from .mocks import mock_request from grant.utils.enums import Category test_user = { "displayName": 'Groot', "emailAddress": '', "password": "p4ssw0rd", "title": 'I am Groot!', "avatar": { "link": '' }, "socialMedias": [ { "service": 'GITHUB', "username": 'groot' } ] } test_team = [test_user] test_other_user = { "displayName": 'Faketoshi', "emailAddress": '', "title": 'The Real Fake Satoshi', "password": 'n4k0m0t0' } milestones = [ { "title": "All the money straightaway", "content": "cool stuff with it", "dateEstimated": 1549505307, "payoutPercent": "100", "immediatePayout": False } ] test_proposal = { "team": test_team, "crowdFundContractAddress": "0x20000", "content": "## My Proposal", "title": "Give Me Money", "brief": "$$$", "milestones": milestones, "category": Category.ACCESSIBILITY, "target": "123.456", "payoutAddress": "123", "deadlineDuration": 100 } test_comment = { "comment": "Test comment" } test_reply = { "comment": "Test reply" # Fill in parentCommentId in test } mock_contribution_addresses = mock_request({ 'transparent': 't123', 'sprout': 'z123', 'memo': '123', }) mock_valid_address = mock_request({ 'valid': True, }) mock_invalid_address = mock_request({ 'valid': False, }) def mock_blockchain_api_requests(path, **kwargs): if '/contribution/addresses' in path: return mock_contribution_addresses() if '/validate/address' in path: return mock_valid_address() raise Exception('No mock data defined for path {}'.format(path))