
333 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#ifndef ZC_ADDRESS_H_
#define ZC_ADDRESS_H_
#include "consensus/params.h"
#include "key_constants.h"
#include "pubkey.h"
2021-11-29 19:04:37 -08:00
#include "key_constants.h"
#include "script/script.h"
#include "uint256.h"
#include "pubkey.h"
#include "script/script.h"
#include "util/match.h"
#include "zcash/address/orchard.hpp"
#include "zcash/address/sapling.hpp"
#include "zcash/address/sprout.hpp"
#include "zcash/address/unified.h"
#include "zcash/address/zip32.h"
#include <variant>
2022-05-26 09:09:30 -07:00
#include <rust/constants.h>
#include <rust/unified_keys.h>
2022-05-26 09:09:30 -07:00
const unsigned char ZCASH_UFVK_ID_PERSONAL[blake2b::PERSONALBYTES] =
2021-12-09 13:20:51 -08:00
{'Z', 'c', 'a', 's', 'h', '_', 'U', 'F', 'V', 'K', '_', 'I', 'd', '_', 'F', 'P'};
namespace libzcash {
bool HasKnownReceiverType(const Receiver& receiver);
struct ReceiverIterator {
using iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using value_type = const Receiver;
using pointer = const Receiver*;
using reference = const Receiver&;
ReceiverIterator(std::vector<const Receiver*> sorted, size_t cur) :
sortedReceivers(sorted), cur(cur) {}
reference operator*() const { return *sortedReceivers[cur]; }
pointer operator->() { return sortedReceivers[cur]; }
ReceiverIterator& operator++() { cur++; return *this; }
ReceiverIterator operator++(int) {
ReceiverIterator tmp = *this;
return tmp;
friend bool operator==(const ReceiverIterator& a, const ReceiverIterator& b) {
return a.sortedReceivers == b.sortedReceivers && a.cur == b.cur;
friend bool operator!=(const ReceiverIterator& a, const ReceiverIterator& b) {
return !(a == b);
std::vector<const Receiver*> sortedReceivers;
size_t cur;
2022-01-13 13:55:54 -08:00
class UnifiedAddress {
std::vector<Receiver> receivers;
std::vector<const Receiver*> GetSorted() const;
UnifiedAddress() {}
static UnifiedAddress ForSingleReceiver(Receiver receiver) {
UnifiedAddress ua;
return ua;
static std::optional<UnifiedAddress> Parse(const KeyConstants& keyConstants, const std::string& str);
template <typename Stream, typename Operation>
inline void SerializationOp(Stream& s, Operation ser_action) {
* Adds the given receiver to this unified address.
* Receivers are stored in the unified address (and its encoding) in the order they
* are added. When generating a new UA, call this method in preference order.
* Returns false if adding this receiver would result in an invalid unified address:
* - The UA already contains this receiver type.
* - The UA would contain both P2PKH and P2SH receivers.
bool AddReceiver(Receiver receiver);
bool ContainsReceiver(const Receiver& receiver) const;
const std::vector<Receiver>& GetReceiversAsParsed() const { return receivers; }
std::set<ReceiverType> GetKnownReceiverTypes() const {
std::set<ReceiverType> result;
for (const auto& receiver : receivers) {
examine(receiver, match {
[&](const libzcash::OrchardRawAddress &zaddr) {
[&](const libzcash::SaplingPaymentAddress &zaddr) {
[&](const CScriptID &zaddr) {
[&](const CKeyID &zaddr) {
[&](const libzcash::UnknownReceiver &uaddr) {
return result;
ReceiverIterator begin() const {
return ReceiverIterator(GetSorted(), 0);
ReceiverIterator end() const {
return ReceiverIterator(GetSorted(), receivers.size());
size_t size() const {
return receivers.size();
std::optional<CKeyID> GetP2PKHReceiver() const;
std::optional<CScriptID> GetP2SHReceiver() const;
std::optional<SaplingPaymentAddress> GetSaplingReceiver() const;
std::optional<OrchardRawAddress> GetOrchardReceiver() const;
* Return the most-preferred receiver from among the receiver types
* that we recognize and can use at the given block height.
std::optional<RecipientAddress> GetPreferredRecipientAddress(
const Consensus::Params& consensus, int height) const;
2022-01-13 13:55:54 -08:00
friend inline bool operator==(const UnifiedAddress& a, const UnifiedAddress& b) {
return a.receivers == b.receivers;
friend inline bool operator!=(const UnifiedAddress& a, const UnifiedAddress& b) {
return a.receivers != b.receivers;
friend inline bool operator<(const UnifiedAddress& a, const UnifiedAddress& b) {
return a.receivers < b.receivers;
class UnifiedFullViewingKeyBuilder;
* Wrapper for a zcash_address::unified::Ufvk.
