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2019-12-04 07:29:16 -08:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2018 The Zcash developers
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file COPYING or https://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php .
from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
from test_framework.util import assert_equal, assert_true, assert_false
from test_framework.util import wait_and_assert_operationid_status
from decimal import Decimal
my_memo_str = 'c0ffee' # stay awake
my_memo = '633066666565'
my_memo = my_memo + '0'*(1024-len(my_memo))
no_memo = 'f6' + ('0'*1022) # see section 5.5 of the protocol spec
fee = Decimal('0.0001')
feeZat = 10000
class ListReceivedTest (BitcoinTestFramework):
def generate_and_sync(self, new_height):
current_height = self.nodes[0].getblockcount()
assert(new_height > current_height)
self.nodes[0].generate(new_height - current_height)
assert_equal(new_height, self.nodes[0].getblockcount())
def run_test_release(self, release, height):
taddr = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress()
zaddr1 = self.nodes[1].z_getnewaddress(release)
zaddrExt = self.nodes[3].z_getnewaddress(release)
self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(taddr, 4.0)
# Send 1 ZEC to zaddr1
opid = self.nodes[1].z_sendmany(taddr, [
{'address': zaddr1, 'amount': 1, 'memo': my_memo},
{'address': zaddrExt, 'amount': 2},
txid = wait_and_assert_operationid_status(self.nodes[1], opid)
# Decrypted transaction details should be correct
pt = self.nodes[1].z_viewtransaction(txid)
assert_equal(pt['txid'], txid)
assert_equal(len(pt['spends']), 0)
assert_equal(len(pt['outputs']), 1 if release == 'sprout' else 2)
# Output orders can be randomized, so we check the output
# positions and contents separately
outputs = []
assert_equal(pt['outputs'][0]['type'], release)
if release == 'sprout':
assert_equal(pt['outputs'][0]['js'], 0)
jsOutputPrev = pt['outputs'][0]['jsOutput']
elif pt['outputs'][0]['address'] == zaddr1:
assert_equal(pt['outputs'][0]['outgoing'], False)
assert_equal(pt['outputs'][0]['memoStr'], my_memo_str)
assert_equal(pt['outputs'][0]['outgoing'], True)
'address': pt['outputs'][0]['address'],
'value': pt['outputs'][0]['value'],
'valueZat': pt['outputs'][0]['valueZat'],
'memo': pt['outputs'][0]['memo'],
if release != 'sprout':
assert_equal(pt['outputs'][1]['type'], release)
if pt['outputs'][1]['address'] == zaddr1:
assert_equal(pt['outputs'][1]['outgoing'], False)
assert_equal(pt['outputs'][1]['memoStr'], my_memo_str)
assert_equal(pt['outputs'][1]['outgoing'], True)
'address': pt['outputs'][1]['address'],
'value': pt['outputs'][1]['value'],
'valueZat': pt['outputs'][1]['valueZat'],
'memo': pt['outputs'][1]['memo'],
'address': zaddr1,
'value': Decimal('1'),
'valueZat': 100000000,
'memo': my_memo,
} in outputs)
if release != 'sprout':
'address': zaddrExt,
'value': Decimal('2'),
'valueZat': 200000000,
'memo': no_memo,
} in outputs)
r = self.nodes[1].z_listreceivedbyaddress(zaddr1)
assert_equal(0, len(r), "Should have received no confirmed note")
2020-04-19 16:22:06 -07:00
c = self.nodes[1].z_getnotescount()
assert_equal(0, c[release], "Count of confirmed notes should be 0")
# No confirmation required, one note should be present
r = self.nodes[1].z_listreceivedbyaddress(zaddr1, 0)
assert_equal(1, len(r), "Should have received one (unconfirmed) note")
assert_equal(txid, r[0]['txid'])
assert_equal(1, r[0]['amount'])
assert_equal(100000000, r[0]['amountZat'])
assert_false(r[0]['change'], "Note should not be change")
assert_equal(my_memo, r[0]['memo'])
assert_equal(0, r[0]['confirmations'])
assert_equal(-1, r[0]['blockindex'])
assert_equal(0, r[0]['blockheight'])
2020-04-19 16:22:06 -07:00
c = self.nodes[1].z_getnotescount(0)
