === p.proposalId) { app.proposalDetail = p; } }, updateUserInStore(u: User) { const index = => x.userid === u.userid); if (index > -1) {[index] = u; } if (app.userDetail && app.userDetail.userid === u.userid) { app.userDetail = {, ...u, }; } }, // Auth async checkLogin() { app.isLoggedIn = await checkLogin(); app.hasCheckedLogin = true; }, async login(username: string, password: string) { try { app.isLoggedIn = await login(username, password); } catch (e) { app.loginError =; } }, async logout() { try { app.isLoggedIn = await logout(); } catch (e) { app.generalError.push(e.toString()); } }, async fetchStats() { app.statsFetching = true; try { app.stats = await fetchStats(); app.statsFetched = true; } catch (e) { handleApiError(e); } app.statsFetching = false; }, // Users async fetchUsers() { = true; try { const page = await fetchUsers(app.getUserPageQuery()); = {,, fetched: true, }; } catch (e) { handleApiError(e); } = false; }, getUserPageQuery() { return pick(, ['page', 'search', 'filters', 'sort']) as PageQuery; }, setUserPageQuery(query: Partial) { // sometimes we need to reset page to 1 if (query.filters || { = 1; } = {, ...query, }; }, resetUserPageQuery() { = 1; = ''; = 'CREATED:DESC'; = []; }, async fetchUserDetail(id: number) { app.userDetailFetching = true; try { app.userDetail = await fetchUserDetail(id); } catch (e) { handleApiError(e); } app.userDetailFetching = false; }, async editUser(id: number, args: Partial) { app.userSaving = true; app.userSaved = false; try { const user = await editUser(id, args); app.updateUserInStore(user); app.userSaved = true; } catch (e) { handleApiError(e); } app.userSaving = false; }, async deleteUser(id: number) { app.userDeleting = false; app.userDeleted = false; try { await deleteUser(id); = => u.userid !== id); app.userDeleted = true; app.userDetail = null; } catch (e) { handleApiError(e); } app.userDeleting = false; }, // Arbiters async searchArbiters(search: string) { app.arbitersSearch = {, search, fetching: true, }; try { const data = await fetchArbiters(search); app.arbitersSearch = {,, }; } catch (e) { handleApiError(e); } app.arbitersSearch.fetching = false; }, async searchArbitersClear() { app.arbitersSearch = { search: '', results: [] as User[], fetching: false, error: null, }; }, async setArbiter(proposalId: number, userId: number) { app.arbiterSaving = true; app.arbiterSaved = false; try { const { proposal, user } = await setArbiter(proposalId, userId); this.updateProposalInStore(proposal); this.updateUserInStore(user); app.arbiterSaved = true; } catch (e) { handleApiError(e); } app.arbiterSaving = false; }, // Proposals async fetchProposals() { = true; try { const page = await fetchProposals(app.getProposalPageQuery()); = {,, fetched: true, }; } catch (e) { handleApiError(e); } = false; }, setProposalPageQuery(query: Partial) { // sometimes we need to reset page to 1 if (query.filters || { = 1; } = {, ...query, }; }, getProposalPageQuery() { return pick(, ['page', 'search', 'filters', 'sort']) as PageQuery; }, resetProposalPageQuery() { = 1; = ''; = 'CREATED:DESC'; = []; }, async fetchProposalDetail(id: number) { app.proposalDetailFetching = true; try { app.proposalDetail = await fetchProposalDetail(id); } catch (e) { handleApiError(e); } app.proposalDetailFetching = false; }, async updateProposalDetail(updates: Partial) { if (!app.proposalDetail) { return; } try { const res = await updateProposal({ ...updates, proposalId: app.proposalDetail.proposalId, }); app.updateProposalInStore(res); } catch (e) { handleApiError(e); } }, async deleteProposal(id: number) { try { await deleteProposal(id); = p => p.proposalId === id, ); } catch (e) { handleApiError(e); } }, async