class UnifiedFullViewingKey {
std::unique_ptr<UnifiedFullViewingKeyPtr, decltype(&unified_full_viewing_key_free)> inner;
UnifiedFullViewingKey() :
inner(nullptr, unified_full_viewing_key_free) {}
UnifiedFullViewingKey(UnifiedFullViewingKeyPtr* ptr) :
inner(ptr, unified_full_viewing_key_free) {}
friend class UnifiedFullViewingKeyBuilder;
2021-11-29 19:04:37 -08:00
UnifiedFullViewingKey(UnifiedFullViewingKey&& key) : inner(std::move(key.inner)) {}
UnifiedFullViewingKey(const UnifiedFullViewingKey& key) :
inner(unified_full_viewing_key_clone(key.inner.get()), unified_full_viewing_key_free) {}
* This method should only be used for serialization of unified full
* viewing keys that have been generated internally from unified spending
* keys by Zcashd. It is not suitable for use in any case where the
* ZcashdUnifiedFullViewingKey value may have been produced by a
* potentially-lossy conversion from a UnifiedFullViewingKey value that
* originated outside of zcashd.
static UnifiedFullViewingKey FromZcashdUFVK(const ZcashdUnifiedFullViewingKey&);
2021-11-29 19:04:37 -08:00
static std::optional<UnifiedFullViewingKey> Decode(
const std::string& str,
const KeyConstants& keyConstants);
std::string Encode(const KeyConstants& keyConstants) const;
std::optional<OrchardFullViewingKey> GetOrchardKey() const;
std::optional<SaplingDiversifiableFullViewingKey> GetSaplingKey() const;
std::optional<transparent::AccountPubKey> GetTransparentKey() const;
2021-11-29 19:04:37 -08:00
UFVKId GetKeyID(const KeyConstants& keyConstants) const;
std::set<ReceiverType> GetKnownReceiverTypes() const {
std::set<ReceiverType> result;
if (GetTransparentKey().has_value()) {
if (GetSaplingKey().has_value()) {
if (GetOrchardKey().has_value()) {
return result;
UnifiedFullViewingKey& operator=(UnifiedFullViewingKey&& key)
if (this != &key) {
inner = std::move(key.inner);
return *this;
UnifiedFullViewingKey& operator=(const UnifiedFullViewingKey& key)
if (this != &key) {
return *this;
class UnifiedFullViewingKeyBuilder {
std::optional<std::vector<uint8_t>> t_bytes;
std::optional<std::vector<uint8_t>> sapling_bytes;
std::optional<std::vector<uint8_t>> orchard_bytes;
orchard_bytes(std::nullopt) {}
bool AddTransparentKey(const transparent::AccountPubKey&);
bool AddSaplingKey(const SaplingDiversifiableFullViewingKey&);
bool AddOrchardKey(const OrchardFullViewingKey&);
std::optional<UnifiedFullViewingKey> build() const;
/** Addresses that can appear in a string encoding. */
typedef std::variant<
UnifiedAddress> PaymentAddress;
/** Viewing keys that can have a string encoding. */
typedef std::variant<
UnifiedFullViewingKey> ViewingKey;
/** Spending keys that can have a string encoding. */
typedef std::variant<
SaplingExtendedSpendingKey> SpendingKey;
2022-05-26 15:28:35 -07:00
class HasShieldedRecipient {
bool operator()(const CKeyID& p2pkh) { return false; }
bool operator()(const CScriptID& p2sh) { return false; }
bool operator()(const SproutPaymentAddress& addr) { return true; }
bool operator()(const SaplingPaymentAddress& addr) { return true; }
2022-05-26 15:28:35 -07:00
bool operator()(const UnifiedAddress& addr) { return true; }
class SelectRecipientAddress {
const Consensus::Params& consensus;
int height;
SelectRecipientAddress(const Consensus::Params& consensus, int height) :
consensus(consensus), height(height) {}
std::optional<RecipientAddress> operator()(const CKeyID& p2pkh) { return p2pkh; }
std::optional<RecipientAddress> operator()(const CScriptID& p2sh) { return p2sh; }
std::optional<RecipientAddress> operator()(const SproutPaymentAddress& addr) { return std::nullopt; }
std::optional<RecipientAddress> operator()(const SaplingPaymentAddress& addr) { return addr; }
std::optional<RecipientAddress> operator()(const UnifiedAddress& addr) {
return addr.GetPreferredRecipientAddress(consensus, height);
class AddressInfoFromSpendingKey {
std::pair<std::string, PaymentAddress> operator()(const SproutSpendingKey&) const;
std::pair<std::string, PaymentAddress> operator()(const struct SaplingExtendedSpendingKey&) const;
class AddressInfoFromViewingKey {
const KeyConstants& keyConstants;
AddressInfoFromViewingKey(const KeyConstants& keyConstants): keyConstants(keyConstants) {}
std::pair<std::string, PaymentAddress> operator()(const SproutViewingKey&) const;
std::pair<std::string, PaymentAddress> operator()(const struct SaplingExtendedFullViewingKey&) const;
std::pair<std::string, PaymentAddress> operator()(const UnifiedFullViewingKey&) const;
} //namespace libzcash
* Gets the typecode for the given UA receiver.
class TypecodeForReceiver {
TypecodeForReceiver() {}
uint32_t operator()(const libzcash::OrchardRawAddress &zaddr) const;
uint32_t operator()(const libzcash::SaplingPaymentAddress &zaddr) const;
uint32_t operator()(const CScriptID &p2sh) const;
uint32_t operator()(const CKeyID &p2pkh) const;
uint32_t operator()(const libzcash::UnknownReceiver &p2pkh) const;
#endif // ZC_ADDRESS_H_