assert_equal(1, c[release], "Count of unconfirmed notes should be 1")
# Confirm transaction (1 ZEC from taddr to zaddr1)
2020-03-11 09:43:47 -07:00
# adjust confirmations
r[0]['confirmations'] = 1
# adjust blockindex
r[0]['blockindex'] = 1
2020-03-11 09:43:47 -07:00
# adjust height
r[0]['blockheight'] = height + 3
# Require one confirmation, note should be present
assert_equal(r, self.nodes[1].z_listreceivedbyaddress(zaddr1))
# Generate some change by sending part of zaddr1 to zaddr2
txidPrev = txid
zaddr2 = self.nodes[1].z_getnewaddress(release)
opid = self.nodes[1].z_sendmany(zaddr1,
[{'address': zaddr2, 'amount': 0.6}])
txid = wait_and_assert_operationid_status(self.nodes[1], opid)
# Decrypted transaction details should be correct
pt = self.nodes[1].z_viewtransaction(txid)
assert_equal(pt['txid'], txid)
assert_equal(len(pt['spends']), 1)
assert_equal(len(pt['outputs']), 2)
assert_equal(pt['spends'][0]['type'], release)
assert_equal(pt['spends'][0]['txidPrev'], txidPrev)
if release == 'sprout':
assert_equal(pt['spends'][0]['js'], 0)
# jsSpend is randomised during transaction creation
assert_equal(pt['spends'][0]['jsPrev'], 0)
assert_equal(pt['spends'][0]['jsOutputPrev'], jsOutputPrev)
assert_equal(pt['spends'][0]['spend'], 0)
assert_equal(pt['spends'][0]['outputPrev'], 0)
assert_equal(pt['spends'][0]['address'], zaddr1)
assert_equal(pt['spends'][0]['value'], Decimal('1.0'))
assert_equal(pt['spends'][0]['valueZat'], 100000000)
# Output orders can be randomized, so we check the output
# positions and contents separately
outputs = []
assert_equal(pt['outputs'][0]['type'], release)
if release == 'sapling':
assert_equal(pt['outputs'][0]['output'], 0)
assert_equal(pt['outputs'][0]['outgoing'], False)
'address': pt['outputs'][0]['address'],
'value': pt['outputs'][0]['value'],
'valueZat': pt['outputs'][0]['valueZat'],
'memo': pt['outputs'][0]['memo'],
assert_equal(pt['outputs'][1]['type'], release)
if release == 'sapling':
assert_equal(pt['outputs'][1]['output'], 1)
assert_equal(pt['outputs'][1]['outgoing'], False)
'address': pt['outputs'][1]['address'],
'value': pt['outputs'][1]['value'],
'valueZat': pt['outputs'][1]['valueZat'],
'memo': pt['outputs'][1]['memo'],
'address': zaddr2,
'value': Decimal('0.6'),
'valueZat': 60000000,
'memo': no_memo,
} in outputs)
'address': zaddr1,
'value': Decimal('0.3999'),
'valueZat': 39990000,
'memo': no_memo,
} in outputs)
# zaddr1 should have a note with change
r = self.nodes[1].z_listreceivedbyaddress(zaddr1, 0)
r = sorted(r, key = lambda received: received['amount'])
assert_equal(2, len(r), "zaddr1 Should have received 2 notes")
assert_equal(txid, r[0]['txid'])
assert_equal(Decimal('0.4')-fee, r[0]['amount'])
assert_equal(40000000-feeZat, r[0]['amountZat'])
assert_true(r[0]['change'], "Note valued at (0.4-fee) should be change")
assert_equal(no_memo, r[0]['memo'])
# The old note still exists (it's immutable), even though it is spent
assert_equal(Decimal('1.0'), r[1]['amount'])
assert_equal(100000000, r[1]['amountZat'])
assert_false(r[1]['change'], "Note valued at 1.0 should not be change")
assert_equal(my_memo, r[1]['memo'])
# zaddr2 should not have change
r = self.nodes[1].z_listreceivedbyaddress(zaddr2, 0)
r = sorted(r, key = lambda received: received['amount'])
assert_equal(1, len(r), "zaddr2 Should have received 1 notes")
assert_equal(txid, r[0]['txid'])
assert_equal(Decimal('0.6'), r[0]['amount'])
assert_equal(60000000, r[0]['amountZat'])
assert_false(r[0]['change'], "Note valued at 0.6 should not be change")
assert_equal(no_memo, r[0]['memo'])
2020-04-19 16:22:06 -07:00
c = self.nodes[1].z_getnotescount(0)
assert_equal(3, c[release], "Count of unconfirmed notes should be 3(2 in zaddr1 + 1 in zaddr2)")
def run_test(self):
self.run_test_release('sprout', 200)
self.run_test_release('sapling', 214)
if __name__ == '__main__':