
246 lines
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import React from 'react';
import { hot } from 'react-hot-loader';
import {
} from 'react-router';
import loadable from 'loadable-components';
import AuthRoute from 'components/AuthRoute';
import Template, { TemplateProps } from 'components/Template';
// wrap components in loadable...import & they will be split
const Home = loadable(() => import('pages/index'));
const Create = loadable(() => import('pages/create'));
const Proposals = loadable(() => import('pages/proposals'));
const Proposal = loadable(() => import('pages/proposal'));
const Auth = loadable(() => import('pages/auth'));
const SignOut = loadable(() => import('pages/sign-out'));
const Profile = loadable(() => import('pages/profile'));
const Settings = loadable(() => import('pages/settings'));
const Exception = loadable(() => import('pages/exception'));
const Tos = loadable(() => import('pages/tos'));
const About = loadable(() => import('pages/about'));
const Privacy = loadable(() => import('pages/privacy'));
const Contact = loadable(() => import('pages/contact'));
const VerifyEmail = loadable(() => import('pages/email-verify'));
import 'styles/style.less';
interface RouteConfig extends RouteProps {
route: RouteProps;
template: TemplateProps;
requiresWeb3?: boolean;
onlyLoggedIn?: boolean;
onlyLoggedOut?: boolean;
const routeConfigs: RouteConfig[] = [
// Homepage
route: {
path: '/',
component: Home,
exact: true,
template: {
title: 'Home',
isHeaderTransparent: true,
isFullScreen: true,
// Create proposal
route: {
path: '/create',
component: Create,
template: {
title: 'Create a Proposal',
isFullScreen: true,
hideFooter: true,
requiresWeb3: true,
// Browse proposals
route: {
path: '/proposals',
component: Proposals,
exact: true,
template: {
title: 'Browse proposals',
requiresWeb3: true,
// Proposal detail page
route: {
path: '/proposals/:id',
component: Proposal,
template: {
title: 'Proposal',
requiresWeb3: true,
// Self profile
route: {
path: '/profile',
component: Profile,
exact: true,
template: {
title: 'Profile',
onlyLoggedIn: true,
// Settings page
route: {
path: '/profile/settings',
component: Settings,
exact: true,
template: {
title: 'Settings',
onlyLoggedIn: true,
// Terms of Service page
route: {
path: '/tos',
component: Tos,
exact: true,
template: {
title: 'Terms of Service',
onlyLoggedIn: false,
// About page
route: {
path: '/about',
component: About,
exact: true,
template: {
title: 'About',
onlyLoggedIn: false,
// Privacy page
route: {
path: '/privacy',
component: Privacy,
exact: true,
template: {
title: 'Privacy Policy',
onlyLoggedIn: false,
// Contact page
route: {
path: '/contact',
component: Contact,
exact: true,
template: {
title: 'Contact',
onlyLoggedIn: false,
// User profile
route: {
path: '/profile/:id',
component: Profile,
template: {
title: 'Profile',
// Sign in / sign up
route: {
path: '/auth',
component: Auth,
exact: true,
template: {
title: 'Sign in',
onlyLoggedOut: true,
// Sign out
route: {
path: '/auth/sign-out',
component: SignOut,
exact: true,
template: {
title: 'Signed out',
// Verify email
route: {
path: '/email/verify',
component: VerifyEmail,
exact: true,
template: {
title: 'Verify email',
// 404
route: {
path: '/*',
render: () => <Exception code="404" />,
template: {
title: 'Page not found',
type Props = RouteComponentProps<any>;
class Routes extends React.PureComponent<Props> {
render() {
const { pathname } = this.props.location;
const currentRoute =
routeConfigs.find(config => !!matchPath(pathname, config.route)) ||
routeConfigs[routeConfigs.length - 1];
const routeComponents = routeConfigs.map(config => {
const { route, onlyLoggedIn, onlyLoggedOut } = config;
if (onlyLoggedIn || onlyLoggedOut) {
return <AuthRoute key={route.path} onlyLoggedOut={onlyLoggedOut} {...route} />;
} else {
return <Route key={route.path} {...route} />;
return (
<Template {...currentRoute.template}>
const RouterAwareRoutes = withRouter(Routes);
export default hot(module)(RouterAwareRoutes);