approveProposal(isApprove: boolean, rejectReason?: string) { if (!app.proposalDetail) { const m = 'store.approveProposal(): Expected proposalDetail to be populated!'; app.generalError.push(m); console.error(m); return; } app.proposalDetailApproving = true; try { const { proposalId } = app.proposalDetail; const res = await approveProposal(proposalId, isApprove, rejectReason); app.updateProposalInStore(res); } catch (e) { handleApiError(e); } app.proposalDetailApproving = false; }, async markMilestonePaid(proposalId: number, milestoneId: number, txId: string) { app.proposalDetailMarkingMilestonePaid = true; try { const res = await markMilestonePaid(proposalId, milestoneId, txId); app.updateProposalInStore(res); } catch (e) { handleApiError(e); } app.proposalDetailMarkingMilestonePaid = false; }, // Email async getEmailExample(type: string) { try { const example = await getEmailExample(type); app.emailExamples = {, [type]: example, }; } catch (e) { handleApiError(e); } }, // RFPs async fetchRFPs() { app.rfpsFetching = true; try { app.rfps = await getRFPs(); app.rfpsFetched = true; } catch (e) { handleApiError(e); } app.rfpsFetching = false; }, async createRFP(args: RFPArgs) { app.rfpSaving = true; try { const data = await createRFP(args); app.rfps = [data,]; app.rfpSaved = true; } catch (e) { handleApiError(e); } app.rfpSaving = false; }, async editRFP(id: number, args: RFPArgs) { app.rfpSaving = true; app.rfpSaved = false; try { await editRFP(id, args); app.rfpSaved = true; await app.fetchRFPs(); } catch (e) { handleApiError(e); } app.rfpSaving = false; }, async deleteRFP(id: number) { app.rfpDeleting = true; app.rfpDeleted = false; try { await deleteRFP(id); app.rfps = app.rfps.filter(rfp => !== id); app.rfpDeleted = true; } catch (e) { handleApiError(e); } app.rfpDeleting = false; }, // Contributions async fetchContributions() { = true; try { const page = await getContributions(app.getContributionPageQuery()); = {,, fetched: true, }; } catch (e) { handleApiError(e); } = false; }, setContributionPageQuery(query: Partial) { // sometimes we need to reset page to 1 if (query.filters || { = 1; } = {, ...query, }; }, getContributionPageQuery() { return pick(, [ 'page', 'search', 'filters', 'sort', ]) as PageQuery; }, resetContributionPageQuery() { = 1; = ''; = 'CREATED:DESC'; = []; }, async fetchContributionDetail(id: number) { app.contributionDetailFetching = true; try { app.contributionDetail = await getContribution(id); } catch (e) { handleApiError(e); } app.contributionDetailFetching = false; }, async editContribution(id: number, args: ContributionArgs) { app.contributionSaving = true; app.contributionSaved = false; try { await editContribution(id, args); app.contributionSaved = true; } catch (e) { handleApiError(e); } app.contributionSaving = false; }, async createContribution(args: ContributionArgs) { app.contributionSaving = true; app.contributionSaved = false; try { await createContribution(args); app.contributionSaved = true; } catch (e) { handleApiError(e); } app.contributionSaving = false; }, }); // Utils function handleApiError(e: AxiosError) { if (e.response &&!.message) { app.generalError.push(e.response!.data.message); } else if (e.response &&!.data!) { app.generalError.push(e.response!; } else { app.generalError.push(e.toString()); } } function createDefaultPageData(sort: string): PageData { return { sort, page: 1, search: '', filters: [] as string[], pageSize: 0, total: 0, items: [] as T[], fetching: false, fetched: false, }; } // Attach to window for inspection (window as any).appStore = app; // check login status periodically app.checkLogin(); window.setInterval(app.checkLogin, 10000); export type TApp = typeof app; export default app;