import React from 'react'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { compose } from 'recompose'; import { Steps, Icon, Spin, Alert } from 'antd'; import qs from 'query-string'; import { withRouter, RouteComponentProps } from 'react-router'; import { debounce } from 'underscore'; import Basics from './Basics'; import Team from './Team'; import Details from './Details'; import Milestones from './Milestones'; import Governance from './Governance'; import Review from './Review'; import Preview from './Preview'; import Final from './Final'; import createExampleProposal from './example'; import { createActions } from 'modules/create'; import { CreateFormState } from 'types'; import { getCreateErrors } from 'modules/create/utils'; import { web3Actions } from 'modules/web3'; import { AppState } from 'store/reducers'; import { Web3RenderProps } from 'lib/Web3Container'; import './index.less'; export enum CREATE_STEP { BASICS = 'BASICS', TEAM = 'TEAM', DETAILS = 'DETAILS', MILESTONES = 'MILESTONES', GOVERNANCE = 'GOVERNANCE', REVIEW = 'REVIEW', } const STEP_ORDER = [ CREATE_STEP.BASICS, CREATE_STEP.TEAM, CREATE_STEP.DETAILS, CREATE_STEP.MILESTONES, CREATE_STEP.GOVERNANCE, CREATE_STEP.REVIEW, ]; interface StepInfo { short: string; title: React.ReactNode; subtitle: React.ReactNode; help: React.ReactNode; component: React.ComponentClass; } const STEP_INFO: { [key in CREATE_STEP]: StepInfo } = { [CREATE_STEP.BASICS]: { short: 'Basics', title: 'Let’s start with the basics', subtitle: 'Don’t worry, you can come back and change things before publishing', help: 'You don’t have to fill out everything at once right now, you can come back later.', component: Basics, }, [CREATE_STEP.TEAM]: { short: 'Team', title: 'Assemble your team', subtitle: 'Let everyone know if you’re flying solo, or who you’re working with', help: 'More team members, real names, and linked social accounts adds legitimacy to your proposal', component: Team, }, [CREATE_STEP.DETAILS]: { short: 'Details', title: 'Dive into the details', subtitle: 'Here’s your chance to lay out the full proposal, in all its glory', help: 'Make sure people know what you’re building, why you’re qualified, and where the money’s going', component: Details, }, [CREATE_STEP.MILESTONES]: { short: 'Milestones', title: 'Set up milestones for deliverables', subtitle: 'Make a timeline of when you’ll complete tasks, and receive funds', help: 'Contributors are more willing to fund proposals with funding spread across multiple deadlines', component: Milestones, }, [CREATE_STEP.GOVERNANCE]: { short: 'Governance', title: 'Choose how you get paid, and who’s in control', subtitle: 'Everything here cannot be changed after publishing, so make sure it’s right', help: 'Double check everything! This data powers the smart contract, and is immutable once it’s deployed.', component: Governance, }, [CREATE_STEP.REVIEW]: { short: 'Review', title: 'Review your proposal', subtitle: 'Feel free to edit any field that doesn’t look right', help: 'You’ll get a chance to preview your proposal next before you publish it', component: Review, }, }; interface OwnProps { accounts: Web3RenderProps['accounts']; } interface StateProps { form: AppState['create']['form']; isSavingDraft: AppState['create']['isSavingDraft']; hasSavedDraft: AppState['create']['hasSavedDraft']; isFetchingDraft: AppState['create']['isFetchingDraft']; hasFetchedDraft: AppState['create']['hasFetchedDraft']; } interface DispatchProps { updateForm: typeof createActions['updateForm']; resetForm: typeof createActions['resetForm']; fetchDraft: typeof createActions['fetchDraft']; resetCreateCrowdFund: typeof web3Actions['resetCreateCrowdFund']; } type Props = OwnProps & StateProps & DispatchProps & RouteComponentProps; interface State { step: CREATE_STEP; isPreviewing: boolean; isPublishing: boolean; isExample: boolean; } class CreateFlow extends React.Component { private historyUnlisten: () => void; private debouncedUpdateForm: (form: Partial) => void; constructor(props: Props) { super(props); const searchValues = qs.parse(; const step = searchValues.step && CREATE_STEP[searchValues.step] ? (CREATE_STEP[searchValues.step] as CREATE_STEP) : CREATE_STEP.BASICS; this.state = { step, isPreviewing: false, isPublishing: false, isExample: false, }; this.debouncedUpdateForm = debounce(this.updateForm, 800); } componentDidMount() { this.props.resetCreateCrowdFund(); this.props.fetchDraft(); this.historyUnlisten = this.props.history.listen((location, action) => { if (action === 'POP') { const searchValues = qs.parse(; const urlStep = searchValues.step && searchValues.step.toUpperCase(); if (urlStep && CREATE_STEP[urlStep]) { this.setStep(urlStep as CREATE_STEP, true); } else { this.setStep(CREATE_STEP.BASICS, true); } } }); } componentWillUnmount() { if (this.historyUnlisten) { this.historyUnlisten(); } } render() { const { isFetchingDraft, isSavingDraft, hasFetchedDraft } = this.props; const { step, isPreviewing, isPublishing } = this.state; if (isFetchingDraft) { return (
); } const info = STEP_INFO[step]; const currentIndex = STEP_ORDER.indexOf(step); const isLastStep = STEP_ORDER.indexOf(step) === STEP_ORDER.length - 1; const StepComponent = info.component; let content; let showFooter = true; if (isPublishing) { content = ; showFooter = false; } else if (isPreviewing) { content = ; } else { content = (
{STEP_ORDER.slice(0, 5).map(s => ( this.setStep(s)} style={{ cursor: 'pointer' }} /> ))} {hasFetchedDraft && ( We've restored your state from before. If you want to start over,{' '} click here. } /> )}


); } return (
{content} {showFooter && (
{isLastStep ? ( <> ) : ( <>
)} {isSavingDraft && (
Saving draft...
); } private updateForm = (form: Partial) => { this.props.updateForm(form); }; private setStep = (step: CREATE_STEP, skipHistory?: boolean) => { this.setState({ step }); if (!skipHistory) { const { history, location } = this.props; history.push(`${location.pathname}?step=${step.toLowerCase()}`); } }; private nextStep = () => { const idx = STEP_ORDER.indexOf(this.state.step); if (idx !== STEP_ORDER.length - 1) { this.setStep(STEP_ORDER[idx + 1]); } }; private togglePreview = () => { this.setState({ isPreviewing: !this.state.isPreviewing }); }; private startPublish = () => { this.setState({ isPublishing: true }); }; private checkFormErrors = () => { const errors = getCreateErrors(this.props.form); return !!Object.keys(errors).length; }; private fillInExample = () => { const { accounts } = this.props; const [payoutAddress, ...trustees] = accounts; this.updateForm(createExampleProposal(payoutAddress, trustees || [])); setTimeout(() => { this.setState({ isExample: true, step: CREATE_STEP.REVIEW, }); }, 50); }; } const withConnect = connect( (state: AppState) => ({ form: state.create.form, isSavingDraft: state.create.isSavingDraft, hasSavedDraft: state.create.hasSavedDraft, isFetchingDraft: state.create.isFetchingDraft, hasFetchedDraft: state.create.hasFetchedDraft, crowdFundLoading: state.web3.crowdFundLoading, crowdFundError: state.web3.crowdFundError, crowdFundCreatedAddress: state.web3.crowdFundCreatedAddress, }), { updateForm: createActions.updateForm, resetForm: createActions.resetForm, fetchDraft: createActions.fetchDraft, resetCreateCrowdFund: web3Actions.resetCreateCrowdFund, }, ); export default compose( withRouter, withConnect, )(CreateFlow);